» Fantasy » Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Lisette Kabel

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eyes to his son. "Kachiri was attacked" Edward informed us. Alice buckled and Jasper embraced her into his chest, she whimpered to the news. I don't recall Kachiri, but I do remember Zafrina. "Edward do you know of the details?" Edward looked to Carlisle, "We should discuss this privately." Before anyone could disagree with the two, they were out the front doors. I looked up to my mom What happened? Are we in danger? She looked nervous, not assure herself. "I do not know Renesmee, I will not let anything happen to you." Alice and Jasper remained in the same spot, sobbing. Esme came over to me and Bella, holding me as well. I wish Jacob was her. My nerves and fear was starting to grow. If it was the volturi coming after us again, we definitely are not prepared this time. We had some of our family members missing and the pack was not close enough to be on our side. I started to shake with fear. Bella noticed and pulled me closed rubbing my arms, 'It's ok Renesmee" I sat their silently, letting my mind play games. Thinking of every worst possibility there can be. I took in a big whif and jumped off the couch, running to the door. Before the knock, I opened and threw myself into Jacobs arms, sobbing. "Renesmee? Nessie what happened!" He tried to look me in the face, put I dug my arms around him, not letting go. He was my safety blanket and I needed him now. Bella came over, "She's ok Jake, just a little shaken up." I could feel his body trembling, I was not scared, he knew better to phase this close to me. "Why Bella?!" I could hear the growl under his voice. I put my palm on to his face, I felt bad for Bella taken all of Jakes anger. I flashed what Alice reaction was and what Edward said and a picture of Zafrina. He flinched to the word attack. "Do we know who was it? I need to get the pack." Jacob pushed away from me slowly, bring me over to Bella. "No we do not. Edward went to discuss with Carlisle away from here." I got feel her eyes glimpsing at me, like if I was the reason why they left. "I got to alarm the pack." Jacob turned to the door, pulling off his shirt. "Jacob!" I yelled out, "don't leave me." He paused in his motion, closing his eyes, "Nessie, I will never leave you," he walked back holding my chin up, "I'll be back in a flash." He kissed me on my cheek and out the door he went. I hid my face into Bellas arms, trying to hold back my tears. We waited what felt for hours. The door opened, Edward, Carlisle walked in, Jacob right behind. His face looked as it's been tormented. My eyes widen, worried, what happened to Jake. I ran over to him, trying to get him to look at me. He avoiding my face like the plague. "Jacob, you should tell Nessie upstairs?" Edward suggested to Jacob. He nodded in agreement.

