» Fantasy » Magic of the Ancestral kind., Tremeil Sparks [best motivational books for students txt] 📗

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Chapter one Daddy's little witch

We were just entering the damp warehouse basement Alex pushing the double doors open and the neon lights and loud drop from the song pushed a smile onto my face. “Ease my mind Alex!” I yelled grabbing his hand and pulled him to the floor where the crowd jumping to the beat the aura full of electric souls. Their silvery blue mist zipping from person to person. “Who knew Dubstep attracted sprites?” Alex yelled over the music I laughed as I watched one settle near his cheeks a dimple forming as I watched him his blue eyes burning with excitement. “Let me go find some drinks!” He yelled and I nodded as he disappeared into the crowed I kept dancing making my way up to the middle as close as I could. I looked up to the row of scaffolds where the Dj was standing his set around him glowing with pink and green neon lights he wore a glowing ski mask with aviator glasses. “Amazing huh?” I turned around someone had pinched my elbow and when I looked I saw Ashley Cummings looking at me her usually prep look overcome with glow powder and neon make up. “Not working tonight?” I asked and she laughed shaking her stringy blonde hair and said. “Well technically I am but this part won’t make it to the blog in the morning.” She handed me a small play dough container and I smiled popping the lid she lifted hers up and said with a big smile. “Here’s to being Seniors!” I laughed and toasted “Here’s to being totally dirt faced!” she laughed and we both crossed each other arms and threw the shots back. as soon as the alcohol hit my throat it sent burning chills through me I let go squinching the tears away and laughed Ashley gave a whoop and laughed clearing her throat. That’s when I noticed my back pocket vibrating I reached in and pulled out my phone. “COP’s! @ front doors run!” a text from Alex I grabbed Ashley’s hand and she frowned as I yanked her away from a boy grinding on her. “We have to go!” I said pulling her to the large double door to the left. “Wait why?” she asked but I kept going but when we reached the doors were met chains and a pad lock. “Fuck.” I said and she tried pulling them. “What’s going on?” she asked me and I pulled her close. and I told her about the text. “Let me find something.” She said turning around I looked around me the no one was paying attention and the flickering lights would not give me away. I raised my hand to the lock and slowly I started closing my hand feeling a warm energy inside my palm and pressure as if I was squeezing a ball. The lock begin to shake and glow increasingly red until it exploded popping everywhere the chains dropping. “What happened to the lock?” Ashley asked but I didn’t have to lie because Alex climbed the scaffold and grabbed a microphone. “COPS!” he yelled this lead to people pushing and screaming trying to make it out. “Alex!” I yelled to him but my voice was drowned out Ashley grabbed my hand and was pulling me out the double doors and to the long hallway just as swat and cops came rushing into the building throwing tear gas and flash bangs. I screamed his name again but the last I saw was him jumping off the scaffold running to a girl who was on the ground being trampled by people running. The hallway was now packed people running to find the exit. We finally made it to the streets and was met with more cops no one knew what to do as the bright spot lights blared guilt at us. “Cira Alderson!” my heart dropped as I recognized the voice Ashley let go of my hand and started backing into the crowed of people I held up my hand looking past the light to see the shadows of cops and cars. “Cira Alderson, where is Cira Alderson?” The voice asked again then I felt someone push me forward. “I… yes?” I asked my voice breaking there were whispers from behind me and in front. “You are grounded.” I blinked my gut wrenching as my father came walking to me from the bright lights He stood over me seven feet tall his greying blonde hair combed back bright blue eyes freezing my bones. “I would expect everyone here who are under the age to call their parents or else these gentlemen can make several trips with the Van to and from the detention  center tonight.” His gaze left me as he surveyed the people behind me everyone seemed to hold their breath. He reached out and grabbed my elbow dragging me away. “Ow stop that hurts!” I yelled but he held tighter and pulled me I had to jog to stay up with him. “I will not have my you running around town doing God knows what whilst lying to me.” He said this not yelling because he didn’t have to he never did the authority was there in his voice with a mixture of disgust and disappointment.  “I didn’t lie to you I said that I was going to hang out with Alex…” We were near his car and he slung me around I hit the car and looked at him like the frightened little rabbit to the wolf we were. “And you fail to leave out the part where you and the Aitken boy were going to a party full of stupid teenagers getting drunk and high on God know’s what.” I snarled back at him “Alex and I were not doing those things!” his hand was out before I could process the burning hot slap brought tears to my eyes and blood to my mouth as I bit my tongue. “You fail to see that lying to me will get you anywhere so I guess when I ground you I have to all I can to show you to respect me.” As he said this my cheek where he slapped me increased in heat the blood rushing to that spot as I became red in the face. “Ow… Ow stop!” I screamed as it became hotter I fell to my knees looking up at him his calm stern gaze returned to me. “Until you can act like the adult I am raising you to be I bind you.” he said and I just stared at him I knew what he was saying but it still felt as if he was speaking a different language I wanted to do something, to say something, but I couldn’t. The pain subsided and I stood up moving out of his way as he climbed into the car I walked around to the other side of the car and before I got in I tried to opened the door with my mind. Reaching out I felt for the force that drives our world and when I gripped it I started manipulating the door but instead of opening like I wanted the burning came back on my face I released the magic and looked into the mirror a five fingered slap was red hot on my face slowly disappearing. I opened the door with my hand and got into the back seat my father pulling off heading down the street I looked out the window to the large moss covered tree I want to run so far away but where would I go?...

