» Fantasy » Taken, Chalen D. [the best ebook reader for android .txt] 📗

Book online «Taken, Chalen D. [the best ebook reader for android .txt] 📗». Author Chalen D.

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I staggered back, and felt my hand go to my chest to try to calm how broken i felt.
i turned and ran from the room.
"NO, Deven listen to me!" Gianna yelled.
it was too late. i was broken, not even she could call me back. there was only one person who could make me fell whole.
her name bought angry tears to my eyes as i swiped at them everyone in the hall move aside.
"Stop her don't let her leave!"
i jumped out of the way of the grabbing hands. i ran the the front gate.
i ripped the gates from their hinges and ran into the night. the sorrow that filled me, came like a sharp dagger to the chest. never in my life had i felt so torn. i was so not going to listen to reasoning, i had to get to her. what's left of her. i pushed that last though out of my mind and used my anger to pick up my pace, running faster than i ever had.
i stopped to a brisk walk once the gates of Benton's place came into view.
"Excuse me-"
i lifted my hand and the man backed away. like before i yanked the gates from its place and marched to the front door.
i held my glowing hand out as a warning to anyone who'd be stupid enough to charge at me.
i pushed open the door's to the office were i killed him before.
"Where is she?" i asked through clenched teeth.
he turned to me his smile wicked.
"My sister, where's my sister!" i yelled, i took the cup from him and through it into the fire.
"You need to calm down."
"I don't have time to be calm." i raised my hand
"what good would killing me do your sister?"
i knew he was right. i slowly took my hand back.
"Why'd you take her?"
"Cause i knew it would break you."
i angrily swiped at the lone tear that slid down my right check and glared at him.
"i knew if i took Even, you'd do what ever i say, to save her."
"Her name is Evelon!"
i grabbed him by the neck and shoved him against the wall.
"Tell me were she is now." i shoved him against the wall again on the last word.
"You must be careful, Vanity, for she is in my care, i have not hurt your sister. yet."
i dropped him, and dragged a hand through my hair.
it had felt like i'd been punched.
i left the room,.
"Stop her!" Benton's strong voice rang out.
i raised my hand. "Do and die, boys."
i hurried down the hall, and tried a door.
i kicked it in.
the sight had me cowering away.
Evelon sat in a room, wearing a white gown her legs pulled up to her chest. even though the room was hot she was shaking. her blue eyes seemed white. White flowers pinned back her bangs.
An unbearable fear was in them. She was terrified.
i knelt in front of her and took her face into mine.
she shook even harder at my touch.
she didn't seem to see me. it was as if she was...looking through me.
"Evelon look at me."
Her mouth opened and she fainted.
in a quick movement i was on my feet, facing the door, standing protectively, in front of my baby sister.
"you can't have her, she's mine, you don't fuck with family."
"Like you took Preston.
"He went willingly."
no way was i going to let him make me feel guilty. and that's when i saw it. Benton's hand was up, and pointed at Evelon.
"What are you doing to her."
the calmness that had taken over my voice had me scared.
no, not calm, sleep.
"Sleep!" he said, the word with so much force.
when i woke up, my hands were folded on my ribs, and my bangs were gone. i lifted my hand to feel a clip, made of flowers, holding back my hair.
the room was white, and with a sudden jolt, i knew the room all to well.
Evelon, was on the bed beside me. some of her color had returned.
she sat bolt up, ad Shrieked my name.
"Hey, i'm here."
she cringed away from me.
when she noticed it was me, she lunged at me with a sob. i stroked her hair, and rocked her. i never really had a little sister, but this is what it would be like.
"what are we gonna do?"
"i don't know." i stood up.
i began to pace. Evelon watched my every move eyes wide.
"what were you doing out side the gates?" i asked, my eyes turned to her.
she was standing at this time.
"What... you look different. your they're lighter..."
her voice trailed off.
she had been shaking her head, and i noticed with every word she spoke she took a step back.
she jumped back, hitting the wall.
i noticed what she was afraid of. my hands. they where glowing.
i threw them to my sides.
"I'm not going to hurt you, damn it."
she relaxed as my hands faded to normal.
as the door nob turned, with inhuman speed, Evelon was cowering behind me holding on to my white gown that i'd been wearing. i hadn't noticed it until then.
the dress forgotten i glared as Benton came in holding two cups.
Evelon took it from him.
i reached for the cup and yanked my hand back as Evelon hissed at me.
i just starred at her.
she looked discussed and thrust the cup at me.
i took the other cup and tossed them out the window.
