» Fantasy » Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Lisette Kabel

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forest. As I stared out the window waiting for class to start, I hear someone approaching, bumping into the entire desk making their way back to me. I tried not to look, not to encourage the space that was next to me, that didn't work.

"Hi my name is Alie!" I peeked through my hair to see where this voice came from. A tall, lanky, red head, with glasses stared at me with her hand out to shake mines. I shook her hand and immediately went back into hibernating.

"I haven't seen you around, are you new?" My technique of being a loner obviously is not working with this one.


"O, ok, well if you need something let me know" The instructor began to do the lesson of the day and it couldn't come in a better time. 20 minutes, time seemed to drag. I continued to look into the wood and saw something rustling through the trees. I strained my eyes to see what would be so close with in view at this time. It was a blur, almost shaped as a wolf. No, it can't be Jake; he wouldn't phase so close to school. As the image is becoming clearer, the class alarm went off. I flinched from my seat to look around at me and to see if anyone was watching me. Ali was staring at me with concern.

"Are you ok?"

"Ya, thanks…" I grabbed my items and quickly made my way out the class and walked to my next class thinking of what was in the woods.

Lunch time has arrived and I race out of my class to find Jake. I got out to the front looking around.

"What's wrong Ness?" Jake takes a few steps to get to me in a hurry, my face must have showed some reaction.

"Can we go to the car?"

"Sure, let's go"

I sat in the car as Jake stared at me waiting for me to talk.

"If any of those humans did anything to you Ness…" His body started to tremble as he scoped the scene of teenagers, looking for the one that might have done something.

"No Jake. No, I just saw something in the windows. I was going to ask you if you were out their earlier."

"Why didn't you just say that? No I've been in the parking lot, what did you see?"

I put my hands to show him the visions of what I thought it was.

"Maybe it was a deer or something Ness."

"Ya, I guess." I looked down to fidget with my hands.

"Do you want sometime of lunch?"

"I don't think people will take kindly to me walking into class with a little blood on my shirt after hunting," we both laughed.

"You're right Ness."

Before I knew it, it was time to go back into school for my next classes. They both flew on by. Most of the time I was wondering on what I seen and trying to focus on the image. I knew it wasn't animal but I couldn't tell Jake. I know how his temper was and if any little sense of danger was around me, he wouldn't be able to handle himself.

I made my way to the car to meet Jake, finally done with this day. We drove back to my house with no hurry, enjoying the quieter time. Pulled up into the drive way and make our way into the house.

"Hey Renesmee and Jake, how was school Ness?" Bella opened the door.

"It was fine…" I made my way to the kitchen to get a snack. It was actually to leave the conversation.

"Ness had a good day, of course because of me." Jake chuckled and made himself at home to sit next to me at the kitchen counter. After the whole incident with the Volturis, Jake has become 'mutual' with Edward, after all the pack did save our lives.

"Really and how was that?" Bella followed. Ahh only if Jake can read my mind to know leave it alone.

"Bella, I think she's had enough for today," thank you Edward for reading minds. Edward quickly shot me a smirk. This is when it paid off to let him read my mind. I shot a smile to my dad, knowing he saved me from the humiliating story.

"Ok," Bella smiled and hugged Edward

"Jake lets go to my room?"

Edward flinched to this idea. I wondered why sometimes, Jacob was like my best friend. I walked into my room and sat on my bed. Patting a spot next to me for Jake to sit down. I stared out my window in to the trees.

"Soo…did you make any friends today?" Jake decided to start making conversation. I shook my head still looking out to nothing. A blank slate in my head. "That's ok, I'm still your friend!" He put his hand on my shoulder, giving me a shake, followed with his mischievous smile. "Are your trying to take out my shoulder?!" I rolled over and pretended to be hurt and moaned in pain.

