» Fantasy » Five foot Two, Chloe Brown [knowledgeable books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Five foot Two, Chloe Brown [knowledgeable books to read txt] 📗». Author Chloe Brown

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Chapter One

Exactly two years ago... I killed a man.

Okay, so maybe the man was actually my pet beetle, William and I cried a little as I realised I had trod on him. Yes, I guess that wasn't even twisting the truth a little bit; it was just a downright lie but I wanted to sound interesting.

Anyway, my name is Hannah Mcmore and there's practically nothing interesting about me besides the fact that I'm hilariously short. I'm 5ft 2 (but I'm nearly 5ft 3, honest) and I'm the smallest girl in my school... which is why my height is 'hilarious'- because I'm actually in my last year of school now- I'm in year 13 (upper sixth).

My friends Amanda and Yvone tend to laugh whenever I insist that I'm still going to grow. My height goal is 5ft 5 but they've repeatedly told me that it's not going to happen seeing as I've been 5ft 2 since year 9. However, I say otherwise and continue to pursue the dream of being taller than my younger brother without having to wear heels.

My dreams? I just want to find 'The one'. Mr Right. Prince Charming. The one who's the light bulb to my lampshade- yeah yeah, I know that's not really a romantic but it still makes sense. I want to leave year 13, 5ft 5 tall with a sweet boyfriend who preferably has lips like Chord Overstreet.

“That was a great speech, Hannah.” Yvone pocked her head around my bedroom door with Amanda stood close behind. I was speaking about these two earlier, they're my best friends who are always laughing at me whenever I mention my height goal. It totally wasn't fair; Yvone was nearly 6ft tall and Amanda was 5ft 8. On top of that, Yvone's hair was short and spiky in all the right places and it had recently been dyed back to her natural hair colour- brown- and then Amanda had beach blonde curls that fell past her shoulders and they both had bright green eyes. They were blessed with height and good looks whereas I was just a short social outcast who had annoyingly thin and flat, light brown hair that stuck up in all the wrong places. God, these two were so lucky.

“Yeah, I love the bit about the light bulb.” Amanda chuckled, pushing Yvone into my bedroom before taking a seat at my desk. There are actually three seats at my desk and we made them last year so that they had each of our names written on the back. Amanda always manages to sit in my seat though.

“So how often do you stand on your bed in your 'punk is not dead' shirt and deliver speeches about your life?” Yvone questioned me as I jumped down from said bed and flopped back into my mountain of pillows.

“Often enough.” I answered, winking at them both.

“I wish you were like this at school...” Yvone sighed and Amanda nodded in agreement.

“Guys, not this again. Please,” I groan. Long story short is that I keep myself to myself at school. I just want to grow taller and get grades and then get the fuck outta there.

“Look, we know the real you; it took us ages of bonding over Grease songs but at school you're still...”

“Shy. Quiet. Somewhat scared of any guy that approaches you.” Amanda finished off Yvone's sentence.” I sighed and wriggled around, bringing a few pillows with me as I lay on my stomach facing them.

“Hey, I am not shy! Remember when Toby called my mom a MILF last year? My reaction was a blur of every curse known to man across the world.” I began to chew on my lip and hugged my pillow a little bit tighter at the memory of his face paling.

“Ahh nevermind. Either way as long as you continue to speak to us even after we move to university, I don't mind. Promise us you will.” Amanda and Yvone both stuck out their pinkies towards me and I grinned before sealing the pinky promise.

“Oh by the way I heard news,” Amanda wiggled her brows at me.

“Your older brother's coming back to town soon, right?” Yvone finished off. I swear these two could be twins; one always knows what the other is thinking.

“How did you guys find that out before me?” I whined, kicking my feet. See, I really love my brother- he's always been there for me when I've needed him most and he was my best friend before Amanda and Yvone came into my life.

“Facebook.” Yvone replied, holding up her phone and waved it around.

“10 quid says you haven't checked your Facebook messages for the past two weeks,” Amanda smirked.

“Fine, I didn't check my Facebook messages but he could have just text me like any normal person would have done,” I pouted.

“You changed your number, idiot.” Amanda lent over the chair and reached towards me to poke my forehead.

“Ow,” I whined and rubbed my head, “But still- he could have told my little bro or my mom.”

Yvone's hand flew to her mouth and she sniggered.

“Ohmygod, the cheeky bastard did tell them, didn't he?!” I yelled. “I can't believe him!”

“Jeez Hannah, stop whining and just be happy your bro's coming back.” I turned my head and stared at Amanda.

“How can I be happy that he's coming back when that means I'll have you two drooling aaaaall over my shoulders the whole time he's here?” I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest as I sat up straight on my bed.

“We can't help that he's so tasty, geez Hannah. Don't worry though, we'll make sure we won't drool too much- we wouldn't want to ruin your carpet,” Amanda laughed. I reached out and gently thumped her shoulder jokingly.

