» Fantasy » Imprinted (Progress), Sara Imes [essential reading txt] 📗

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The Female Vampire, Hayden Rose


Seth and his pack ran faster after the fleeing vampire. The male vampire had just fed on a human in public, breaking one of the many Crestfallen Society laws. And it’s my duty to make sure he pays for his act of ignorance, Seth thought. Right, the rest of the pack thought. Seth rarely forgot to put up his mental wall up to shield his thoughts from the rest of the pack, since every werewolf pack shared a mental link with each other. Which, Seth thought, could be a total pain sometimes.

Seth then refocused his attention back on the vampire. Seth knew the boy didn’t have a chance against any of them. He was just a fledgling, a newborn vampire. And by the way the vampire was tripping over fallen tree branches and twigs, he could tell the person who changed him didn’t teach him much. Tired of chasing the vampire boy any longer Seth told everybody to get into formation. Dylan and Ashley, who were both mates and was Seth’s first and second in command moved in on either side of him, while Natalie and Kristen moved back behind them. With everybody in formation, Seth launched off toward the vampire boy, who made the mistake of looking behind him and resulting in him tripping and falling over a tree branch.

The boy fell, rolled, and returned to his feet. But it was too late. Seth was already on top of him. Seth, pinning the boy down to the ground, as Dylan move forward, his lips drawn back into a snarl with his fangs dripping with saliva. Dylan then leaned down and sunk his fangs into the boys throat. The boy let out a sharp cry and squirmed helplessly under Seth, only making Dylan’s fangs sink deeper into his throat.

Weakly, the boy tried to pry away Dylan’s fangs, but Seth sank his claws into his stomach. Blood seeped through the boy’s shirt, making the air around them smell of blood. Seth and Dylan then stepped away from the body. Seth looked over at his pack and nodded, sending a clear message to head back to the cabin. Seth walked farther ahead of the pack so that his thoughts wouldn’t be heard. Seth always left the pack behind after dealing with a target. Seth, after dispatching a target, always felt light-headed.

At first, Seth thought it was just from running to hard. But it was actually from remembering what he had done to his pack. His mother. Seth felt bile rise in his throat as he remembered seeing his entire pack’s body ripped open. None of the other pack members knew of him killing his family, not even Dylan and Ashley whom he could tell anything to. Without noticing, Seth had turned back into his human form and was walking up the gas lit red brick steps that led to the front door. Seth quietly opened the front door and walked upstairs to his room. Seth then changed into a black long sleeved shirt and black pants.

Seth, after grabbing his phone, walked downstairs to find T.J checking everyone for wounds. T.J was the care-taker of the pack. He always made them breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes, the pack would take advantage of T.J’s niceness. However, the whole pack knew to never get into a physically or verbal fight with him. Because, well, he would win. Once Seth walked into the living room, Dylan walked up to him and nodded. 

Dylan smiled, “we did pretty good today huh?”, he said cheerfully. Seth smiled back, “yeah we did, you guys all did good.” Seth raised his voice loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone looked back at Seth and smiled their appreciation. “Thanks Seth”, Kristen said sweetly. Seth nodded toward her and felt a buzzing in his front pants pocket.

He pulled out his phone, looked at the caller I.D and instantly flipped it over. “Yes sir?” Everyone snapped their head up to look at Seth. Seth glanced over at them and then walked out of the living room and up to his room. Closing the door behind him, Seth said “hello?” The man on the other end spoke, his voice deep over the phone.

“Is the target terminated?”, the man said. “Yes sir, he was a very easy target.” The man chuckled softly. “Good, I hope none of your pack is hurt, because I have another target for you.” Suddenly, the man’s voice turned grim. “Your target is Hayden Rose. She is a vampire who has been killing certain members of werewolf pack’s. She’s has to be stopped immediately. She’s very dangerous and is armed with arrows made of silver. We don’t have her location,but we know who’s her next target. He’s the alpha of the Mayland pack. She’ll be close to your area. Can I trust you to take care of this?” Seth took in a deep breath.

“Of course sir, the pack and I will take her down.” The other end went dead and Seth flipped his phone shut. Seth opened his door and walked down the stairs to the living room. Seth walked into the living room. The pack was sitting on the couch, but once Seth walked in, everybody stood up. Dylan walked up to Seth, with Ashley falling in behind him. “Another job?”, Ashley asked. Seth nodded, “yes, it’s a female vampire. Her name’s Hayden. Hayden Rose”.

