» Fantasy » Bandits, Trey Hansford [best romance ebooks TXT] 📗

Book online «Bandits, Trey Hansford [best romance ebooks TXT] 📗». Author Trey Hansford

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It was dark outside with only the small amount of light the moon would allow. Rain pattered heavily throughout the village of Grinwell as if mourning for its loss. Ayden stood at the middle of the village looking around at the bodies and ruble with sad disbelieving eyes. A small group of bandits had attacked Grinwell not long ago killing almost everyone. Those who survived without being injured looked after the young or tended to the wounded.
If only I had woke up sooner, Ayden thought to himself. He had been one of the few who fought off the bandits. Ayden was seventeen, handsome with thick dark brown hair that matched his eyes. His cloths were torn and charred. Two bloodstained short swords were sheathed at his sides. He stumbled through the village being carful not to trip over any debris while he surveyed the damage. The darkness didn't make this task any easier for him, soon at least the morning sun would come out showing him the true sight of the village. After some time he made his way over to Dairen his best friend who had been talking to Elusia, the village healer.
Dairen! Ayden blurted out when he had gotten close.
Dairen turned around but was silent, his face, dirty from fighting had two clean lines that tears had made running down to his chin. Ayden followed Dairens gaze which let to a makeshift bed in front of Elusia. Ayden stopped next to Dairen and starred at the bed before him. Nydel, his mentor and Dairens father was laying on the bed, his eyes lifeless. Nydel had raised Ayden ever since his parents had died as an infant.
Im sorry, Elusia said looking at Ayden with tearful eyes. His wounds were to great.
The attack had happened so suddenly no one had time to put their armor on. he thought to himself. Ayden turned to Darien with determination in his eyes. We'll find those bandits, I promise.
Not so fast, someone stated from behind them.
Ayden recognized the voice as Taron, a old wise man who had lived in Grinwell his entire life, everyone looked to him for help and advice. He had been tending to the wounded when he over heard Ayden.
The bandits will kill you if you go running after them, we got lucky that it was only a small group that attacked us.
Nydel is dead, Taron. We cant just do nothing. Bandits attack the village and you want us to give up?
I never said that, Taron said crossing his arms. I simply said that you cant go chasing the bandits blindly. If you insist on getting revenge the smart thing to do is for both of you to go to Gadewain. Inform the King of the attack, and ask for help. From there they will handle the bandits. Taron was starring at the ground now. Just because you two are skilled with swords doesn't mean you can take on an army.
He's right, Dairen said looking at Ayden. We won't solve anything by getting ourselves killed. We need to go to Gadewain and inform the King.
Gadewain was the capital of Aldell, and the home of the king. Ayden looked around observing the damage again, the sun had come out of hiding proving damage had been severe. The smell of blood and burned wood lingered in the air like a cloud watching over them. He didn't want to admit it, but Taron was right. If they chased the bandits they'd probably run right into an ambush. Okay, Ayden said. But what will you and the rest of the villagers do?
We'll be okay I don't see the bandits coming back, they'll need to regroup. They didn't expect us to fight back, and they lost a few men because of it. Just try to hurry and be safe, with that Taron walked off towards a group of men who were moving bodies and clearing debris.
Ayden and Dairen immediately started walking to their house. It had been in one of the few areas that wasn't badly damaged from the attack. When they closed in on the house Dairen broke off and headed for the back to ready their horses while Ayden went to fetch his armor and some food for the trip.
The first thing Ayden went to pack was the food, Gadewain was about two days ride he thought to himself. So he packed enough meat and bread for five days just to be sure. He found his armor next to his bed and began putting it on starting from the bottom. The armor was only leather and covered only the most vital areas of the body. He planned on wearing plate armor someday, but he wouldn't have that kind of money for awhile, if ever. Once he was finished putting his armor on he went out back to check on Dairens progress.
You go put your armor on, I'll finish getting the horses ready, Ayden said packing the food into one of the saddlebags.
Dairen had already saddled both horses and made sure they were fit to travel so there wasn't much Ayden could do. He fed both horses so that they could ride longer without needed to stop. I wonder what will come of all this? Ayden thought to himself. He wanted revenge, to get the bandits who did this. But he and Dairen weren't strong enough to face the bandits themselves, and there was no guarantee that the king would send help. Even if the king did send troops they would probably just defend the village instead of going after the bandits. Well, I guess we'll worry about that when the time comes, Ayden said to himself as Dairen walked toward him.