"You'll come around, you have to drink."
Evelon opened her mouth, but my cold stare silenced her.
"he doesn't know we can sleep instead of drinking." i told her.
"Stop it!" she said, covering her ears.
i hadn't realized i began pacing again.
the door opened again, and a boy walked in.
Oh my Love, he was hot.
did i just think that?
"who are you." i said.
"One of the Misunderstood guys."
Damn his voice even called me to him.
his grin was cocky, and i had a sudden urge to smack his face.
"what do you want?" Evelon asked, making me come back to earth.
"i'm not hear to hurt you."
he took a step forward, Evelon grabbed my gown, and i held up both of my hands.
He smiled.
he held his hand to me. palm up, as if he was holding something. he jet black hair turned white and a swirl of white came to his hand. i watched as it spun in his hands.
"I also, have a gift that could be used well. Hard burden don't you think, Deven?"
"W-what is it?" Evelon asked.
"Spirit, little girl."
when he said, it there was no humor in his voice.
"How do you know my gift?"
"i don't. i can sent that people rely on your gift, it has to be important. people needing you is tiring is it not?" his head cocked to the side.
his hair turned black, and he dropped his hand.
"Why are you in here."
"i can't tell you just yet, but you have to trust me."
this time he came to me grabbing my wrists.
"Let me go."
"I'm telling you the truth when i say you have to trust me. i'll show you."
he bent his head, and kissed my slowly and soft.
when he pulled back, i looked him in the eyes.
"I trust you."
he nodded once and left.
"Dude he kissed me." i said.
"Not just a kiss a kiss of truth."
"the kiss of truth is made for just letting someone else know they're telling the truth, it doesn't mean anything, but the truth. when he kissed you did your stomach feel strange like a punch of truth was given to you?"
i nodded.
"Then he was telling the truth. you would know if he was lying."
"He kissed me."
"Are you paying attention!"
Evelon grabbed my shoulders and shook me.
"He just pledge his truth to you. he'll always have to tell you the truth now, even if he want's to lie, it's the bond that's given when the Kiss of truth is shared by two people."
"a little kiss says all that?"
she nodded once.
"i liked it." i admitted.
"Your supposed too, it's the way it works."
"what am i gonna tell Preston?"
"Tell him that he gave you a kiss of truth. don't worry about it your not gonna see him again, after we get outta here."
she sat on the bed.
"Your right. now away to get out of here."
"how'd you get outta here last time?"
"Preston, saved me."
Preston. i felt a wave of guilt.
"Don't feel Guilty, you have to like the kiss for it to work, if not, both of you would parish."
"yap, that's why nobody give the kiss of truth anymore, it caught me off guard that he did. and he's really young, so that increased the chances."
i wanted her to shut up. i wanted to hit her upside with a pillow.
"Uh, Rude!" she said, shaking her head.
i clenched my jaws closed, and tried to center myself.
"Since his gift is spirit that means he's bound to you."
"Like you?" i asked.
"and Preston and Tie."
"Tie! shit i for got about him."
"He has this gift to find me."
"Use it!"
"But do we want him hurt?"
"No." she said, glumly, all excitement gone.
i stood up.
"Maybe, i could some how ask him to send Liv, if all the elements are present they can have him trapped. then all i would have to do is turn him to ash. no anyone that can to air, water, or earth?"
"well there goes that idea."
i flopped back down on the bed.
"Benton's probably thinking of a way to drain my powers right now, he's gonna use you against me."
"He's gonna kill me if you don't give yourself to him."
it wasn't a question.
"are you gonna do it?"
"Hell yes, i'm gonna do it."
"You can't."
"The hell i can."
"i'll die if you do."
"yeah but i can make your life a little longer."
"I'll be sick i'd rather be dead."
those four words hung in the air.
"I'm not gonna let you die."
"So we're getting outta here." Evelon said, standing.
"yeah but how?"
"can't you use your powers to get us out?"
"Not if Benton zaps me with sleep."
"Oh yeah." she said, biting her nail.
"Don't do that."
she dropped her hand.
"It's okay."
i wanted to rip of Benton's head.
"Stay here, i know my way around."
before Evelon could argue i left.
i walked down the cold halls.
i was looking down a hall when i bumped into someone.
i jumped back and put up my hands.
i dropped them when i saw the kid.
we stared at each other.
"You trust me?"
i nodded once.
his hair turned white and spirit came to his hand.
"spirit go to her, don't move Deven." he said, as i backed up. "Go to her, and clam her."
he held out his hand and the white swirl slammed softly into my chest.
my eyes widened as i became calm.
"Keep her calm through her stay."
he took a step to me and held up his hand.
"touch my hand Deven."
i pressed my palm to his.
he smiled, and laced our fingers.

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