» Fantasy » Waking Up French, Stephanie Utz [good books for high schoolers TXT] 📗

Book online «Waking Up French, Stephanie Utz [good books for high schoolers TXT] 📗». Author Stephanie Utz

Genevieve's Story

Waking Up French: Genevieve’s Story

“Genevieve? Are you ok?”

Startled from her daydreams, Genevieve turned her head towards Lisette’s voice.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just looking around, that’s all. There are so many people here!” She replied in awe.

Genevieve and her sisters were sitting on a bench at the train station in Paris, waiting to go to Versailles. Lisette had been in Aix-en-Provence studying abroad for school; and Sophie and Genevieve had gone to visit her for several days. This was one of their side trips: one that Genevieve had particularly looked forward to. She hoped to live in France one day. This is the vacation she had always dreamed of as a child. The fact that she got to spend it with the two most important people in her life, her sisters, made it all that more and adventure to remember.

People of all sorts roamed the train station. Most were walking hurriedly, trying to catch the next train to their destination. Others sat on benches similar to the one that she, Lisette, and Sophie occupied, as they talked to one another in many different languages. While she only knew a couple of phrases in French, her sisters knew enough to carry on a conversation. Genevieve thought the language intriguing and romantic. Although most times, she could only nod her head as if she knew what they were saying, she sighed inwardly, craving to understand what was being discussed so passionately.

Lisette cocked her head to the side and shrugged.

“Ok, sis. You had a very strange look on your face, like you were in another world. Just checking!” She said with a smile. Her shoulder-length, brown hair was pulled in a ponytail. She wore a burette along with a short sleeve, blue dress with green leggings. Having spent several months in France already, Lisette seemed to fit right in.

Genevieve almost felt as if France were home to her. She was used to the hustle and bustle of city life, having gone to a big college in Ohio. While the streets of France were ten times as more twisted and narrow than that of the campus walkways, the pace of it all did not intimidate her. She had always dreamed of coming to visit France, most of all to see the Palace of Versailles, the home of King Louis XIV. She had heard of its opulent décor and extravagant architecture. She especially looked forward to seeing the statue of Apollo, the Sun God, among Louis’ gardens. She could picture it looming out of the great garden lake, towering and golden. She could almost sense the sweet fragrance of the flowers as if they were right in front of her.

“Okay, you two,” said Sophie, startling Genevieve out of her stupor.

“Almost time for our train!”

In a flurry, the girls gathered their luggage and headed towards the platform where they would catch the train to Versailles. As she followed her sisters to their seats, she accidentally bumped into someone.

“Oops! Excuse me!” She replied with a stammer and a slight smile. Her smile faltered as she saw the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on. He was tall, towering at least a foot over her. He had dark, shadowy black eyes that seemed to bore right through her. He had matching black hair with a slight beard. He grinned as he looked at her in boldness, eyeing her from head to toe.

“It is no problem, ma chere.” He replied. With a mocking bow, he sat down opposite her, Lisette, and Sophie.

“Nice one!” Lisette said with a wink.

“Oh, shut up. As if you would have said anything!” Genevieve replied in a harsh whisper. As she sat down, she felt the man’s gaze on her from across the aisle. Feigning tiredness, Genevieve yawned and tried to rest her head back, using her purse as a pillow.

“How long until we get to Versailles?” she asked.

“Probably half an hour to forty-five minutes, depending on the number of stops we make.” Sophie replied. She was looking at a map and going over their itinerary.

Genevieve tried to get comfortable, but found it virtually impossible. Not only were the seats compact (making her regret the two crepes she had eaten that morning); but she also felt the heat of the man’s stare like a fire. It was as if his eyes penetrated through her clothes and melted her insides. Peeking to the side, she saw him sitting with his hands clenched in his lap, his eyes solely for her.

She felt her face flush as he caught her staring and grinned, knowingly. She barely glimpsed his two friends trying to grab his attention. One of the gentlemen seemed to be about his height with shaggy, blonde hair, and green eyes. The other man was of average height with short, almost spiky brown hair. They were all muscular in build.

