» Fantasy » Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Lisette Kabel

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lower back and swayed back and forth. The song seemed to go louder through the speakers. The words began, 'If you ever leave me baby…' Jacob as well was listening to the song as he swayed me. 'Cause there'll be no sunlight, if I lose you, baby' The words sank into me. Jacob turned my face to his, "Nessie you are my every thing. You are the reason for my life, why I continue to live and breath. I could not stand this life if you were not part of it." He eyes glared into mines with power behind the words. 'But they're just afraid of something they can't understand.' No words came out of my mouth. I just stared into his eyes. 'I'll pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding. If that'll make you mine' "Ness, I want you to have the opportunity to make your own choice..." Jacob looked away, he looked like the words had torn him apart, "I will still be here for you." He looked back to me slowing our sway, the music coming to an end 'My eyes will do the same if you walk away. Everyday it will rain, rain, rain' Bringing both of my hands up to his lips, "I love you Renesmee…you don't have to say anything back. I just want you to know, you have my love." He kissed my hands. My human side of me completely took over. My hearth thumped uncontrollably, like it wanted to jump out. The butterflies ran all through my body, making me feel light headed; shortness of breath. "Nessie!?" Jacob stopped moving and pulled me away to observe me. "Are you ok? Do you need to sit down?" I shook my head. I looked as if something tragic had just happened but it was not tragic. I was in shock. The words I hope for that would not come out did, but I loved every bit of it. I just was not ready to reply with the same. "Jacob…" I paused, trying to get the right words with out rejecting him, "I really care about you. You're all I ever known. You're my brother, best friend, protector, and more." His eyes prepared for whatever I was going to say. "But, I just want to make sure this is right." Surprisingly, he smiled, "Nessie, I will prove to you every second of the day that we are right for each other, you and I." He moved into my lips, a soft, tender kiss into mines. I let my hands take there spot behind his neck, while his hands gripped my lower back, pulling me closer into him. My mouth followed his. He slowly opened his mouth, skimming his tongue on the top of my lips, tracing ever so lightly. I felt my heart beat faster, it felt like it was going to run out of my body. My breathing became erratic. Jacobs breathing became heavier, his arms slowly traced the curves of my body, up and down my waist, and light groans came out of his mouth. I didn't want this moment to end. Jacob pulled back, his eyes still closed.

Elijah's point of view

After some time, I found myself going back to the only place I called home. Jumping through my window again, I jumped in the shower, thinking off everything that just happen in such little time. Wolves and vampires part of this world. It sounded crazy and ridiculous but I am one not to doubt, after all I'm a wolf. I would have to protect the reservation, humans, and most importantly the pack. I was the leader of my pack. This responsibility came to soon as well. This is not what I imagined to be doing at the age of seven-teen. My breathing picked up, I felt the heat in my body boiling. This erratic feelings need to be control, I can't keep bursting into a wolf after every emotion. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, a beautiful face appeared to my side, Renesmee. I've only known her for a short time, but she lit the glow in my eyes. She was just amazing, the meaning of perfection. She did run off to quick last time we seen each other, but I understand. It's not easy. She seemed shy and nervous, I loved that about her. Even though my family hoped for me to stay with in the reservation but I can't help my feelings. Would I be to dangerous for her now with this…thing. I looked down, upset and confused. I will learn to control my anger, I will not let this get in the way. Once I can handle this, I'm going to call her immediately. I jumped out the shower and looked into the mirror. The man that stared back was a different from the boy yesterday. My body looked to gone through some dramatic changes, for the better. One thing I can like about this wolf thing. I walked away, throwing on some sweats. I would have to apologize to my mother and grandfather for the way I acted, they should understand. I walked out to the family room, of course there they await. I looked over to both of them, "Sorry." They both nodded in response. Tun called me over to sit across from him. He started to explain the various things of being a wolf, the legends and stories. My eyes opened to amazement of the history. He gave me a heads up on some very close friends that might be turning very soon to join the pack. Becoming a wolf was uncontrollable, it selected who ever that the tribe needed. "Elijah, you must help your fellow members. The cold ones will have no mercy to ones who are not prepare." The cold ones, vampires got brought up again. Something I didn't want to think of. I didn't want to imagine what these monsters looked like. "Hey everyone, Tun." This man walked into the family room, he looked no older then his twenties. I looked at him weird, he had no shirt on and ripped shorts, he looked like a crazy man. "Elijah, this is Selah, he was the one talking to you the other day when you phased." Tun answered. Selah came over to me, putting out his hand "Hey, I've been waiting for the day you phased, as once as your father." I cringed to her my father, I stood up and shook his hand. "How about we head out and I catch you up on things?" I agreed, waving bye to the others.