“The carpet is besides the point. Also, my brother's room is off limits once he's back- you two really freaked him out when he found you hidden underneath his bed. I tried explaining you were just trying to scare him but he still found it slightly weird,” I told my two friends with a shrug.

“Fine, fine. Don't worry anyway- with our A-levels coming up we won't have time to be dreaming about your brother.” Yvone told me this as if it was going to assure me.

“Woah, did you hear that?” Amanda suddenly yelped.

“Hear what? You shouting?” I teased.

“No, it was a really loud car door shutting or something,” she replied as she walked over to my open window. (I actually have two windows, one that faces the front and the other that faces the side of a empty house.) Me and Yvone followed closely behind, peering out of the window behind her.

“Wow, it looks like someone's moving in next door.” Yvone was right- There was a huge truck that had been opened and there were a few men taking household items and furniture out of the back of the vehicle.

“Does that mean you're getting neighbours?” Yvone asked what I was thinking.

“I guess so. It's just a bit off- we haven't had neighbours for years in that house. I wonder if it'll be an old couple or a young couple or a single parent or a lonely middle aged person,” I thought out loud.

“You'll find out later,” Amanda told me, sitting on the edge of my window ledge.

“I will?” I asked slightly confused.

“Yeah, remember when the Nicoleson's moved in six months back- Your mom made you take home-made treats to their house as a friendly neighbourhood welcoming present, don't you remember?”

“Oh yeah, of course. Whenever we get neighbours mom gets this weird idea that we have to make friends with all of them,” I explained. It didn't bother me too much as I was always curious to see what type of people were moving in but at the same time I kinda felt like my mom was always making too much of an effort to make friends with everyone.

“Well I'm going downstairs to tell Ms Mcmore that you have new neighbours! I feel in the mood for your mom's home-made treats!” Amanda yelled, hurtling out of my room with Yvone hot on her tail. I knew what they were like aswell- As soon as they'd shovelled a few of my mom's cookies or cakes down their throats they'd leave so that I'd have to go to the house alone and then they'd laugh the next day as I explain what catastrophes may have occurred just from visiting someone's house.

I sighed and closed my window and left my room to see what tweedle dee and tweedle dum were up to.

“Hi H.” My mom greeted me as she tied her apron around her waist. “The girls were just telling me that we have new neighbours so seeing as I'm not busy right now, I'll make some cookies. Care to help?” I glanced over to my two friends who were staring at me with big wide puppy dog eyes. I groaned and raised a hand to my face, dragging it downwards.

“Fine, I'll help but only because these thing one and thing two won't join in if I don't,” I replied. I went over to the pegs and pulled my cooking apron down. My mom had brought it from Ebay and coincidently it sort of matched my 'punk is not dead' shirt, only my mom had brought a dodgy version and it actually read 'funk is not fed.' She explained to me that she thought it sounded hip and cool and I explained to her it made no sense.

My mom had whipped up her special batch of cookie mix in no time and was already taking off her apron.

“You girls can go ahead and mould the dough into whatever shapes you'd like. The oven's already preheated so you only have to stick them in,” my mom explained before sauntering off.

“Hey look Han, I made a peen.” Amanda burst out laughing as she held up her poor attempt of a 'peen'.

“Good afternoon m'aam, I heard you had a particular interest in the D.” Yvone held out her hand that contained her cookie dough that had been shaped into the letter D. “Or is it that you'd prefer the V because I also have one of those too.” In her other hand she held out another batch of cookie dough that had been pressed into the letter V.

“Oh my god you guys!” I whined, softly nudging my elbow into each of their sides. “How would anyone think that we're actually in year 13 when you two are so immature?”

“Calm down Hannah, it was just a joke.” Amanda whipped her finger across my cheek leaving a small trail of flour on my face. I made a mental note to myself that I needed to remember to wash it off before I left the house.

“Yeah Haaaaaanah.” Yvone repeated Amanda, purposely droning out my name. God, as immature as they were I really did love the two twits.

“C'mon guys let's be serious about this. Just roll them into neat little circle or squares and then stick them on the tray” I instructed.

“Yes M'aam,” Yvone replied with a mocking salute. We all chatted away as we rolled out the mix my mom had made and cut up the pieces of dough into different shapes.

“Right-o, we're done.” Amanda sighed as she shoved the tray in the oven. “What'd we do now?”

“How about we go home and pray that Hannah will save us a few cookies?” Yvone suggested staring at me with wide eyes, trying to make me give in.

“Alright, alright. You guys go and leave me- yet again- to deliver the cookies to complete strangers.”

“Thanks Han, you're a babe,” Amanda told me as she gave me a friendly hug.

“We'll see you later, don't forget to tell us all the details, okay?” Yvone waved to me as I watched them walk down the path from the front of

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