"Ness! Nessie, I'm so sorry, let me check?" Jake immediately jumped to me and tried to exam. I peeked out and made even more of a scene. This would be my highlight for today. "Ness, I don't.. I'm so.. Let me get help. Ness…" I peeked again and I looked at Jake's face. His eyes were filled with worry, sadness and blame. He moved around and fidgeted and wasn't sure what to do. He truly cared for me. I couldn't continue to fool him with my 'injury'. I blew my own cover and started chuckling. "Come on Ness, you can't do that to me, I didn't know what to do." I laughed and grabbed his arm and squeezed it into a hug. "I'm sorry Jake. I needed a little humor"

"Well it's not funny." Jake said cold and looked away from me. His temperature was hotter then usual.

"Are you ok Jake. I honestly didn't know you would get this upset. Come on, you know I'm half vampire, I'm not that fragile." I tried to look in his eyes for some sign of forgiveness.

"Ness you don't understand"

"Well make me understand" I got closer to him and turned his face to face me, "I promise I won't laugh." I smile and passed my hand onto his shoulder.

"No, it's not that easy," he turned away again, "I need to go."

"Why? I am sorry I worried you Jake, I honestly didn't mean to," I was worried now that I upset him for my foolish games. He walked towards my window and left the glass and turned back to me, "will I see you later Jake?" I asked in low tone, upset at myself, why did I have to do the childish act.

He gave me a half smile, "maybe," and jumped out the window.

I stared out the window. My stomach stared to bend around with awkward butterflies. Upsetting ones. All types of feelings were flooding my head. Why did it bother me so much that I upset Jake. It's not like it's the end of the world. But I want to make it right, I have to. I went towards my window and slid the glass up and jumped. I made a run for it through the trees, hoping I can pick up Jakes scent. He couldn't have gone that far. The scent lead me to our meadow. I look up and I see Jake on the rock staring at the stream. I walked up slowly and making sure he knew of my presences, I didn't want to startle him again.

"Nessie, what are you doing here?" I made my way to the rock. Standing in front of Jake, thinking of the next words I will use.

"Jake, I'm so" before I can finish, Jake grabbed my hand and pulled me in, giving me a hug.

"Don't worry about Renesmee, it's not your fault that I care for you so much." I enjoyed this hug, it was different. Some type of different from the other billion of hugs. The heat off his body just comforted me.

Chapter 3

Back in my room, staring in the book, dazed by the memory, thinking of a reason why I was feeling this way. Replaying the scene of Jacob getting upset at me and then I followed him into the woods, it was something I would have never done. I still had Jacob on my mind, thinking about the hug in the meadow. Does he notice the way I'm acting. No, it must be some foolish teenage feelings, I must be paranoid. But he is after all still a teenager himself. A knock at my door startled me. I tried to start reading my book. Shoot has Edward been listing to my thoughts this whole time, maybe he was to busy or distracted with something else.

"Renesmee?" Bella pokes her head through the door, "can I come in?"

"Sure." I sit up from my bed, making space for her to sit. She glides towards my bed with her perfect face. I felt the cold when she sat inches away. I'm half vampire but my body was not as cold as my family, I still flinch to the touch of their hands. I stare at her eyes waiting for her to talk. She place her hand on one my curls, twirling it in her hand.

"I just want to make sure your ok from school today? I know Edward pushed the discussion aside and I don't…" I looked away towards the window, staring away from Bella as she continued to talk.

"Bella, everything was fine," I turned back with a forced half smile, "I promise you. It's actually better then last year." She continues to play with my curls, unaware of her hands moving.

"Ok. You know Renesmee, you can tell me anything?" Does she know what I'm feeling and was thinking earlier, maybe Edward told her. But I was not comfortable to discuss this with Bella, after all Jacob and her had this 'thing' with each other. It might just be awkward.

"I know" Smiling to reassure her, I stood up and looked out the window. She came up from behind me.

"Good night Hun." She gave me a kiss on my cheek and walked out my room, closing the door behind her. I took a deep breath in and let it out. I should ask for some advice but maybe not Bella. That does not leave me with much choice. Rosalie is not too fond of Jacob, they can be civil but she prefers a different choice of man. Alice, she might not be able to contain a secret. Esme! I know Esme will keep it a secret and give me the advice I need. I will ask

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