» Fantasy » Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Lisette Kabel

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Chapter 1

"JAKE!" As I push myself off the wet grass to run as fast as I could in between…trying to make out the figures. I hear the growls growing louder and louder. As I keep running closer, I start looking around for help. Hoping someone, Edward or Alice may have seen this in their vision. Hoping they appear somewhere and to stop what's about to happen. I start to realize the possibilities of the outcome of this face off in the meadow. Death. All I remember is seeing a blur…a blur of…

Eight months before

Staring out the window in my room, it has dawn to me it's been three years since we have moved from Forks to Shelton. It was only within time we had to relocate before people start asking questions. We decided to stay within distance of Jacob and his pack. It was almost like he couldn't live with out me. I sat their wondering why again. I can hear Alice calling my name in the mist of my thought, "Renesmee…" Trying to ignore, I continued to look out, as the rain hits slowly on the window sill. "Renesmee Carlie Cullen, come down here!"

I walked down the stairs with no rush in my body and looking at every detail, to the graduation caps that were relocated to the new house. I spot Edward and Bella sitting by the piano, watching me from the side.

"Yes Alice?"

Their's no title in this family like many might have, like auntie, grandpa. I wouldn't be able to say mom or dad. I was another adopted child by Carlsie to the public eye and first name basis has stuck with me.

"We want to remind you of the basic rules for school tomorrow! Remember if you need…"

Alice's' voice started to drift away as I look at myself in the mirror, wondering if this was an average human who stared back at me. No, it couldn't be. I was half vampire and human. My brown, reddish hair down to my back bounced with natural waves, big browns eyes that we're like my moms human eyes; they almost looked to big for my face. I was the age of four, but I looked seventeen. "Renesmee…Renesmee! Are you listening?"

"Yes Alice. I know what to do. This is the second year in high school and the last!"

"Hun, you can consider college after?" Of course Edward would want me to excel in education, but where could I go. I couldn't imagine leaving my family or Jacob.

"I know Edward. I'm going to go hunting. I'll be back."

"Sweetie we can go with you?"

"No, I'll be ok Bella." I smiled and turned towards the door before Alice can continue talking to me.

Lucky for us, we had miles and miles of woods behind our house just like Forks. I started to run and make my way to my spot by the water. Thinking of tomorrows first day of Senior year. I started to get flashbacks of my first year experience of high school. I had bee so used to being with my family and now I had to go to school alone. This time around, everyone decided to do college at home instead of attending high school for the hundredth time. I was in this alone. All I can remember is the stares. The stares of everyone looking at me like I came from a different planet. I hid behind my long hair through out the year and some how passed to blend in. I wasn't looking forward to another year of the tortured stares, but at least it would be my last.

Stopping in the middle of my run, a noise in the distance approaches. I can hear the foot steps getting closer. It's a scent I had never smelt before. I jumped into the big tree by me, trying to blend in and looked down waiting to hear or see who approaches. After a few minutes it went silent. Maybe they skipped on through. I jumped down out the tree and started to walk.

My meadow by the water. Bella always told me about Edward and her meadow in Forks and how beautiful it was. I found my meadow. Right by the water, open spaced, enclosed by the forest. I sat on a huge rock and stared off into the river.

"Psssst…" Jacob jumps out of the trees, with out a shirt. Just phased back into his human form. That's weird, I don't remember hearing him approach. I thought I would have at least smelled him.


"Hey Nessie, caught you out of surprise huh! Half human side got to you." He sat next to me on the rock trying to look for what I was staring at.

"Must have been deep in my thought. Were you around a few minutes ago?" I studied his face to see if he was joking. He looked at me confused.

"No, I just walked up when you sat on the rock. Why what's wrong?"

"I heard someone and it wasn't a smell I was familiar with." I looked down fidgeting with my hands. A trait I had completely inherited by Bella's human side.