The Imprint


Once Seth told the pack what the Head Councilman had said about Hayden and to be cautios around her arrows made of silver, they all set out to look for her. A few hours later, they spotted her chasing after the Mayland werewolf pack alpha, Carter. Carter was bleeding from several lacerations on his arms and legs. He was limping and tripping over several branches. Seth looked around to see where his progressor could be.

Then he spotted her. She was jumping from tree to tree as if she was a cat. Once Seth saw her, time slowed to a halt. It seemed only Hayden and Seth were the only two people in the world. Seth’s eyes wandered over Hayden's face and body. She was gorgeous. She had olive colored skin that glowed in moonlight. She had a petite physique. However, she was slightly curvy as well.

She had dark brown freckles streaking her cheeks, eyelashes any girl would kill for, burgundy oval shaped eyes, and two scarlet red facial tattoos that slashed down across her eyes and ended at her cheeks. Her midnight black hair was shaved on the left side, while the right side, had long straight hair cascading down to her arm. Seth could feel his heart beating more and more rapidly like he was running a marathon. As Seth's eyes continued to trail down her body, Seth saw that she was also wearing a black bandanna that was covering her mouth and nose. Hayden, Seth noticed, also had three ear piercings and wearing a black leather quiver that was strapped behind her back, holding her arrows. Seth was snapped back to reality from the sound of Dylan’s mental voice in his head.

Seth slowly looked over at Dylan, who was looking back at him worriedly. Are you okay?, Dylan asked. Seth didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to, he said everything with his eyes. Seth looked around to look at the rest of his pack, but they were gone. Where’s the rest of the pack?, Seth asked. Hayden was about to take aim on Carter, so I told the pack to go after her, but not kill her. Seth nodded. Seth still could feel his heart pounding in his chest. A million thoughts were racing through his mind at a mile a minute. How was this possible? Was this some sort of mistake? How was it possible for a werewolf to imprint on a vampire? Please tell me you have an answer, please? Seth looked desperately over at his best friend for an answer. Dylan looked back at him silently, then looked down. Because how could you have an answer to something you didn’t know was possible yourself?

Awake and Very Angry


Seth was hysterical now. He was pacing back and forth frantically, still thinking how this could possibly happen. Seth then turned to Dylan. How is this possible? Seth asked telepathically. How could I have imprinted on a vampire. Again, Dylan said nothing. The only response that Dylan gave Seth was a puzzled look. Seth and Dylan stood there for minutes, silently until the rest of the pack came back. Once they did, they were changed back into their human form, with Jesse holding an unconscious Hayden. Her bandana was gone and so was her arrows. For some reason Seth couldn’t understand, his heart skipped a beat when he saw Hayden laying limp in Jesse arms, with parts of her clothes ripped and claw marks on her neck and arms. Seth immediately changed into his human form, snatched Hayden out of Jesse’s arms, and started walking back to the cabin. Everybody stared at Seth with wondering eyes, then began to follow him back to the cabin silently. 


Once they returned to the cabin, Seth ordered T.J to tie Hayden up and take care of her wounds along with the packs. Seth then ordered Ashley to inform Dylan and Seth when Hayden gained consciousness while they both talked privately. Upstairs, away from the rest of the pack, Seth and Dylan consulted about Seth imprinting on Hayden. “Are you sure you imprinted on her?, Dylan asked. Seth rolled his eyes at the stupid question. “Of course im sure.” Seth began to pace again, biting his lower lip softly. Seth always bites his lip when he get’s extremely nervous, Dylan thought.

“Do you think this has something with you being a Rogue?” Seth stopped pacing and turned to Dylan with wide eyes. “That could be a possibility, I’m going to have to talk with Luke about this. Maybe he might know something” “May know what?”, Ashley said walking up the stairs. Seth and Dylan turned to Ashley. “Is Hayden awake?”, Seth said, ignoring Ashley’s question. Ashley nodded and smiled slyly. “No not yet.” Seth sighed and nodded. “Ok. We’ll be there in a second.”

Ashley nodded and turned to go, but then turned back to Seth and Dylan. “How come the order’s were changed? How

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