» Fantasy » A Knights Tale, Trey Hansford [the reading list txt] 📗

Book online «A Knights Tale, Trey Hansford [the reading list txt] 📗». Author Trey Hansford

A cool breeze cut through the heat of day. The sun sat perched in the sky letting off rays that pooled peacefully on the ground filling every crevice with the bright light. Birds were flying high and animals roamed making the day seem even more alive. Dairen had just finished grooming the horse he would be using and was now sitting on some hay bails. Today was his fifteenth birthday which means Kroran his father would be sending him away for special training. Kroran was a knight of Aldell and was very well known. Dairen looked exactly like his father. Short with broad shoulders, and brown hair. Although Darien lacked a few battle scars that his father had earned over the years of being a knight. Dairen had been training with his father since he was a small boy but his father now saw fit that he be sent to Nydel who was a retired knight for more specialized training.
Nydel should be getting here any minute, he thought to himself. So he stood up and decided he would go to the training grounds and say bye to his friends. They were having a fighting contest there today so he wanted to see who was winning.
The training grounds are where the knight in training go every morning to learn hand to hand combat, how to swing a sword or block with a shield. It was still early in the morning so he was sure that they would be there. He wished his father would have put him in training to become a knight. But his father said that one on one training with Nydel would teach him far more than training with twenty other students. Being the son of one of the greatest knights in the kingdom, alot was expected out of him and he didn't want to let anyone down. He wanted to be stronger than his father and help people. So if leaving and training with Nydel was the way to do it than he would.
He was almost there now, he could hear the screams and shouts of the contest. When he got the the fight pit he noticed that his best friend Jaque was the one in the ring, and it looked like he was losing. Jaque was tall and skinny with long dark black hair that hung in his face. Jaque wasn't the best fighter but he was fast.
Morning Dairen, thought you would've been gone by now. Therein said. Therein was the knight in charge of teaching the pages and squires how to fight and use a sword. He was good friends with Dairen father as well.
Nydel should be here soon, so I thought I would see how the contest was going.
Well this is actually the last round, Therein said pointing towards the fighters. These two made it to the top. but I'll be honest with you I don't think Jaque will win this one. He's a fighter alright but Davan looks like he's just playing with him.
Dairen looked back at the match to see what was happening. Therein's right, Darien thought. Davan is only playing with Jaque.
Well at least he made it this far, right. Darien said with a grin. He's not the worst fighter in class.
He sure isn't, Therein said laughing. A few of the new guys were two scared to even get in the ring. I can't hardly blame em though. Most of the new guys have never even been in a fight.
After a pause Therein looked at Dairen seriously. So are you ready to start your training with Nydel? It won't be easy at all, it'll may even be twice as hard as my training.
Yeah im ready, Im just not sure what to expect. I don't want to leave everyone behind. But i also want the training. My father thinks it'll make me stronger than he is. Im not so sure though.
Oh i believe it. I agree with Kroran. Did you know that when your Kroran was your age he was one the worst fighters. No one thought he would become much. But his determination is what him what he is today. You boy have that same determination, and you are very talented for your age.
Thank you, Dairen said looking at the ground. He had heard that alot but he wasn't sure if he believed it yet.
Well, it looks like Davan finally quit playing and finished the fight. Therein smirked. Boys going be get full of himself im sure.
Are you alright? Dairen asked as he ran over to Jaque.
Yeah im fine, i knew i wouldn't win. I was giving it my all and he was just swatting me away.
Sorry for the beating, if I knew you were going to cry about it I would have just pushed you out at the beginning. Davan said laughing.
Shut up, im not crying. Jaque said standing up.
Oh I see you want some more. Davan said staring at Jaque.
I do, Dairen said walking inside of the ring.
Who the hell are you and what makes you think you can beat me? Davan growled, taking his place inside the ring. You don't even train with us, and you think you can keep up.
We'll see, Dairen said smiling.
Davan clenched his fist and rushed, aiming a blow at Dairens cheek. Dairen stepped back and ducked missing the blow landing his own punch at Davans side. Davan screamed and doubled over. Darien aimed another blow at Davan cheek knocking Davan to the ground out of the ring.
Not so strong now are you? Dairen said with a smile. By the way, my father is Lord Kroran and I don't train with you because im trained personally.
Very nice fight son, but don't get cocky yourself. Dairen looked up to see his father and Nydel standing with Therein. As you just proved there will always be somebody stronger than you are.
Yes father, it won't happen again. Dairen said.
Can you join us back at the house? Nydel asked, you can finish packing and I'll help you load everything. We have a long trip so we should try and get back to my estate before dark.
Yes, of course. Dairen said
Hey, Darien. Jaque shouted as Dairen started to walk away. Train hard and I'll see you when you come home. Try not to change too much over the years.
Thank you, you too. Dairen said and ran off to catch up with his father and Nydel.
Back at the house Dairen finished packing. Not that he had much to pack. He didn't own many items and most of the things he would need would be provided when he had gotten there.
He strapped everything to the horse he would be riding, and went back inside to tell Nydel that he was finished.
Very well i guess it's time we heading back. Nydel said shaking Krorans hand. Ill keep your boy safe.
Thank you, he said returning the hand shake. He then gestured at Dairen, Train hard son learn everything you can. I look forward to seeing how strong you are when you come home. You'll be gone for three years so make the best out of it and squeeze as much as you can out this man, he said patting Nydel on the shoulder.
Of course father, I won't let you down. Dairen noticed Nydel getting on his horse and did the same. Ill see you in three years father.
Don't worry Dairen, you'll have fun. Three years will feel like nothing once you come back.
Yeah, it's just that so much will have changed by the time I get back. Jaque will have been knighted, my father could be on some mission far away.
Not my mention my sister he thought to himself. He hadn't thought about her much today with everything that was going on. But he would miss her the most. She was a year older than he is. Father had sent her to a school for ladies when she turned ten years old. She didn't want to leave but with mother there was no one to teach her how to be a lady. There mother Amelia had passed away shortly after giving birth to Dairen.


Publication Date: 05-20-2010

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