Twisted Fates, Ja'Lisa Shanks [ebook reader web TXT] 📗

- Author: Ja'Lisa Shanks
Book online «Twisted Fates, Ja'Lisa Shanks [ebook reader web TXT] 📗». Author Ja'Lisa Shanks
There is a hidden world from the human eyes that lives and grows beside normal life. Yet to keep this blance and both worlds safe three young leaders must step up to take power from the evil and currupted. To lead both worlds for a better future by trail and error three different supernatual young adults must form the most unexpected ties to ensure their lives and those that share their worlds are alive after they take their crowns for the first time. but for one to rise and take the future one must die.
Chapter 1
Fates plan
It begain with a dream then became real when my beast started to share her mind with me this time though I wished she had not shared because this time she showed me the next life we have and like everything I know or touch its never easy. The sad part is the me of now dies so the next life "me" can take her place. Do I freak out no becuse my answer for why is a short criptic answer of "Time will show you all". Really how does that work if I'm to die!! I don't get the how or when just the end result. yeah not fun in any way.
Instead of placing my self into a padded room and throwing away the key I let my wolf just take over and what dose she dose not do the whole go hunt a bunny and kill it normal wolf thing. NO that would be to easy of a night time thing to do, So she decides to go fishing... thats right a wolf fishing.... anyone else see a problem with this? wolves don't fish now bears, raccoons, and other fishing animals do but not wolves. confusing much?
I didnt have long to be confused when suddenly the wolf heard a howl sixty miles away and we flew over land and water to answer the call but as we ran we became the fogg and mists, no longer body of flesh and bone just pure soul flying to our new body. this was it the moment I feared but fate makes the plays you just fallow the hand. As I slipped farter into the in between plain unused knowlged became mine. I knew my fate was to live and fight for more than just my life but the lives of every living thing in this world becuase the old Ceven was gone I was now Sheaba leading both my wolf people and the were animals into a new world. It was with accepting my fate that suddely I was letting out a pitiful howl of terror while trying look behind me to see if he was chasing me when suddenly the ground beneth my paws gave way to nothing but air. Now last I knew I was just a spirit knew how that my body had parished but now I was alive and falling??? So to say I didn't scream like a girl would be a lie. I was falling but it felt like slow motion just like when I died the first time at the vampires fangs, Yet all I heard was my own screaming and possibly the sound of another howling back at me trying to find me but then the ground rushed up to catch me or brake me I didn't know but I felt a blinding pain and the world tilted in the color red then went black as unconicnous claimed me.....
chapter 2
When I heard the howl it must have been a animal that was either chasing food or about to be food. So following the sound that seem to be falling I ran faster and came to the cliff next to the boundry lines. Thats when I smelled the blood, it was safe to assume what ever had fallen was probely dead or near dieing, However just in case I had to check it out anyways. Yet there was no way I could have know it was a person I'd find at the bottom of the cliff. Slowly making my way down to the body that was laying in between the large bolders that made up the shallow pit seemed to have some what broken the person's fall judgeing by the blood stains on the rock where they had hit first.
When I slide down the last part of the rocky cliff side it was not just a body, but a female human body! I was expecting someone's dog or a normal wolf the close relative of my family Not a body a girl body at that. I was afraid to touch her in case she wasn't too badly hurt and tried to rip my throat out. But she didn't move or even seem to be breathing so taking the chance that it was safe to tough her I bent down to check for a pulse I was pleased to see she was atlest mostly alive which was a good thing... well maybe a good thing..
It wouldn't be good if some ate her or a human came this way to find a dead girl, This would and could cause a lot of problems and I would get the blame. "Bad Were-Wolf for playing with your food" and old saying came into mind when I started to move the body. ( I didnt know her name so body seems good as any to call her till she was able to talk) when I saw she was already healing the minor cuts and brusies on her body.. HMMMMM okay so not human which means that she was a supernatural of some sort not a vampire because you can't push blood through a dead heart so that explains the pulse.
As I picked up the body it twitched and I almost dropped her not that she was heavy just scared the shit out of me. Shifting her back into my arms more firmly I slowly make it up the side of the cliff using the goat and deer path that was naturally there. When finally reaching the top gently setting her down I take the time to look her over for worse injuries that could be there but didn't see any which could mean it was more internal damage than on the outside. Seeing her in the moon light I reconized who she was I thought this is totally odd becasue not three months ago I saw a young were-dog that looked about my age playing among the trees and seemed to be completely safe and she was laying in front of me right now. So maybe sharing blood with her wouldn't accidently turn or kill her and it would speed up her healing faster than letting her suffer as her body knitted the wounds by its self I got a good look at her and she reeminded me so much of Ceven and my family. The thought of Ceven brought the nightare of the past few months to the front of my mind..
Now with the memories fresh in is his mind lost to the past "Tracker where are you at?" Ceven was calling for Tracker.
"Hey Tracker your girl is looking for you. You had better go see what she wants." Joked one of Tracker's friends. Snarling at him I took off to the cave to see what Ceven wanted.
They were going to be bound by oath later on this month. Tracker and Ceven's parents had arranged their marriage, but they still loved each other and nothing could break that bond not even death. Little did they know that was going to be to the test for Vampires suddenly attacked the cave and killed everyone that was standing or able to fight back. Ceven being the first then they finished off the rest of his family but the Fates saved him for what reason he didnt know he never even got to know why Ceven was calling for him when she died.
As the memory faded I bit into my wrist while slowly shifting so that my left arm supported her back and head as I pressed my bleeding arm to her mouth forcing her mouth open and making sure she swallowed enough that I begain to get dizzy from over sharing blood with her.
After getting back to my feet I picked the girl up and started to take her to the cabin but thought better of that after all might not be safe so it was to the cave of wolves my adopted family. hopefully they understood the need of helping others and did not try to eat the girl.
It was slow going with trying to carefully walk with her and not jare or swing her to much in case she wasnt healing fast enough and was still near death. But she did not stir till I reached the cave and the other wolves seemed to know not to bother her. They brought food back for me to cook. I tried to spoon water and meat down her but she barely managed to get any of it down and she was running a fever hotter than any I've ever seen. The Female wolf that was mate to the Alpha of this pack walked over and nosed around the girl almost as if she knew what was going on and was helping in some way. Suddenly the she wolf howled and the other females came to stand by the girls body and begain laying on and tightly around her to keep her warm and sweat out the fever.
It was two days later when she finally started to come back and now I didnt know what to do other than try to get her to talk.
Chapter 3
Sheaba is born
Scent was the first thing to come back to me and all that I could gather from the smells around me were pitiful at best. I was underground with animals of some kind, and it was warm but moist at the same time so some kind of cave. Next came sound which was hard because it was a headache making to try and pinpoint a single sound when it seemed to echo around me when a thought came forth and left a chilling answer. "This life is a gift, live it and find your love use it save this world or all will die".
Suddenly a gruff cut kind of voice was speaking to me from my right side. "Hey can you hear me, Move a finger if you can" demanded the voice, had to be male. I wiggled my finger and tried to open my eyes that was a bad idea. "Whoa take it easy now you have been mostly dead for two days and had alot of damnage from your fall," warned the voice in a soothing tone that sounded like home but I knew that I never heard before.
I heard howling first thought "Oh shit, where am I." second one is "recover for what fall? I was dead.... Wait why am I not dead??, then that voice speaks again trying to calm me down yet it was like I knew that voice and everything came back and it was like reliving it all over again, the cave the vampires laying there slowly dieing being told it was okay that I would live agian and find Tracker again. but also other memories came forward of another life. It was the one that was
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