» Fantasy » Loveabel, Katelyn Massie [most important books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Loveabel, Katelyn Massie [most important books to read TXT] 📗». Author Katelyn Massie

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Chapter One

I lie on the bed not abel to move but wanting to get outside and smell the salty air, fell the breeze fly through my hair....Aahh how i adore the brezze it wisks past everyone with out a care bt some how seems so gentel and agile. AS I step out of my shower and head to my closet I fell something something ,not quite right as I slip on my shirt and button up my jeans I notice something strange out my window something rather strange it was a man in a bowler hat and a long tan jacket. I quickly grab my shoes and head out the door to see who it was ,but by the time I got there he was gone and all he left behind was a piece of paper i picked it up and stuffed it into my jean's back pocket

I sat down at the kitchen tabel pulling the piece of paper out of my back pocket and began to read it.It read"I know you dont know me but i know you,Miranda,"I gasped how did that strange man know my name?Looking for an answer to my question i kept on reading"I'm not going to tell you who I am or how i know you but i will tell you this,You're life is about to change complitly you will fall in love only to have it end by him dying in 10 years.As for your futer children they will be fine as long as you don't remarry because that will end very baddly be warn...."I could not bear more"This is a load of bull Shit"I said aloud for this could not be true no way no how.

Chapter Two

As I sat down to wath T.V in the living room the door rang.I got up and rushed to the door hoping it was that book i orderes "The one left behind"but to my supprise it was a tall man with black curly hair the most beautiful blue eyes that I could drown in for days. I guese he relized my staring because he said"You know it isn't polite to stare at people wether they are strangers or not."Then he chuckeled and said "My name is Tom my car broke down on the highway up there and i was wondering if i could use your phone and maybe stay here for a coupel weeks."I stuttered as I said "Oooohh....of cource please come in um.. take a seat i'll get my cell phone."


When I came back he was standing in the kitchen smiling at me and i couldn't help but to smile and stare back. What this tall,handsome, misterious man did next completly amazed me he took me by the arm preesed me aginst the wall holdind my elbows with inly a small gap between us with was quickly close by his quick montions then he kissed me and kissed me over and over agin and the next thing i knew we were on the couch when the T.v came on ,i guese i was siting on the remote but that wasn't the thing I was paying most attention to, the man on the t.v was the same man that was outside my window and the thing he said made me shiver from the inside out"What you know and see today won't be the same tomorrow!"Then all of th sudden it turned back off.Then I relized i was lying on the couch,the time was still the same as it was when i first sat down, and the strange man had seemed to vanish

Chapter Three

Dinggg-DONG the door bell broke the silence I walked to the door with caution I opened it and there was a man he held out a package wich had the label "the one left behind"on it the man said"sign please."I closed the door and layed the book on the counter i went back to the living room thinking that was some crazy dream ,But in midist of my thought the door rang agin and i thought to myself i live on the beach where in the world are these people coming from i opened the door and there was only a leter no one in sight i picked it up it read "to my sweet Miranda."

i was complitly in shock i threw the leter on the counter and ran to my bed room only to be dissturbed by the sound of the door agin.


I opened it and it was the man from that weird dream but instead of wearing jeans and a button up shirt he was wearing shorts and a t-shirt but he still had those beautiful crystal blue eyes and he inturupted my observing by saying."Hello my name is Tom my car broke down and i was wondering if i could use your phone?""sure its in the kitchen right here um.. come in."

Chapter Four

He entered and went straight for the phone he dialed a number And i couldn't help but listen"Hello,i'd like to get asistance my car broke down blah deblah."It all seemed to fade togather and i couldn't help but admire his deep voice it was so amazing he was like a prince out of a fary-tale book."WHAT?........WHEN? long...........HOW MUCH?.............ok.."(Hangs up)"FUCK...AUHHHHH."Is every thing all right?"I asked in consern"NO"how he said that took my breeth away
"Whats wrong?"He chuckeled"nothing you need to worrie about.""Do you need a place to stay?"He looked up in awe as if I were some angel or something"Your as beautiful on the inside as you are outside.If you dont mind actually that would be rather nice.""Hmm..""WAT!""you said I was beautiful on the inside and out.""Wats wrong with that?"I scouffed"You are .your'e hair falls perfectly on your face,aw ur face an amzing complection,beautiful eyes,perfect body.What are you size ten.your amazing in every way.""ohh.stop i said you could stay you dont have to kiss up to me.""I'm not!"i smiled and so did he

Chapter Five

As the years past we began to fall in love his car had been fixed a long time now but he awlways found an excuse and todays was the best"Are you going to be leaving any time soon?"i shouted down the hall to <3Tom<3who was sitting at the kithen tabel drinking coffe "oohhh......that smells good can i have some?" "sure" He pouered me a cup and sat back down "when will you be leaving" "Never" "what?!?!" "i can't leave you because i love you." "Miranda will you marry me?please and make me the happiest man alive?""I....I...I....." he got on the
grund and pulled out a ring and i couldn't help but say"YES!!!"he put the ring on my finger picked me
up from the chair and swung me around with joy"oooohhhhh.....I LOVE YOU. I lOVE YOU.!.!"he kept repeating it AND SOONER THAN YOU THINK WE

Chapter Six

On our honey moon we made two children and had them delivered on the way back home to our house on the beach.Our two babys a girl and a boy ,Grace and Billy,.As The years past Tom grew very ill and on his death bed he said to me"I love you always know that, please dont get remarried because that would break my heart from heaven above, always keep the children togather and with you were it is safe,the times we had were times i wouldn't trade for anything,know that weather i die right now,in a coupel minutes,in a coupel weeks always know i'm with you,always.promise me please, I love you."i started to crie and even at his weakeast hour he took me in his arms and held me"Promise me please,Miranda please.""Yes,my darling i promise." " Good."i started to crie harder.""oh god Miranda please don't crie you have to be strong i'll always be with you and i promise i will force myself to live untill everyone goes to sleep." "No, you can't die I need you, we need you." "It's alright someone needs me more than you and the babys now.k?" "ok I love you my darling tom i always will." "And i will always love you to baby."


And sure enough he died that night They all cried and the children cried but the one who cried the most was me i loved him for only 10 years but it felt like i loved, and knew him for more than a life time and now he was gone that tore me apart the thing i cared most for was gone but I must be strong for my children.When we got home that night I feed the kids, brushed there teeth,brushed there hair,and sent them to bed.After that i was on the computer all night appling for jobs that would allow me to bring my children, babysiters,day care centers, and all through this i was looking at a picture of tom and praying were ever he is he will be ok.In the morning the kids were still asleep so i let them be i went into the kitchen and opened the drawr and in that drawr was the package containing the book"The one left behind"and a leter with the words "my sweet sweet Miranda"written on it. I opeaned it and inside it held two pieces of folded paper i opened the big one first it said" i know this is strange but im about to come down to your house agin ring the door bell and nock three times when you answer i hope you fell the same way i felt about you for years if you do not reconizeme i am tommy baraton your best friend since we were born i go by to now and i thought i'd never find you agin i love you and i always will
i plain to marry you have two kids a boy and a girl and name the boy billy i want you to name the girl.


I started to burst into tears i didn't know what to think i miss you tommy........I love

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