We reached our house I slid out of the car and started to the house Dad never parked on the property but out on the street, Our manor was old but sturdy she had seen the heavy parts of the American and civil war and had a nice shiny plaque to prove it. I climbed the porch and the doop opened my mother standing there a somber smile on her lips she held my chin in her hand and stroked my face which heated a bit sensing her magic. “Oh Cira.” She said and I looked into her young blue eyes her cheeks round like the chipmunks we raised when I was six.  “I’m fine mom…” I said low as I glanced over my shoulder at my dad he was standing behind me yet avoiding touching me. I made my way into the house done with it all and I started up to my room when my father said. “Your mother have already cooked diner which you have let sit and turned cold either eat it or go the night without.” I turned on the steps and headed back down my father stood next to my mother looking at me but silent once again. “Adam let her be.” she said but he shook head and said “Cira what I do… how I… goodnight honey.” I looked up in his face but he just stared behind me so I turned and went up to my room. I walked into my room and instantly ran into my night stand unable to see in the dark room. It took me a minute to flick on the light switch behind my mirror having my powers made me very privileged because even this simple activity made me sweat a bit. I picked up my bath robe and headed out of my comfy bedroom and went into the bathroom. While I was making myself more lady like for the night I heard my parents heading to their room talking in hushed voices, my phone going off now and again in my bedroom and Miko our raven fluttering around in the attic. I came out and shuffled to my room my things clutched under my chin and arms. I dried off and jumped onto my bed engulfing myself in the layers of pillows. I smiled as I saw that most texts came from Alex I was about to call him back when I noticed the last text was, “Night kitty.” I scrolled back up to check the missed calls they were Alex’s so I just turned over and picked up one of my books off of the stand I didn’t even get to the third chapter before I was out but if I knew about the pain I was about to go through I would have crawled into my parents bed for the rest of the year…

I was walking in  the freezing cold the sky a sicking grey. My dad wouldn’t let me drive to school and I refused to ride with him my face stinging just a bit when I summoned energy reminding me of the hex he slapped on  me last night. I was walking across the bridge when a blazing red dirt bike came speeding past me and it happened a burning  rush went through me like flames awaking inside of my skin my face burning until electric shock froze me in my tracks finally my whole body felt as if I was purged into ice. I watched as the guy on the dirt bike skid to a sliding halt he looked at me and I him but I could not see his face behind  the green helmet only my shock. Then it was over I felt normal and he reeled up and speed off down the street my mouth hanging open.

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