» Fantasy » Waking Up French, Stephanie Utz [good books to read in english TXT] 📗

Book online «Waking Up French, Stephanie Utz [good books to read in english TXT] 📗». Author Stephanie Utz

Part I-The Meeting with the Sun King

Waking Up French

Part 1: The Meeting with the Sun King


A warm, strong arm circled around her as Genevieve woke up with a start.  “What is wrong, mon amour?” said a masculine voice beside her.  Eyes wide in shock and heart racing, Genevieve looked to her side at the man with dark hair, dark eyes, and slight stubble of a beard.  Drawing her glance downward, she noticed that they were both lying in a canopy bed with gold satin sheets.  ] Noticing she was nude-And in a stranger’s bed no less!, she thought - Genevieve gasped, pulled the blankets around to cover her and demanded, “Who are you!?”

“Do you not remember me, ma belle? How could you not? Ah, then again, we were occupied with more than just words last night in his majesty’s palace.”  He tried to reach for her and Genevieve quickly got up from the bed, taking the sheets with her. 

And how did she understand French all of a sudden? she thought. 

Her mind went wild with questions.  “No! I do not know who the heck you are! Where am I? Is this a dream!? Where are my sisters!?”  Her breath became shallow as she tried to take in her surroundings.   A marble basin with a soap and cloth lay towards the only window in the room that was ornately furbished with gold velvet draperies.  Her clothes were thrown on the floor haphazardly as if a tornado went through the room.

Genevieve glanced quickly at the door and then glared back at the man, who had sat up and was eyeing her with a fevered intensity.  “Are you stupid or something? Who are you!?” she exclaimed. 

“Monsieur Luc de Avignon, counselor to his majesty, Louis XIV at your service, Madame.”  He explained with a mock half-bow. 

“Is this for real? And where are my sisters?” she asked in a trembling voice.

“It is as real as those sheets you are about to fall upon, ma chere.  And if you are asking about Miss Lisette and Miss Sophie; then I am sure they are in comfortable arrangements with their lovers they encountered from the grand ball last night.”  Luc replied with a smirk. 

            A sharp clap filled the room as Genevieve slapped Luc across the face.  “Don’t talk about my sisters like that you jerk!”  In fury, she hurriedly put on her underclothes and dress.

How did I get to wearing dresses? she thought.  She did not did not look as she heard Luc getting up from the bed; nor did she turn around to see that he was watching her every move, like a deer about to be hunted.  Stalking out the bedroom door, Genevieve was about to call for her sisters, when both of them came out in a rush from rooms adjacent to hers.

            Genevieve sobbed and cried, “Lisette! Sophie! Thank goodness you are all right! Where were you!? And what are you wearing!?” 

They hugged each other as Sophie explained, “I don’t know.  One minute we were on a train to Versailles, and the next we are in separate beds with strange men.  As to this dress,” she pointed to her jade green, brocade silk gown, “we just grabbed whatever we could find.  Isn’t it gorgeous though?”  Sophie performed a model pose to show off the flash of the intricate flowers and hummingbirds sewed on to the gown. 

            Genevieve put her hand on her head as all of a sudden she felt a sharp pull of her body like she had on the train.  She heard a loud crack and saw a glimpse of light.  She gasped as her head felt like it had been whipped from side to side like being on a roller coaster ride. “Genevieve? Are you okay?” Sophie asked. 

“Yes, I’m fine.  I remember the train, I think.  I just wish I knew how we got here.” She responded.  “All I know is that we are in the palace of Louis XIV.” Genevieve sighed. 

“Well, I can tell you that the man in my room is one hunk of a guy,” Lisette whispered with a wink, “It’s as if there was a huge boulder down in his…

“Lissette! Get your mind out of the gutter!” exclaimed Genevieve.

            “What? It’s true! So, we don’t know where exactly we are; but we can enjoy ourselves can’t we?” Lissette retorted. 

“We have to figure out how we got here and how we can get back home!”  Replied Genevieve. 

“Wait!” Sophie whispered hurriedly, “We are in King Louis’s palace right?  Why don’t we go to him for help?” 

A look of revelation came across Genevieve’s face.  “What?” Sophie asked. 

“Come with me,” she responded as she led her sisters into the chamber of the counselor with the black, mysterious eyes.