We went towards the woods and hesitantly followed. He noticed my pace and turned around, "Don't worry man, you will soon come to love the woods as your second home." I followed him into the woods. "I know this whole things I bizarre but once you get a hang of it, it won't be so awful." I said nothing but nodded to his words. "The main thing is controlling the anger. We can't be phasing in front of anybody, it suppose to be a secret, so that won't work so well if you loose your temper in public. With in time you can learn technques to control. Even though it will never be 100% controlled, you will have a better handle." We continued to walk in the woods, when I spotted a large shadow following us, "I think something is following us." I stopped to looked. "Don't worry about it, its Chad. He's another member of your pack. He recently just joined, but slowly learning to adapt." The wolf came into view, looking me up and down. I nodded, I was still uncomfortable of the whole situation. "How many are there?" I looked over to Selah for an answer. "Well depending how many cold ones there are. We try to even out or advance numbers." The words again, "Have you seen a cold one?" He stopped and flinched to my question. He looked away trying to confine himself. I could still see him shaking. He finally answered, "Yes…the ones that attacked your father," he looked back at me, "I'm sorry Elijah. If we were only a few minutes ahead we could of…" He stopped. It wasn't his fault, "It's ok. I don't blame you or any one from that pack." He studied my face, "You will be a great leader." We continued to walk in a clearing. Both of them thought me the way of the wolf. We practice for hours. "Do you think the cold ones are close?" I interrupted the training. Selah looked up, "Yes. That's the reason why so many are phasing. They might be closer than we think." After some hours we mad our way back, I waved back to the guys. "Any time you need us Elijah, you know how to find us. I will keep a look out for the next members." This was all going so fast, "Thanks." I walked into the house, straight to my room. I needed a break from all this pack stuff. I need to get a peace of mind and soon. I jumped on my bed scrolling through my phone. I stopped on her name. I looked up to ceiling, should I. What happens if I loose control, I will not put her in any danger.

Renesmee's point of view

It has been a couple of days since me and Jacobs first date. Our date was impeccable. I sat in my room staring up into the memories, the candles that lit up all of our surroundings. The flowers blooming in the centerpiece and Jacob looking as scrumptious as ever. The kiss. I trembled to the thought of it. It was soft and caring. His hands running through my back, feeling all of my imperfections. I closed me eyes to the thought of it. Chuckling to myself, I was acting like someone with a crush. Jacob being my crush. I shook off the memories, I had to get off this bed before my family starts thinking something is wrong. I got up, putting on some sweats and comfy shirt. I walked down the stairs to the family room. Every one was in there, except Rosalie and Emmet. They were still on their vacation. It was not to often you would find all of them in our house, usually we will all meet at Carlisle. I felt my heart sink, my Jacob was not around. I made my way over to Bella, cuddling into her open arms. I put my palm up to her face, what's the occasion? She whisper only for me to hear, "We're waiting on news from our upcoming visitors." Is something wrong with them? She looked over to me, playing with my curls, "No we just want to see where there location is, they should be only hours away. Alice is trying to find them now." I looked over to Alice, who was in the corner of the room with Jasper concentrating on her gift. Edward was silently playing the piano in the background, not to loud to disturb Alice's concentration. Esme and Carlisle sat close on the couch, enjoying the silence. I put my hand back up to Bella, Is Jacob coming today? She gave me a partial smile, "I'm not sure hun, I'm sure he will." She continued to play with my hair. All of a sudden Alice's face dropped into desperation. Edward abruptly stopped on the piano and in a second was by Alice's side. Esme and Carlisle got up to stand by as well. Bella just stayed in place, pulling me closer to her. Alice snapped out of her vision, and stared into Edwards eyes, having a silent conversation. Edward spoke with out breaking eye contact, "The Amazon's were attacked." Everyone gasped. Bella stood up, holding me closer, pulling me towards Edward. "What do you mean attack Edward?" Carlisle asked, straining his
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