Grabbing my arm, he pulled me to my room and closing the door. He sat on the bed, burying his face into his hand. I have never seen Jacob act like this. I didn't know what do to. I felt so helpless. I moved forward and knelt in front of him. Putting one hand up on to his arm. I laid my head on his knee, waiting for him to be ready to talk. I didn't care what he had to say, as long as he was by my side, I didn't care. I could feel the heat transmitting out of his body, still slight trembling. I put my hand up to his face, Jacob? I've miss you. He peered through his hands, trying his hardest to smile, "I've missed you so much Nessie." He pulled me off the ground into his lap. I loved how strong he was. I played with his hair as he stared into my face, looking at all of features. I could feel his body calming down. I didn't want to push the subject at hand. He kissed my cheek, a long waiting kiss. "Ness, I will not let you get hurt. I will do everything in my power to protect you." I looked at him puzzled. "The blood suckers that were attacked was by another…" He took a deep breath before answering, "by another pack." Pack? I was lost. What does he mean another pack? I felt the anger bubbling in my body. By a wolf! A wolf right next to me. My own best friend. I jumped off his lap, pacing in front of him, "Get out!" Jacob looked at me dumbfounded, "What do you mean Nessie? Don't do this." His eyes dropped to pleading eyes, he walked over to me. I smacked his reaching hand. "Dog! A pack attacked my kind! And you see nothing wrong with that! Was it Sam?!" I felt my body working up, the venom hissing through, directly to Jacob. I heard the foot steps outside my door, must have been my parents. "No Nessie, No. It was no one I know." He looked hurt at the fact I was accusing him for this. "I love you Nessie. Regardless of what I think of blood suckers, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you." He moved in closer, reaching his hand out again. I didn't know what to think, all I wanted was revenge. I put my hands up to my face and poured into them. Jacob moved in and squeezed me against his body. I felt myself fight his arms, trying to get away from him. He didn't let go, he continued to hold me, whispering lightly, "It's ok Nessie…" I cried and cried. I heard my door open and I could smell my parents. Jacob looked up at them, "She's ok, I will be with her. The pack should be her by the morning." "Thank you Jacob," Edwards responded and they bothe exited the room. Jacob picked cradled me into his arms and carried me into the bed, laying next to me. I rolled my body into Jakes as he snuggled into me. I didn't want him to leave my side, my feelings, my well being couldn't afford it. I know he would have to lead his pack, but I dread the time he would have to go. I pulled my palm up to his cheek, don't leave me Jake. Please? I looked up at him waiting for an answer. He rambled through his mind for an answer, "Ness, I don't want to leave you, but you know I have to lead the pack and patrol myself." I could feel my eyes filling up with the water works. He turned me over to look at him, "don't do that Nessie," he wiped the single tear falling from my eye. "You know I want to spend every minute, every second with you but your safety is first. I will try to be here most of the time. I will patrol closer then you think, enough to hear every moment of yours." He smiled, moving in, doing little kisses on my neck, "I can't go even a few hours with out you." The butterflies are back, they raced through my body. I took a deep breath as Jacob continued to tease my neck. He looked up at me, looking back in forth to my eyes. I couldn't wait no longer I reached in for a kiss, pulling his head down to mines. Before it could get out of hand, Jacob sat up. I felt frustrated but I also knew better. I looked over to Jake, "Do you know the other pack?" He deeply inhaled out, "Ness, I thought I told you no," he stood up facing out the window, "Do you think if I did I would allow such thing to happen?" I know Jacob wouldn't but that wouldn't stop Sam or anyone else to do so. I never heard of another pack, let alone with in distance of where we lived. Jacob remained in front of the window, hoping to hear someone from his pack approaching soon. I laid on the bed, counting the minutes till the Amazons arrived to get the full story.

Elijah's point of view

It's been a week or so from learning my new family history of wolves. It was dark out and an eerie one. We got on a schedule to patrol around the reservation, preparing for the worst. We knew there were cold ones around, but we did not know how close. We teamed up in twos. Since the last time, two more of my friends phased Mox and Tieton. It was upsetting they had to experience everything I went through but I couldn't pick any two loyal friends to join my pack. A young boy phased as well, he was no older than fifth teen. I wished he didn't, if I could make him be regular, I would but it was not my choice. Lin, the youngest member of my pack followed close behind me, he was my partner for tonight's patrol. I could hear everyone's thoughts. All of them were out tonight venturing into the woods, mastering all the turns and jumps. Selah and Chad were silent through the night, they took every minute serious. On the other hand, Mox and Tieton yapped about there day and the next football game. All of a sudden I could her Chad yelling, get them. The multiple howls, growling through the woods. My eyes widen in shock. I ran to the howls, pushing into the dirt. Every minute counts, I will not let the mistake happen again. I yelled over to the other two, Get there now! As I came closer, this stench ran through my nose, it was revolting. It smelt like death, mixed with a smell I never set on. The growls ripped through me. I made it to where Selah and Chad stood. In front of a cliff, that led into the ocean. All I saw was a body jumping over as Chad swiped at it. The blood all over the ground leading to them. Is one of them hurt. Selah responded, No where good. They got away. Who got away, I walked over to look over the cliff. The cold ones. I felt myself startle back. I tried to flash back the body that jumped. It was a human body, it was not a monster. Selah answered my thoughts with an image of four cold ones. They all looked regular humans, but with intense features. I was taken back. This whole time I pictured an ugly monstrous being that sucked blood out of everything.. Don't let their beauty fool you Elijah, they will not hesitate to attack and kill you. I was not used to talking of the minds. I had no privacy with my thoughts now, it could be pretty annoying. There were four of them, three females and a male. As we got closer, they heard us and hesitated to move. It looked at us like they might of known who we are. Chad took off and went to attack, when one of them strike him back. They took off running towards the cliff, as we approached closer, we got a hold of one of them, blood was every where before our minds went blank and then you appeared. I listened to everything Selah said. Let's head back. We ran back to the house, all discussing what the next plan of attacks would be. We will continue to patrol our reservation. We will not look for trouble. I ordered them to follow. They will have to come back through our way to return where ever they came from and we will be prepared this time. Everyone parted
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