» Fantasy » Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Lisette Kabel

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what it was, as I got closer, a beautiful women stood before me looking lost." He chuckled and looked up at me, "I knew she needed help."

I smiled, my cheeks were burning, I was embarrassed, and he must see my red cheeks. We pulled into the parking lot, "there's my car" I pointed to the lonely silver Volvo.

He pulled up closer and put his truck in park. He jumped out before I can say anything and opened my door. I hoped down and walked next to my car, I turned around to face him.

"Thank you, Isa" I smiled.

He stared into my eyes with his large shiny brown eyes, "No problem. Don't get lost in the woods again" He smirked at me.

"I won't I turned to open my door and started the car, putting the window down. He watched me.

"Hope to see you around Renesmee." Again, my cheeks, turned red. I smiled and wave bye as I drove off. I looked at the time, as I was driving home, 6:00 o'clock. I reached for my phone; I had ten miss calls, eight from Jacob and two from Edward. I called Bella, "Hey Bella."

"Renesmee, where are you, you have all of us worried." I push the pedal a little faster.

"I'm sorry, I got caught up in school and left the phone in the car."

Bella took a sigh, "ok Ness, just come home safe."

"I will, Bye." I hung up the phone. His eyes were still in my head. I pulled up to house and started to walked to house when all of sudden Jake came running towards me.

"Ness! What happen, where you, why didn't you call me, were" He looked angry with a mixture of upset, "do you know how worried you had me?"

"Jake, I'm sorry, I lost track of time." I couldn't tell him about my little run in, he would not accept a strange man so lightly. Before I can recite, Edward came storming out.

"Renesmee do you know how worried you had me and your mother?" He looked at me upset. The first time I was late and this was the repercussion. My body started to shake, I felt myself getting upset. I lashed out, "Both of you, I'm can handle myself; I'm not a baby anymore. I don't need to give you a run down of every minute." I gave them both a look and ran to my room, shoving pass Bella on my way. I closed my door and threw myself on the bed. Why did they act so worried. It's only been three hours since school ended. I took a deep breath and decided to shower it away. I got my pjs on and made my way to the bed. I didn't even want to think, I know Edward will be pacing back and forth trying to get a thought. I though hard, Edward I'm ok, we can talk about this tomorrow please; it's been a long day. I love you, good night and tell Bella sorry. All I heard was foot steps and their door close. I turned off my lights and laid in bed. I went to close my eyes, when I saw a figure by my bed.

"Ness, if you want me to leave I will." Jacob looked at my, his eyes drained, his face looked like it was tortured. I didn't know I worried him this much today.

"Jacob, I'm sorry. I don't want to talk about right now."

He looked at me and smiled, "you don't have to."

I motion him to come lay next to me. He took off his shoes and laid in his spot. I snuggled up to him and kissed him on his cheek.

"I'm sorry Nessie to, I didn't mean to come off like that." He looked down at me, still his face concern.

"I'm ok Jacob, I'm safe in one piece next to you." He stared into my eyes and smiled. Our faces were just inches away. He looked into my eyes and gave me a kiss on the forehead, "good night Nessie".

I closed my eyes.

Chapter 5

Renesmee's point of view

The past few weeks have flew by and it was already vacation. We had a week off of school; I couldn't wait to lounge around. Being in school and spending time with Jake, left me little to no time to spend with my family. I hardly have seen them at the other house. Rosalie and Emmet went on a trip to visit the Danelis. Jasper and Alice went their family's house as well for the holiday but they would come back soon, Alice didn't want to miss decorating for that time. Even though we really didn't celebrate much, we made sure to try to for Christmas. Ever since I was young, my family played the role of the holidays and gave me lavish gifts under the tree. Jake had work this afternoon; I had some time to myself. I got up and put some pants on and shirt and decided to take a walk in to woods. Bella told me she was always in the woods when she was a human, it was her hobby. I walked downstairs; Bella and Edward were around the piano. It looked like Edward was writing a song. He peeked out the corner of his eyes and smiled at me.

