» Fantasy » Dangerous Games, Ghost Wolf [the reading list TXT] 📗

Book online «Dangerous Games, Ghost Wolf [the reading list TXT] 📗». Author Ghost Wolf

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“Subject 0798 has passed test 500,” the intercom announces as I finish pummeling the unfortunate volunteer who was supposed to provide a challenging fight. Looking up, I regard the five armed guards who stalk forward holding a shield and baton towards me. They flinch as I leap off my opponent, moving closer to them. I stride around them, head held high, tail up in the air. My eyes are closed as I near the sliding door. Inching closer to them, seemingly harmless and obedient. Let's see how they react to an attack. I pivot on my back right foot and vault into the air. They're slow to react, and my whole body weight slams into the closest guard's shield. He crashes to the ground with a whoof, and doesn't get back up.The others start to surround me, I'm crouched and ready to leap again. I can smell their uneasy and doubt. They're fear and anxiety. 

“Enough 0798, ” I hate the name as if I'm an “it” and his voice makes me want to bang my head on a wall. So smooth and completely devoid of any compassion. If I could I’d rip his throat out, but when you're stuck in a massive maze called a laboratory with 20 levels each one full of military staff, and cameras watching your every move, you can't get away with murdering the head of the whole operation. Unless you have a death wish. 

Glaring at him does nothing to unnerve the man, his ice-blue eyes just glare back. Even if deep violet eyes are bizarre and scary looking from a pure white wolf. 

More soldiers spill from the doorway, filling in the space behind the Dr. the difference is they have guns with tranquilizer darts instead of batons. Wouldn't want to loose such an important advancement as the combination of wolf and human DNA. The German government kept this lab and the contents of the lab so quiet that those involved can't leave the lab and all communications are strictly forbidden, if you were caught sending messages to the outside they put a 9mm into your head. 


I stepped off the guard and watched him get up and scurry away. The soldiers from behind Dr. Devil (that's what I call him and it's the one thing that irritates him the most) began advancing towards me, crouched in defensive mode, shields held in front angled up. I bared my teeth in a wolfy grin of mischief. My back legs tensed ready to spring, the hair on my neck stood on end, my eyes narrow. These guards were military trained and didn't hesitate or show fear. Not yet anyway. One guard in the back wasn't in a defensive formation and that's where I focused my attention. With a snarl, I release my pent up energy and spring into the air, leaping over the men. Caught by surprise the men were slow to act, landing in front of the lax guard, I slip in between the guy's legs and bolt through the door swinging around left into the corridor. Doors and other hallways branched off, glass windows, a view to what the scientists in white coats working with vials of chemicals or others in hazmat suits behind biohazard doors. Pelting full speed down the long tunnel felt exhilarating, until the far wall began getting closer. Slowing my pace preparing to pivot into a sharp right. Turning sharply into the next hall, I'm greeted by military men and blow darts in the shape of guns. Indifferent to the men and their toys, I run directly at them dodging their feeble attempts to stop me and weave through their legs. This corridor is much shorter than the last one at the end is a door locked by a keypad. Good thing I snagged a key card on my way through the forest of legs. The pounding of several pairs of feet behind me is unnerving but I'm quicker than they are. Sliding to a stop in front of the door I run the key card through the slot and the door clicks open. With a swish of my tail, I taunt the men as they slowly come up behind me and walk into the room. 

The floor beneath me is no longer concrete but grass and actual dirt. Trees sit in the back corners providing shade from the skylights above and rock large and small litter the ground. Flowers and vines provide a pop of color and texture. A water feature makes up the direct right corner from the door, at the end of the waterfall sits a small pond with actual fish. The only thing out of character is the cameras that survey the terrain. Hidden eyes. Eventually, you get used to it even the annoying hum they create. Trotting across open space to the largest rock in between the two massive oaks at the back center of the room. I spend most of my time on top of the rock bathing in the sunlight or underneath the rock in the den I had hallowed out. Swiveling my ears towards the far left cluster of trees, the ruffling of feathers catches my attention. Turning away from my den, I trot towards the birch tree where the sound was coming from. Before I reach the base the door beeps and slides open, the guards file through standing at attention as Dr. Evil walks in. 

“You are more trouble than your worth!” he growls. I stare at him unblinking, before sitting down and dropping the key card at my feet. As it drops the guards gaze follow the card ready to pounce. 