Barging back into a bedchamber without knowledge of the man’s state of dress did not come across her mind until after Genevieve flew into the room.  Thankfully, she was saved in that he was fully clothed in black leather shoes, dark blue breeches held by a silver buckle, a light blue frock, and dark blue waistcoat with light blue embroidery.  On a side note, she thought the colors matched his dark hair and eyes. Then, with a shake of her head, she marched closer to him  She noticed the trace of red mark on his cheek left from her hand.  His eyes spoke f both retribution and mischief as he first glanced at her sisters, then stared back at her boldly.  

  Not feeling the least big intimidated, Genevieve burst forth,“Monsieur Luc, these are my sisters Lisette and Sophie.  I realize that my reaction towards you a bit ago was a bit harsh. I was, and still am, a bit overwhelmed with all of this. Would you mind telling us where we are and what date it is exactly?” 

He nodded to the three of them and then, with a smile said, “Welcome to…”  With a thud he is interrupted by the door banging open as two finely dressed gentlemen entered the room.  One was tall with blonde hair and blue eyes, while the other was of average height with brown hair and hazel eyes. 

“Where is Lisette?  Where is mon tresor?”-

“Where is Sophie? Where is mon ange?”- They both started at once.  The blonde man walked with a powerful stride towards Sophie as the brunette quickly made his way to Lisette. 

“We don’t even know your names!  Who are you!?” Sophie inquired nervously. 

“I am Monsieur Pascal and this is Monsieur Julien”, the taller man replied.  “We all met at his majesty’s grand ball last night.  It was an enchanting evening with endless food of all varieties and music we could dance to all night long.  How could you not remember?”  The two men looked at the girls with intense stares, willing them to recollect the night before.

Luc cleared his throat, “As I was saying, before being interrupted, you are all inside the palace of King Louis XIV in Versailles, Fance. It is January of 1712.  And what Pascal says is true; we were all at the grand ball held by his royal highness last evening.   The three of you spent a lot of time not only dancing with us, but also in deep conversation with Louis’s mistress, Madame du Barry.  She became quite fond of your company.  It was a luxurious occasion in which I, for one, will never forget.  Especially since you were the main attraction, mon coeur.” He grasped Genevieve’s hand and kissed it, his lips smooth and sending a tingling down her body. 

“ So, what you’re saying is we will need permission to leave!?”  Lisette responded. 

“More than likely so, ma chere,” Julien answered.  “Anyone who is that close to those that the king loves, will find it difficult to leave his sight so quickly.” 

“But we don’t even remember it! This is ridiculous!” Genevieve shouted.  Luc tried to reach for her in comfort, but she pulled back.

“You stay away from me!”  He stepped back with his hands raised as if in surrender and a huge smile on his face.  “Wait, Luc. I am sorry,” she pleaded.  “I am just frustrated by all of this.  You said you are the king’s counselor.  Would you be able to let us get a chance to see him and ask for his help?”  Genevieve tried to control the volume of her voice; but was finding it difficult with the very handsome man in front of her.  Her heart pounded so loud, she thought for sure all in the room could hear.

Luc bowed and said, “But of course, ma chere, anything for you.” And, with a confidence and purpose in his stride, he led them all to the throne room of King Louis XIV, the Sun King.

            As Genevieve followed Luc into King Louis’s throne room, she noticed it was extremely spacious with many bronze statues, paintings of past royalty, gold draperies that matched those of the bedchamber, and marble floors.  To the left she could look outside and see the vast gardens with a long lake and several fountains including that of Apollo, the Sun God, on a chariot.  Her eyes grew wide at the many statues all along the path of the garden.  She directed her gaze to the front of the room and saw him, Louis, the Sun King.  His face was round and jovial and he had a monstrous brown wig tied in a bow, upon which sat his golden crown.  He smiled as he nodded at Luc.

“Monsier Luc! Welcome! What can I do for you?” Luc kneeled and Genevieve followed suit, signaling her sisters to do the same. 

“Your majesty,” Luc responded, “I need a word with you, if you would allow it.” Louis smiled and beckoned him forward. Genevieve tensed as Luc stepped forward and spoke into the king’s ear.  She glanced at her sisters, who looked back worriedly.  Julien and Pascal were standing close-by. 

“Thank you your majesty.”  Luc bowed as he walked with his back away from the king.  He turned and then walked in rapid strides out the door.

“Luc! Wait!” Genevieve rushed up to him, with uneven breath.  “What did he say?”  Luc turned and said with a frown to all listening,

“He said, mon amour, that he can grant your permission.  But with one request….” 



Publication Date: 06-10-2013

All Rights Reserved

This is for my two sisters, who mean the world to me! Love you both so much!

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