"Morning Renesmee." Bella came over and gave me a hug. I was just a little under her height but looked almost to be the same age.

"Hey Bella," I let go of the embrace and smiled, "I'm going to go take a walk."

"Do you want us to join?" Bella always tried to suggest family activities, Edward let out a chuckle, he must have been reading my mind. I looked over at him with an embarrassed smile. I didn't want them to feel neglected, I just wanted some alone time.

"Bella, we have some things to do, let Renesmee spend some alone time." Thank you Edward, Bella knew we were having a silent conversation. She kissed me on my forehead, "Ok, be careful and call us if you need anything."

"I will Bella, Bye Edward." I grabbed my little backpack and flung on my back and walked outside into the woods. It was yet another cloudy day. I put one ear bud in and listened to calm music in my ear and let my mind and feet wonder. By the time I noticed, I was by a beach. I didn't know this beach was near the house. I looked around, I must of drifted into a far pace. I walked into the sand from the woods. The sun way trying to peak through the clouds and ray on the beach. The beach had a handful of people enjoying the views. I walked in the background along the beach.

"Renesmee?" I turned around to see the man from the other day, Elijah stood there with no shirt on and his body seemed to be more in tone from the previous visit. Well he did have shirt on then, so I couldn't really tell. I dazed off and forgot he was waiting on an answer.

I looked up, "hey," and smiled.

"Are you following me?" He asked with a chuckle. If anyone didn't know any better they would have thought so. What's the coincidence of running into each other again?

"Are you following me?" was the best answer I came up, silly Ness.

He laughed and came closer, "I'm glad I am then." My face filled up with heat and I turned to look towards the water hoping he didn't notice. "What are you doing on the beach alone? I take it as you like to be alone Renesmee?"

I looked over, "you can call me Ness."

"I like Renesmee more, Ness doesn't do you justice." I seen the read blush up in his cheek and he chuckled and looked down. His large, brown eyes peeked up at me with his perfect smile. "Do you want to grab something to eat?" A few guys came strolling over from where it looked like Elijah came from.

One of them patted Elijah shoulder, "sooo who's this Eli?" the male smiled at me and waiting for a response.

Elijah moved his hands from his shoulder, "this is Renesmee, Renesmee this is Mox and Zeke.

Mox stepped forward, he was tall slender built a little lighter then Elijah but still with the irresistible qualities, they must be related, "welcome to Chehalis beach." I must be on the reservation again, good job Ness, why do I keep wondering over here. I looked away; they must have seen the change in my face. Elijah stepped forward, "let's go Renesmee?" He smiled before putting his hand on my back to guide me forward. I turned back and waved to the two boys, "Nice meeting you." Mox smiled back and then went to horsing around with the other guys, laughing away. I can hear them as we walked away, "Who's that girl?" "Is that Eli's friend?" and the questions kept going as we parted distance away.

"I'm sorry about the Renesmee, they act like they never seen a female but I understand with you…" he looked down at the sand, "your one of a kind." It was uncomfortable getting complimented by Elijah, he was saying all with respect and questioning me if he had crossed the line. I smiled at him, "So they call you Eli?"

"Ya, a nickname. Do you want to get bite?" I flinched and looked at him, o ya he invited me to eat. My phone started vibrating in my bag, I reached around and seen Edwards name pop up. It's been a couple of hours since I left the house. I looked up at Eli, "maybe we can reschedule?" He smiled but I could tell the rejection hit him, "ya sure, no problem." I felt bad, I didn't want him to think that I was being rude but at the same time I don't know what this was but with out thinking I said, "Here how about you put your number in my phone and I call you sometime instead of bumping into each other" His smiled gleamed through the rejection as he typed his number with his full name. I took my phone back. Eli looked up, "I look forward to it." He moved in and gave me a soft kiss on my cheek and chuckled lightly. I turned around and waved bye and walked towards the wood, I peeked over my shoulder and he gave me a weird look. He shook it off with a smile and waved bye and turned towards his friends. He must have thought of why I kept going into the woods.

I ran faster this time back to the house, watching the trail I just had found. I came to a halt with I approached

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