» Fantasy » flowers and ice, caitlin keeton, cat keeton [e book reader pdf .txt] 📗

Book online «flowers and ice, caitlin keeton, cat keeton [e book reader pdf .txt] 📗». Author caitlin keeton, cat keeton

chapter #1 silver moons and worn our lies a burden given by the lady with the sky in her eyes

The night was silent  as may made her way through the woods. the only noise being the the sound of the owls hooting and the sound of two hundred people walking through the woods. everything inside May wanted to run but she knew it wasn't possible. Her aunt and grandma walked behind her keeping a close eye on her. making sure she couldn't run. Tonight would be the night she would get her powers while most witches found this to be the best night of their lives all May could feel was dread. She would no longer be able to lead a normal life of a sixteen year old. she would be a freak. She once again found herself wondering what element the mother would bless her with. She shuddered for some reason she felt scared she knew that something was going to happen only she had no idea what. Finally after what seemed like hours the had reached the clearing. If it had been any other night May would have marveled in its beauty. You didn't have to be a witch to know this place was a place of ancient magic. The way the moon shone brighter here then any other place for miles the clearing was full of tall grass and hundreds upon hundreds of lily's lay in the field but in the middle stood tall colums and on these coloms were ancient symbols that her ancestors had chanted. and in the middle stood a tall round table. Everyone came to a sudden stop all but one man who made his way to the front. he stood taller then the others he radiated power in waves. his eyes were the color of red ruby's he stood to be 6'6 and his hair was as white as snow with black streaks. His name was Greyson their coven leader. May swallowed the lump in her throat there was no stoping it. The night she had dreaded her whole life had come upon her like the wind came with a vengeance. she closed her eyes and sighed she could do this she knew. She would find a way to get out of this. Her coven was not a coven of light they were evil. choosers of dark magic and one of the most feared for thousand of miles. No one could defeat them and no one had failed to try. "Ladies and gentlemen tonight is the night where we welcome a new comer." Greyson mostoned for May to step foreword. May had no choice but to step forward. She wanted to kick herself for trembling she knew how Greyson thrived on fear, And fear she did. Greyson placed his hand on her shoulder and it took all her will not to flinch away. Her skin crawled the evil that hand had done she could only grit her teeth. Greyson could only stare at the raven haired beauty with amusement he could feel her fear and he relished in it. She would make a fun play toy. she was unlike any of the other women in her coven and he knew she would be powerful. he suspected the lad knew that for she dreaded this night he could tell. He had to make her aunt and grandma watch her. she would run the moment she had the chance. He could not let that happen he would be losing his greatest weapon. It wasn't just her unknown power that drew him to her it was her looks. most of the women had to polish themselves into being even close to pretty but the girl next to him didn't even have  to try. her waste length hair was a dark black her skin pale  and her eyes were silver so silver in fact they looked like stars had been put in them. But now was not the time to think these thoughts the moon was almost at its highest. May felt even more fear at the hunger inside greysons eyes as he lead her to the table. she wasn't sure if that hunger was for power or for her she suspected both. it was no secret much to her family's jelioesy that she was wanted by him. May sighed and hoped on the table there was no getting away from it. she layed on her back on the hard cold stone but felt odly at peace as she stared up at the stars and moon. Slowly she felt her coven circle around her and started to chant it started low at first but got louder and the louder it became the more the world began to swim May felt as though she would vomit but before she could began to register it the chants began to fade and thing began to feel more calm when may opened her eyes she found herself in the same field only now there was sun. she frowned she hadn't heard of this ever happening before. May slowly stood up her legs wobbled beingth her but other then that she felt like she could run a marathon. and run she did. she had no idea if it was the way the sun beat on her head or the sudden freedom from her coven even if it were only for a few minutes she felt free for the first time since her parents had been killed."It is pretty isn't it?"May jumped and turned. startled by a voice. The voice had shocked may to the very core. it sounded like what a siren may sound like May would have jumped the highest cliff it had told her. And when she had turned around she knew that although the voice had sounded so pretty she knew it did no justice to the beauty that stood before her. she had hair black as night that made even Mays hair seem faded her eyes were as blue as the sky they swam with wisdom and power her lips were red as fire and her skin pale like the moon. around her she was surrounded by a white halo everything about her screamed pure."you have come far my child. and now you have approached your destiny.  your path will be hard for i have gifted you with a great burden. listen child and listen well when you wake up in the clearing you will find your coven in a deep sleep you will have but three days. and you must run for they will want you and they will want to use you." May stared wide eyed. she could hardly believe it."your the goddess aren't you?" Red lips twisted."I have been called many names but if you wish to call me goddess then i shall be. but our time is limited i must now give you this gift and it will hurt and always you must remember little one you bear a great burden but you alone must bear it." before may could even respond the goddess out the tip of her finger on Mays forehead and muttered ancient words."i must go now child stay strong for you have been chosen for a reason." the lady had barely left when the pain had hit may. a fire shot through her veins so strong that it May on her knees she looked up at the sun and it was the last thing she saw as the darkness took her.


Publication Date: 03-29-2013

All Rights Reserved

to my best friend kira :) and my son hunter

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