Glancing away quickly, Genevieve tried to look busy and got out her book on Versailles. Her sisters both had their headphones on, listening to various types of music on their Ipods.

So much for talking to those two, she though with a slight annoyance. In reality, she knew she was just trying to keep herself distracted from the man’s constant presence.

She looked out the window and sighed in content as she saw the scenery going by. Green fields of grass and rolling hills swept the countryside, as they got further away from the city. Despite it raining and thundering, she was in awe of the nature scenes she was viewing from her seat. A lover of the country, she smiled as she saw many different types of trees and flowers in bloom. She was glad that her and her sisters decided to go on their trip in the spring, where everything was fresh and growing.

“See anything you like, ma belle?” A voice whispered in her ear.

Genevieve gasped and turned towards the deep baritone voice. Looking to her side, she noticed that he had turned towards the aisle from his seat and was leaning towards her, within arm’s reach. Her sisters were too focused on their music and whatever they were reading to take notice of the man’s friends staring at them in longing. The blonde looked with a deep intensity at Sophie, and the one with the brown hair and blue eyes could not take his gaze away from Lisette as if mesmerized.

Blushing, Genevieve stuttered, “It is all s-so beautiful! I love the flowers, especially orchids! I just wish it were not raining so I could go and explore the fields and gardens.”

“None can compare to your beauty, ma chere,” the man whispered in a hushed tone, sending shivers up and down Genevieve’s arms.

“T-Thank you,” she replied shyly. She felt as if he were looking deep into her soul with those onyx colored eyes.

“I am sorry for bumping into you before. I am so clumsy. My name is Genevieve, by the way.”

As he reached out and shook her hand, she felt as if a bolt of lightning went through her and almost gasped at the sensation. His hand gripped hers in a firm, yet comforting hold.

“I am Luc. And it is a pleasure bumping into you.” He said with a wicked gleam in his eye.

“Nice to meet you, Luc. I would introduce you to my sisters; but they seem to be preoccupied at the moment.” Genevieve said with a shrug.

He chuckled and she could feel his laughter like a warm blanket spreading through her. She laughed along with him.

“Are you going to Versailles, I hope?” Luc asked, one eyebrow rose in questioning.

“Yes, we are. I can’t wait to get there! I have studied France; and while my sister Lisette has been studying abroad here, it seemed the perfect time to visit! I have always wanted to see King Louis XIV’s palace, especially the gardens!” Genevieve exclaimed.

“That is, indeed, the best place in Versailles to see, I have heard,” he replied, gazing at her with a big smile. She noticed he had dimples on both sides of his cheek; and couldn’t help but smile back at him. His smile was dazzling.

Wait, did I just say that out loud? I am an idiot! She silently scolded herself.

“Why thank you, mon ceur, I take that as a compliment.” Luc said with a slight chuckle.

Genevieve felt her face turn a bright red and knew he saw her embarrassment. Stammering she said, “ So, h-how come you’re going to Versailles?”

“I have relatives there that I wish to visit. These are my cousins, Pascal and Julien.” He gestured to the men sitting next to them; and they said a brief “Hello”, then continued to look towards Lisette and Sophie.

Genevieve nodded to them and replied, “Oh, well that’s good you have family there. I would love to live in France one day! Did you grow up in Versailles?”

“Yes, actually. My family has resided in France for many generations.” He said with a smile.

As they talked, Genevieve felt more and more comfortable with Luc. She felt like they had a stronger connection; and she hoped that her interaction with him continued even after they reached their destination.

Just as she was about to say something else, she felt a jarring of the train. Sophie and Lisette screamed and held on tight to the arms of their seats, discarding their headphones. They all clung to each other as a loud crash sounded through the train, almost like a gunshot. In horror, Genevieve looked out the window and saw a bolt of lighting coming down right towards them. She vaguely heard Luc calling her name as another bolt came with a blinding white light. She screamed and tried to reach for Luc’s hand as the train plummeted into darkness. Then all went black.




Publication Date: 06-10-2013

All Rights Reserved

To Daniel-My inspiration for the Luc character. You are my dream.

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