"Being in this new town, you guys might have hikers in this forest, more than Forks. Got to be more careful. I will check the scent when I go back home," Jake looked around the trees and made the effort of taking a big whiff and turned back to me with a smile, "first day of school tomorrow, how you feeling Ness?" Home for Jake was further than Forks. If he ran with effort in wolf form, he would be at our new home in no time. That kept me happy. I looked away again, "It's school, I will pass again." He put his hand on my shoulder and tried to turn my face towards him.

"Ness I can go to school with you tomorrow and be watching from a distance?" He let out a chuckle with a smile and shaking my shoulder. A smile at times I can not resist, "I will walk you home for schooool…" How can I pass that offer?

"You can tomorrow Jake until I'm ready?"

"No problem, don't need to beg." Laughing away, I shoved Jake off the rock.

"Let's go to the house, but first lets hunt!"

Chapter 2

6:45…6:46…6:47. …staring at the kitchen clock, waiting on Jake to arrive. First day of senior year and just wishing it was the last day of school.

"Renesmee, you're going to be late to school."

Edward puts his hand on my shoulder as I continue to stare at the clock. I put my hand up to my dads faces letting him know what I was waiting on. As I released my hand, there was a knock on the door, finally he's here. I grab my things and head to the door.

"Have fun and be careful Ness" Bella called out from behind me.

My family had confidence in me to be able to go to school by myself, humans we're not part of my diet, Bella is not as confident. Of course mother's instinct is to be worried. Humans did not burn my throat comparing to any of them. As I open the door, Bella started to question the whole situation,

"Edward are you sure we can let her go alone?"

"She will be fine…Jake promised her to stay within distance."

"It still worries me…"

Jake stood outside the door, looking into the forest as if he had heard something. He turned around and waved to Edward and Bella, "She's in good hands. Hey Nessie, we're going to be late." With a huge smile on his face he stepped down the stairs and walked towards the car. Edward let me use his car for transportation to school. I passed the keys to Jake as I got in the passenger side, I preferred not to drive. School was a 20 minute drive from the house. I just wanted this day to be over.

"So, how are you feeling?"

Jake always try's to make the best of the situations. I put my hand up to his cheek, showing him an image of last years experience in school of me hiding behind my hair while everyone stared at me.

"O Ness, it's because they never seen such a perfect person. Don't let them intimate you."

"Jake you don't understand. You're not awkwardly made." I looked out the window, hoping this conversation would end.

"You're not awkward, you're amazing." He put his hand on my shoulder "besides, you don't phase into a huge wolf." comforting me with his heated temperature body, I smiled and continued to look out the window.

We arrived at the school, it was another wet day out, and of course my family didn't mind. I grabbed my things and opened the door.

"Ness, I will be around, you're not alone."

"I know Jake." I smile and closed the door and started to walk in the school.

Of course everyone is outside by there cars, having a blast, in conversations with all their friends. As I get closers, the yelling and obnoxious conversations turn into stares and murmurs. I slow down my pace and start to contemplate on turning around and getting back in the car. Theirs no point of going to high school, it's not like I need to. I remember what Jake told me and look behind me to see if he's still there.

"Hey Ness, let's make our way into this school, huh?"

Jake was right beside me, he put his hand on my shoulders and looked at me with the smile, reassuring me he was here for me. Even though the stares did not go away but only increase, especially with the girls staring at Jake but all that slowly disappeared when I was with Jake.

"You can't come to class with me"

"I know but I can walk you around and avoid the adults" He let out a chuckle as he looked around the school.

"No, I should be fine Jake. Thanks for coming to save me." I shot him a smile and looked down in embarrassment.

"No problem Ness. I will see you for lunch?"

"Ya" I looked around to see if anyone was staring at us.

"Ok see you then" Jake made his way out the school and I turned around to walk to my first class.

History, one of the easiest subjects for me. I made my way to the back of the class in the corner, avoiding sitting with anyone. Also I enjoyed the view from the window right next to me, straight

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