» Fantasy » Masked...??, Rei Kyran [that summer book .TXT] 📗

Book online «Masked...??, Rei Kyran [that summer book .TXT] 📗». Author Rei Kyran

beginning of the end?

Dancing along the fire swaying with the music, twisting and turing in random patterens watching the fire grow biter and wilder, like the heat inside of me knowing that all eyes were on me, knowing that each and every man was going to throw their wives out for the night in hope of getting me to bed with them, knowing that soon I will have to choose one of these men to honar and promis my self to and hateing it with a firey passion like no other.
My braclets ginggled with the movement of my wrists my bell ancklet that showed that I was untoched tinckled with the movment of my feet, the bells on my skitrs rattled with the swaying of my hips, I was being watched and I knew that this was the way I would be sold to the men, the way I danced to night would determin how much would be paided for me and how wealthy my family was going to become, and knowing that the better I danced the worse the husband would be, yet I danced. I danced my best even better than I have ever dance before with more power and more pride my eyes daring each and everyman to try and contain me showing them all that I was not to be tamed that I would not be broken that I would be my own women and that I was more than capbable of providing for my self in this gypsy world.
Stoping midturn I looked over my shoulder to where the loud crash had come from, seeing the horsemen for the first time, they surrounded my people holding knives to their throats all of which were still watching me. Knowing that any movement would make them kill eveyone I stood still watching them waiting for one to speak.
"misa bella, come come with me" one spoke in the dark, merely shaking my head no not trusting my voice.

"let me rephrase, either you come with me or we will kill everyone, what do you say?" he said sweetly. Looking at my family my father staring at me with hatred I nodded yes once to the man that had spoken and walked towards them. Grabbing my arm he hoisted me up on a horse and rode off I heard screams behind us but did not flinch.

Its seemed as if it was days that we spent riding but truth was it was only hours. Times seemed to drag on and on, now that I was away from my people I relized that in truth the had been nothing there that wad gonna keep me there for long not even a husband would have been able to keep me traped at that camp, this now merely got feet out of the door and a way to escape a life of persucution and confinment. I would now just have to fight to get out of the grasp of these men. What is it that they want from me?? Its not as if they don’t have beautiful women in their own world, I am nothing suitiable for their world I belong in the backstreets and forests


Text: all of this is my own words so please dont copy any thing i write, thank you.
Publication Date: 01-05-2012

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