» Fantasy » Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Lisette Kabel

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me, like he was disappointed. I didn't know what do or say to him, will he still be mad at me. Bella continued to talk, "we want you to have friends, but you should have warned us. We had no clue where you were, you told Esme you would be back, it's been hours. You know Alice is not her to see you." She looked at me waiting for answer, I had none. She continued, "you had Jacob here waiting…" she paused, "he was very worried and frighten what could have happened to you." I started to get upset, I turned to her, "Bella I'm not a baby, I was exploring my life." I used the advice Esme had given me. Bella gave me a concerned looked. "Ness, were not treating you like a baby, but you still are a few years old. All we want is the best for you." She paused and looked at my swelling eyes, "Please let us know. We want to help you through this as well." I looked over to her with a whimper in my voice, "Is Jacob mad at me?" I hugged my mom and my eyes started to burn again. She caressed my hair, "No hun, he was just worried to. He will talk to you when he is ready." That's all she said and left it at that. She cuddled me up like I was still a baby and soothed me to sleep, I couldn't think about this much longer.

Jacob's point of view

Sleeping, hoping this dream never ended. It was more of a fantasy land for me. Renesmee was mine, all mines. She knew I loved her and we lived happy together. ZZZZ… The noise continued to make its way into my world. I tried to ignore it; I wasn't ready for this dream to end. It continued, giving no sympathy to what I wanted. I turned over and reached for the noise. It was my phone. I picked up, "Hello?" The man in the other side sounded in a rush, out of breath, "Jacob we need you down at the shop right now…" He continued to rant and hung up immediately. I took a deep breath in and out. Of course, on the day I had planned for my Nessie, I would get called into work. I got up and quickly got dressed and ran out the door. I took my motorcycle and rode to work. I immediately started to work once I got there. After a few hours, I realized I didn't even call Nessie, she must be awake by now. I snuck out of the garage to the front parking lot. I looked for her numbered and push down. I waited patiently to the ringer, I heard her pick up. I started talking, "Nessie? Hey, I'm sorry I'm not there; I was called into to work for an emergency repair on one of the vehicles. I'm very sorry, I should have called earlier." She waited a few seconds before responding, "It's ok Jake, I understand. I'm thinking of spending some time with the family." I'm so glad she wasn't upset. Time with family, wasn't I her family. It hurt a little but it was uncontrollable, Ness didn't know she can hurt me with little words, I didn't blame her. Does she think I smother her? Jeeze, Jake why do you always have all these thoughts in your head. Her soft voice came through the phone, "Jake?" I snapped out of my thoughts and responded, "Yes, I'm here, sorry. Ok Ness, do you want me to come over after?" I waited for my response hoping she would say yes. I didn't want to go another day without her.

"I'll see you then Jake."

My smile reached ear to ear and I came out with it, "I miss you" I heard her stop breathing, "I miss you to Jake…bye." She hung up the phone, I chuckled at her reaction. I loved her so much and I wanted to yell it to her, but I couldn't. I want her to come to me. I want her to pick me and not be forced. I went inside and finished my work. As I cleaned up, I waved bye to the guys there. I went to bike and turned it on. Before I can sit on the bike, someone caught my eyes, this woman walked by me. She was different. I have never looked at anyone else but Renesmee, but she somehow had me looking. She was tall, tan skin, classy, and she looked like a woman. I turned before she glimpsed at me. What was I thinking? I jumped on my bike and didn't look back. I stopped by my house and got ready before heading to Nessie. I quickly got dressed and made quick talk with Billy. I looked at my phone; she must be waiting for me. I said bye to Billy and made my way outside. I ran through the woods, I decided to stay in human form so I don't rip my shirt. I wanted to be dressed when I seen Ness. I finally got to her house, I looked up at her room, and it was dark. She must be downstairs. I walked up to the door and before I could knock, Edward opened. His eyes mixed with anger and trouble. What did I do now?