“If I were more trouble than I'm worth, ” I pause briefly to convert back into my human form. “The U.S government would have had taken vials of my blood, and then killed me so YOU the puppets could dissect me to uncover what makes me Tick, ” tilting my head to the side a smirk lingering on my lips. The good doctor (not) just glared at me and snapped his fingers. Bad idea. In 2 seconds flat the team of guards lunge for me, and I transform back into my wolf form, grab the key card, and vault into the air onto a rock behind me while the men crash into a pile at the foot of the boulder. I yip with laughter, the key card at my feet, the men angrily threatening me. “Give that back 0798 right... Now, ” I pretend to be scared, putting my tail between my legs and shivering. His cool demeanor changes, his face turning bright red. “Bring me the card key, ” the guards encircle the rock, 13 tranquilizer guns pointed at my head. With a sigh I toss the key card in the air as if in slow motion 3 things happen; one the guards follow the card with their eyes, two a screech and flurry of feathers dive for the card, three I slam my whole body into the guard closest to me. Bounding off the guard I land on the rock and leap back into the air using the momentum I had gained. The guards however react quickly and the one behind the rock hits me across the head with the butt of his gun. Stars burst across my vision and dark shadows reith across my sight. The last thing I feel is my body slamming into a tree as I roll.


Pain lances up my side and down my spine, upon waking from unconsciousness. My vision is still cloudy as red hot pain bounces around my skull. Next time I see the idiot who hit me, he's going to regret ever volunteering for guard duty. I still have his scent in my mind. Slowly rising to my feet the flutter of wings draws my attention. 

“I see you are still helping me, ” shaking my head trying to get rid of the drowsiness only made my head hurt. The flutter of wings lands next to me. 

“I see your still being a pain in the ass, ” Kyle stood in front of me, glaring, his golden-brown hair shining in the sun. He offered his hand and I took it. Once on my feet I hopped on the rock behind me. 

“I found a way put, ” Kyle looked at me. 

“Im serious, ” looking at the cams I whispered in his ear.

“All we need is one key and bam! We're out, ” I pulled away and Kyle stared at me before pacing thinking. I jumped into one of the trees and relaxed. Dr. Devil would be back, probably to test Kyle. And then we can get that keycard.

“I'm sick of this place, ” feathers ruffled Kyle flew into the tree with me. Landing on my back he settled down as the sun began fading. Curled in the branches the heat from my fur kept both of us warm throughout the night. Soon both of us would be out.


Something made a thump as it hit the grass. Ears perked listening and watching. The moon glinted off a circular piece of thick glass. Shifting to wake Kyle up, he hopped to a branch quietly. Both of us stayed completely quiet and made our way to the ground hidden. The moon was full and three shadows lowered themselves to the ground using climbing gear. One of them turned towards us, and crouched. The moon glinted off a gun. With a soft growl I disappeared behind the rocks. Kyle stayed in the trees watching. 

“Lets get them and get out of here, ” whispered a male voice, caucasian, mid-20s. Soon an alarm would go off when the cams picked up movement, but these people knew what they were doing. They moved quickly searching. One stayed by the hole in the glass. That hole was Me and Kyle's way out and I knew exactly how to get up. Carefully and quietly I snuck forward. I crouched at the edge preparing to run forward when a voice called out warning the lookout, who turned to face me. Kyle flew forward drawing his attention and I ran forward. The lookouts back to me I used that as a springboard and let onto his back. Jumping up I transformed and grabbed the edge of the glass hole. Kyle flew up and transformed, grabbed my arm and pulled me up. We were greeted by a group of people. Who all aimed at us with guns. 

“Get out of here, ” I whispered, Kyle though, stayed put refusing to move from my side. There were at least 5 of them plus the three below. The five wouldn't be a problem but if the other three come up we’ll have a serious problem. From what I can tell they were not part of the German government project, and at least one of them is American judging by his accent, who was still stuck in the hole behind us. 

Sirens blared. The second it started wailing the attention of the intruders, changed from us to where troops began filling the room below us. I never missed an opportunity. Transforming into a snow-white wolf, violet eyes glowing in the dark, I snarled slamming into the closest person that wasn't Kyle. We both slammed into the ground and he did not get up but lay moaning. Kyle transformed and disappeared into the woods. Following behind looking over my shoulder. I slowed and watched. They weren't worried about us they were worried about their friends who were now trading gunfire in the cage both Kyle and I have been trapped in. I turned and ran back. Kyle squawked confused. I slid to a stop beside the hole and dropped onto the guards below my full weight slamming him into the ground. Snarling I slammed into the closest guard, shoving them back. Five guards crouched

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