» Fantasy » DISCERN, Belinda Louis [best way to read books .TXT] 📗

Book online «DISCERN, Belinda Louis [best way to read books .TXT] 📗». Author Belinda Louis








   The War



Menace sat on his mothers leather sofa watching televison. His hand in a bag of chips and the other pressing buttons on the remote. The phone rang constantly but Menace did not pick it up. His mother was taking a shower. She later came out with a towel around her and a towel that held her hair up


"Menace pick up the phone you darn idiot." she grabbed the phone and answered the caller. Menace watched her with an evil facial expression on his face. Menace's mother seemed terrifed and her eyebrows touched

He got up from the sofa to hear what his mother was hearing.


"Get out of your houses right now!" begged a man on the other line screaming. Menace quickly headed for the kitchen and peeped through the hole of the door. He looked out the small little glass from his door but no one was in the hallways.


"GET OUT OF YOUR FUCKING HOUSES. I WARNED YOU!" The man yelled once more


"WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?" Menace yelled but the call ended in a constant sound of a beep. Menace and his mother looked at each other. It was early in the morning at the crack of dawn.







    Menace looked out his window. There was no cars. No buses. No nothing. That was very unsual. 

 "Mom look at this" his mother accepted his comand. She stood behind him. Frightened. She peeped one eye over his shoulders near the curtains. 

"That's wierd. I swore I head cars passing by this morning before waking you up." she said 

"Let me go put on my clothes. Call aunty Vivian while I'm in my room" Menace ignored her and walked out side his apartment. He stood in the hallways to hear any sound of footsteps or presence of something. He noticed that there wasn't anything going on. He sat on the steps by his door and took a deep breath. As he closed his eyes a loud bang echoed in the building. As if someone release a bomb from a plane. Suddenly the memories he learned in history class about Hiroshima crossed his mind. He heard it again. This time the building shook and the residue from the ceiling was falling down like snow.

"What the hell is happening"  He ran back inside his apartment as his mother watched him lock the door.

"Menace what did you do?" she asked


"Nothing. I didn't do anything." she stood there with her index fingers in her ears.

Menace looked out the window again. He saw planes above his building dropping nuclear bombs from the sky. He observed a plane drop a bomb right above the next building from the next block. 

"Oh shit" Menace jumped when he heard the explosions.

"Menace what's happening?!" she shouted

"I DON'T KNOW MOTHER. I HAVE NO IDEA." He yelled as he tried to find a safe spot around the living room.

A loud knock coming from the other side of the room scared the both of them.

"Do someting" Menace took his aluminum bat from the kitchen and stood by the door. More residue was falling from the ceiling as some got caught in his eye.

'I CAN'T FUCKING SEE" He blinked constantly trying to find eyesight. He opened the door a little bit and saw his neighboor Saijae standing there with her palms covering her ears. He pushed  her inside and forced himself to find balance in the rocking builing

"Menace whta's going on?" she cried

"Their dropping bombs outside Sai. Look for yourself" he guided her to the window. Another building collasped right by his window

"Oh My God. Menace did you see that?" Menace fell down to the ground with her as he back away from the window. The sky was now filled with smoke and ashes.

Menace tried turning up the volume on his tv but there was no signal. Grey lines appeared on his screen as he tried wiggling around the tv antena

  "Wow 200 bucks for this shit" he whispered underneath his breath. 




The bombs stopped. Saijae, Menace, and his mother Mae stood there in complete silence. They communicated through each others eyes. Saijae inhaled and exhaled rapidly as her tears dried from her face. Menace loosend his grip on the bat. Mae still had the towel on her head. Loud voices from the main entrance of the buildling echoed through the window as they all looked back

"Did you hear that?" Saijae ran towards the window. She saw a military tank of soilders running out of the tank into the building with guns in their hands.

"They're coming here Menace look" Menace quickly ran to see. Footsteps came marching in the buildings. Menace ran by the door and saw soilders knocking on doors across the hallways.

"Shit everybody hide. Hide I said. Hide somewhere they won't look." Menace ran in his room. Saijae looked confused and did as he said. Mae hid behind the fridge. Who hide's behind a fridge?


Bang! Bang!

  "IS ANYBODY IN THERE? WHERE COMING IN" A husky loud voice said behind the door. The soilder knocked down the door with his shoulder. He looked at the empty apartment through the glass of his gun to aim.

"Come out where ever you are" a load of other soilders followed him. Mae saw a soilder pass by the fridge. She took a deep breath and whispered a prayer

"Allah! Allah! please take me from the hell on this earth" she continued a prayer. Menace was in his room in a closet where he hid. The bat was still in his hand in ready position. He saw the soilder creep through the closet as the soilder opened it.



Menace hit him in the face with the bat. His mask shattered to pieces as blood ran down his face.

  Other soilders followed the sound. Menace picked up the soilders gun. 

"Back up I tell you. Back the fuck up"

"Can you shoot a gun friend?" a soilder in a ready to aim position said to Menace.

   "Don't worry about that"

"You just answered my question" BANG! the soilders gun went off. Menace collasped to the floor and his gun rolled over to the other side of his bed. 

"MY FUCKING SHOULDER MAN" Menace held on to his bleeding shoulder. Mae ran in as another soilder locked her arms behind her back. They couldn't controll her as she jumped up and down for freedom


"Get this one some help" they carried Menace out. They dragged him by the arms and he cursed out to let him go.

"EVERYBODY EVACUATE THE BUIDLING" Said another armed soilder knocking down other doors.

Saijae was under the bed in Mae's room. She heard silence. She sniffed her mucus as she cried once more. She noticed no one was now inside anymore. She got from under the bed and tip toed into the living room. She looked inside Menace's room and saw splattered blood everywhere. She stepped back into a hard chest. Her eyes opened wide and the man wrapped his arms around her neck.

"You thought you can hide forever" he whispered into her ears and she wiggled her feet in the air.

"Please don't kill me!" she begged

   "That's too bad" the soilder pulled Saijae closer to his fram and felt the softness of her women figures.

He grabbed her breast and squeezed them so tight. While his other hand was over her mouth.

"Nice pairs you got there" his lowered his hand down her stomach and tightly squeezed her hour glass waist. She ran out with her into the hallways and out the building.

She saw Mae tapped up and thrown into a truck while Menace was getting help as peramedics cured his wounded shoulder. 

"THAT'S ALL OF THEM. PACK IT UP GUYS!" The head of the other soilders comanded as they drove over dead bodies and rubber.

Saijae was tapped up. Her legs. Her mouth. Her arms. The other soilder in the back of the truck poked at her thighs with a AK in his hand.

"Your're a sexy individual aren't you?" Saijae was left speechless. He grabbed for a needle and a blue liquid that was sitting in the back in a box. He stabbed the needle into a the blue glass.

"I'm going to have fun with you for a while" He aggressivly injected the serum into Saijae's neck and she passed out peacefully, sound asleep.


Text: Belinda
Images: Tumblr
Editing: Belinda
Publication Date: 10-04-2014

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