» Fantasy » the vampyeric, c.rager [best time to read books TXT] 📗

Book online «the vampyeric, c.rager [best time to read books TXT] 📗». Author c.rager

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For as long as there has been man there have been those who are gifted. Such as physics, vampires, and lycans. Since there have been those who have been the mix breeds half-blood’s to be less derogatory. some with both gifted parents and some with a gifted and a human because of this there were been altars in the powers that come from the parents I am a vampyeric there are three kinds of vamperic’s so far one that has all the powers none of the weakness of a vampire oh and vampires are not like you see in movies there living and sunlight don’t faze them there weakness is there lust for blood without they can’t live without fresh blood but back to the point the second is that with only the blood lust and none of the power and then you have me who is a vampyeric of both gifted parents witch means I get both powers to a point so don’t get use mixed we all have a second power I am the third kind of vampyeric I have all the power none of the weakness but I have the inability to use my power without the fresh blood witch kind of screws my other power since my parents a purebloods I’m the first of my family to be half on both sides my mother’s side are all physics and my dad’s is vampires there love was forbidden and we are shunned from our family and did I mention I can’t drink blood because I have no fangs I was born without them causing me to be powerless now my girlfriend of current stature who I hope will keep me after she finds out the truth is from a family of physics and half-blood’s physics can mate with humans but both her parents are human she has physic in her bloodline somewhere she just don’t know it yet once I tell her she will no doubt go looking for were but she was born with the inability to create the energy necessary to survive so she must take others energy and she is doing what I’m currently doing trying not to steel what’s necessary for use me I want to be normal and not hurt anyone anymore she is trying not to hurt people she told me of her gift and I knew I could trust her with mine but I didn’t know how to tell her till now
Chapter 1 how we met
Well it all started in iss (in school suspension) I had been talking to a friend being normal considering no one person knows my secret because of where I live im away from my real family and haven’t had contact with them in seven years anyways I was talking to my friend about a girl at school then she walked in Kat of all people the it had to be Kat she fit my profile perfectly only one problem I had been avoiding her. Her sent was intoxicating I and always wanted her but I wanted her to like me not for me to do my usual to get a girl which was make them look into my eyes and smile and they always fall for me at least for a while it wasn’t just the beauty of my eyes it is the power that’s in them every vampire and vampyeric has them the lushes eye that can make a girl stop and turn to u and want you I on the other hand hated them because I never new weather a girl truly liked me but there was something about Kat I couldn’t figure out why did her scent make me crave her what was it about her so I started to talk to her and when went to iss miss appleshit did her routine of wanding us with her metal detector and gripe about how we were al disrespectful she has a fowl stench to her I always disliked her and can tell when she is coming during iss I started to fall asleep and the way I was sitting was causing my back to ache so I moved over to a cubical buy Kat who is into drawing and rock music like a lot of my friends so I knew how to talk to here but the most random thing happened I didn’t she did she threw me a note asking who my favorite band was and of cores me being me my response was of what genera she laughed and wrote rock and the conversation began we passed that note back and forth for a while before she ask what happened with my last girlfriend and I told her about how she broke up with me for some other guy Kat felt said oh ok my foots asleep I think she was trying to change subject and it worked cause I said lol sorry so do you have a boyfriend and handed her the not at this time I had reverted from sleeping to drawing a digimon for her she just didn’t know it was for her yet she handed me the not back saying no which surprised me I wrote back…. You’re kidding me why? HOW? And she replied because I don’t like most of the guys out here I chuckled and coach smartass (his nickname from me) decided to pop of with Chris you and you new girlfriend need to quit I laughed as always and when back to being quite and doing what I was he doesn’t care as long as I’m quite cause he likes me I wrote on the note so you just shoot them down I see She replied yep not many of them want me anymore so idk anymore I decided it was time to make my move I wrote lol harsh so is there anyone you like ? And she seemed to freak she wrote omg you like me don’t you? I so casually replied I didn’t say that but yea a little but I wasn’t going to say anything until I knew you liked me she wrote back -.- if you don’t know I like you then you’re stupid. Felling stupid now I wrote back yea I’m stupid lol she laughed then I asked her out and she said YES!
Chapter 2 the date
The next day was Saturday and I had community service all day I got up at 6:30 and had been there for two hours then she showed up and wasn’t aloud to really say much until she was able to escape her family which I was hell bent on helping her do because of the festival that was started and her parents Frisbee golf tournament I when down to the park part of the area when I saw them going but I when the long way to help keep her parents oblivious of me which was pointless Kats little sister ratted on me being her boyfriend and we talked at the park till her little sister started to be a brat and wanting to go so I said bye and finally started my shift for community service at 11:00am and apparently I had been on the clock already because I showed up early but it was time for me to work but there was nothing to do so I figured I’d bee really mean I took my shirt off and when and jumped into the lake but got out quickly after a while I found out there would be bounce houses and I went and told them knowing her little sister would want to go and I finally separated her from her family so we went and talked for a while but the bounce houses never showed up on time and we keep getting close to each other until we were touching and I was holding her. let me remind you she smelled amazing it was intoxicating but I really like her and don’t want to eat her so I had to hold back and then it happened she started talking about a secret that she don’t like talking about at first I thought it was masturbating because she said she was trying to stop and it was hard but then it hit me she was like me but I couldn’t say anything I found it all out why she was so intoxicating but I wasn’t sure I had to get her to tell me so I pushed the subject o did I tell you she thought I was going to kiss her when I wasn’t and she smarted off and said I’m not going to kiss you so I made it my goal to kiss her by the end of the day and I succeeded see when the bounce house went up we sat on the fire truck and talked and I started to nibble on her neck in a sexual manor completely destroying my way of life because of my hunger for her blood and I know this sounds kind of twilightish but it’s not it was true her gift gave her a sent only my kind would notice or a liken which worries me because I know of lykens that will set out to hurt what matters most to me which is why I’m really scared for my unborn child but that a story for another time but I had to have her and contrary to belief you don’t turn vampire buy bite or blood transfer it’s something you are born with it’s a power that god had given us to suffer with or overcome but while we were talking I finally got her to tell me buy making her want t drain me of my energy so badly but I still haven’t told her of my secret or the point that I want her to drain me of some of my energy just to see how it feels and knowing that being what I am she can’t fully harm me and I can’t bite her without fangs with no fang I only have human teeth witch cause massive blood lose and kills the one you try and drain with fangs you can take what you need ant let the victim go on with their life but not me so as much as I want to I can’t taste her except for her flesh when I kissed her neck I let my tongue touch it and it sent shivers down my body I never felt this way before is this a true bond I’m confused only Kat can help me find out if this is the bond my dad told me about its she will feel it to this bond I use to think was love but now I know it’s much stronger then love its pure and unbreakable it’s the first time I’ve felt this way I like Kat but I crave her touch and her sent and her beauty
Chapter 3 the truth comes out

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