» Fantasy » Vampire mistress, Nailah Palmer [jenna bush book club txt] 📗

Book online «Vampire mistress, Nailah Palmer [jenna bush book club txt] 📗». Author Nailah Palmer

chapter one:First Smell
I knew that when i even realized i became a vampire i would not become a mistress.I would not take over someones life and if i even thought about it i would be decades old.I have been a vampire for 300 years and have never came close to becoming a mistress because i allways stayed away from that situation.Even when my master died i was a little glad only because he would not ruin somone elses life like he did to mine.the only companion or friend i had left was valerie,she was here before me by 20 years so she knew more than i did about the rules.When my master,Corin changed me i was only seventeen and when you change you never change again,only your hair gets longer.It can be cool but sometimes you want to cry about it.I still went to highschool,or pretended to so that way they wouldnt ask where i go.It was hard though because of the way they smelt,each human had their own smell,raspberry particularly my favorite smell,but noone i ever met smelt that way.As for our diets we drank human blood but i had one human a month,i trained myself to become that way,but valerie drank a human every was monday morning a nice gray looking morning,not sunny because if we went out in the sun we would disappear because we turned so pale,and valerie and i were on the jeep talking about the next time we should hunt right before school.valerie was excited and hopeful,but i could care less.A really nice eclipse that was raven colored(like my hair)parked infront of our jeep.Everyone started staring because noone moved here ever since we came and to be honest this town was pretty poor and strange.A boy and a girl got out and i realized that i had never seen them before in my life because the boy smelled so good,like raspberry,i almost jumped down and drank his beautiful singing blood but when he looked at me i stopped and couldnt move.Valerie shook me hard and we both looked away from each other.she was shaking her head and smiling at me.
"Ember,do you want some blood now?Because you are turning pale,you need blood before you disappear."she said so low only I could hear.I was thirsty,so thirsty i wanted to kill someone right now but i held my peace.I spoke as quietly as i could manage at this second.
I nodded and gritted my teeth and spoke through them holding my breath,"Yes i do i can barely manage."i spit out.Valerie nodded slightly and took my hand and pulled me off the jeep easily not rushing but still trying to.She led me to the back of the school right on the edge of the property but in the woods.Silently she bit her wrist with a grunt and lifted it into my mouth.I drank her nice strawberry scented blood for a full minute not waisting it on the ground.I could feel her about to fall so i took one good gulp and let her go supporting her with my arms.She was breathing heavily and looked a little flushed with sweat.
"Im sorry,are you okay?"I asked softly.She nodded and i could feel her strength returning to her.She stood on her own and grinned at me apologetically and shrugged but before i coud respond the bell rang for first period.She looked at me and sighed.
"we should go home you look so tired and sick and blood is all over your shirt,why dont you wait for me in the jeep while i tell the office where we are going and why."She took off her jacket and gave it to me(good thing its black)and walked off.before i put it on i wiped my mouth on my purple shirt.I walked back to my jeep self conciously hoping not to


Publication Date: 06-28-2010

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