He answered me, "I thought you were with Renesmee?" I looked at him confused, "No, I was at work. Last I spoke to her, I told her I will see her after?" I looked passed Edward and I seen Bella with her hands crossed, biting her lip. Her eyes saddened. My hands started to shake and heat was seeping through me, "Where is she Edward?" I looked at him with a provoked look. He looked tormented, "I don't know Jacob. We thought she was with you." Before I could say anything more, I looked at the time, it was still daylight, I ran to the woods and phased. I smelt Edward near. We ran around the woods looking for Ness, trying to pick up a scent. I reached this beach we never seen before. Her scent was vaguely there. I couldn't come out the woods. The people on the beach wouldn't take kindly to the enormous wolf. I ran back to the house and decided to wait. She is fine. She must have ventured into one of her walks and lost track of time. I waited for what felt like days in the woods. Edward went back to call Alice to look for Nessie in her visions. All he told me after the call was that Nessie is ok. I phased back to my human form and put my clothes on, making my way back to her house. Lights came up the drive way, who would that be? Her family is still on vacation. I felt a pull and the aroma hit me, Nessie. I stayed back to observe who's car that was. All I felt was Edward and Bellas cold hands on my shoulder. This man came and opened her door. I saw the way he looked at her. Why was he looking at my Nessie with those eyes? She came out smiling at him, not looking away. My knees gave out from under me. I fell to the grown in agony, my heart was sinking and there was nothing I can do. Edward and Bella continued to hold me back. I heard the small talk and all I saw was a kiss on her cheek. My eyes filled with torment. Why are they doing this to me? They know Nessie is mines, why won't they let me stop it. My body started to tremble uncontrolled. Bella fell to her knees and stared into my eyes, her innocent look was still there, "Not now Jake, you will hurt Nessie." I looked down in defeat. I heard the car drive away and Edward step out of the shadows. Renesmee slowly turned around to his hiss and my growl. Bella stood up and I followed behind her. I ripped my shirt off and paced back and forth. What do I do or say. She can not see another man. She belongs to me. Edward spoke out "Nessie, go to your room, I will be up in a minute," I protested and started to walk towards her, "NO! Ness, we need to talk," My body continued to tremble. Edward took a step forward and looked at me with a revolting look. Did he think I was going to hurt her? Edward responded to my thought, "Unintentionally, go to your room now," he hissed the words to Nessie. Bella grabbed Ness and went inside. Edward began to plead to me, "There will be time to talk Jacob. Right now is not the time. Not with you in this state. You knew this time might come…" I heard the door shut and her light foot steps going to her room. My eyes burned. Did Nessie not want me, did that kiss mean nothing? I know I wanted her to make an own choice, but I don't think I could live if it's not me. Who was that man looking at her like that and she looked back at him. Did she love him? My heart stabbed in pain. I can't keep hurting like this but I will not give in to telling her. I will let Nessie experience her options and decide. If she loves me she will come around. My head dropped down again. Edward looked and saw the agony in my eyes, he took the step forward and place his arm on my shoulder, "Jacob I respect you immensely…Letting Nessie choose and find out on her own the love for you…" he looked away, "You're a better man than I thought." With that he left me outside to think alone.

I phased and ran into the woods, I had to get away. I didn't know what to think or do. I should have stepped out and made my presences known to that guy. No, I should have confessed my love to Nessie the day I had the chance, the day Edward gave into us. I will not let her slip through my fingers, like I once done before. I turned my route and made my way to her house. I put my clothes on and peeked to her window, she was alone. I made my up and slid into her room. She looked beautiful, even with her eyes swollen, looked like she was crying but why. I sat silently on the bed, watching her. She moved around in her sleep. I placed my hand on her cheek; she calmed down and relaxed her face. She slowly opened her eyes. Her face looked torn. I would think it would be me looking like that. I placed my hands on her face, "I'm sorry Nessie." How many times am I going to keep apologizing for hurting her. She stretched up and put her palm to my face. She flashed the images of me trembling and howling my remarks earlier. I flinched to the thought, my eyes filled with regret. Her eyes began to fill up with tears. I didn't know what I was doing, I was hurting her everyday. I leaned forward and grabbed her into my arms and tighten my embrace, "I'm sorry," is all that came out. I sat there with her in my arms; she slowly drifted back into her sleep. It reminded me when she was younger and she would sneak into my arms to sleep. I should just tell her how I feel; it would put a stop to this. I laid her back in her bed, kissed her on her forehead. I watched her for a few minutes more. I jumped out the window and found a spot under the
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