Are you ready to go? Ayden said when Dairen was close enough.
Yeah, lets get this over with, Dairen mumbled while getting onto his horse.
Ayden hopped onto his horse and started off. Taron was waiting for them along the road that would lead them out the village. He was standing there with two other men from the village. Ayden and Dairen slowed to a stop as they approached them.
We just wanted to wish you luck again, Taron said, waving his hand as to signify the entire village. The people are in need right now, and the two of you going for help gives them some hope. Everyone pitched in as much as they could, Taron said handing a small bag to Ayden. It's not much, but we thought you could use a little money while your gone.
Thank you, Ayden said tieing the bag to his belt. I'm sure this will help us plenty.
Tell everyone we appreciate it, Dairen said.
I will, and be careful while your gone were all counting on you. After a pause Taron said. Nydel would be very proud of the both of you.
Thanks, Ayden said spurring his horse forward.
They rode in silence for the first few miles, both having alot on their mind. Ayden looked around taking in the surroundings. The sun had found its perch high in the sky, cloaking the world with bright sunshine bringing out every detail of the land before them.
By noon Ayden was starving, they hadn't ate anything all morning due to the excitement. He reached into the saddlebag and tore two chunks off of one of the loafs of bread.
Want some? Ayden asked, holding one of the chunks towards Dairen.
Yeah I'm starving, Dairen said taking the chunk of bread and immediately took a bite.
So what are we going to do now? Ayden said in between mouthfuls of bread. About training I mean. Nydel taught us everything we know.
Well we could keep sparing with each other like we usually do. It'll still help us get better and keep us in shape.
Ayden nodded in response but didn't say anything.
After the next few miles the road widened and occasionally forked. If Nydel hadn't taken them with him to Gadewain a few times when they were younger it would be easy to take the wrong road. For that reason Ayden was glad that Nydel had never left them behind.
Ayden took the knife he had sheathed in his boot and began going over some movements Nydel had taught him. Using a knife was a specialty of his. The knife was a reliable hidden weapon. Dairen had always prefered a bow. Nydel always laughed at how different their choice of weapons where. Ayden dual wielded two short swords with his knife as a side weapon, where Dairen used a long sword and a shield with his bow as a side weapon.
Ayden was still practicing with his knife when evening set in and the sun started going down. They found a clearing surrounded by a few small trees to make camp. Ayden started a fire with some branches he found and put some meat on to cook while Dairen tied up the horses and fed them.
Ayden stood up unsheathing his swords, we may as well spar while we wait on the meat to finish. It'll do us some good, help us clear our minds.
Dairen nodded in agreement grabbing his sword and shield.
Dairen was the first to strike dropping his sword from above his head. Ayden quickly blocked the attack with one sword and swung his other sword at chest level which Dairen blocked. Ayden dodged another blow releasing another counter attack which bounced off of Dairens shield.
The fought until both of them tired, and could hardly lift their own swords. They sat down across from each other by the fire exhausted. When the meat was ready they both ate hastily. They hadn't ate much today and the fight didn't help their hunger any.
After they had eaten they found a place to lay and slept.
The next day after breakfast they were on their way again. Mile after mile disappeared behind them as they rode. If all went well they would be entering Gadewain by nightfall. They planned on staying at an inn for the night and would attempt for a council with the king in the morning. Hopefully everything would go according to plan Ayden thought to himself. Neither he nor Dairen had ever talked with anyone of such importance. They wasn't even sure how to request a council. He pushed the worry out of his mind and decided to practice with his knife. It forced him to concentrate making the miles go by faster.
When evening came they stopped for dinner and let the horses eat and rest. They could see Gadewain far in the distance, which gave them comfort knowing they were so close. After they finished eating they pushed hard trying to make it before darkness set in.
Ayden starred in admiration as they approached Gadewain. The city was hidden behind a stone wall easily seventy feet tall and several feet thick. Sentry towers that lined every corner were barely visible above the wall. The castle itself was the only building that could be clearly seen. Ayden turned to Dairen realizing he to was amazed by the sight.
Guards were stationed at the city gates talking to one another. One of the guards noticed them out of the corner of his eye and snapped to attention after nudging the other guard.
State yer name and business, one of the guards demanded in a bored tone that suggested he was tired of asking that question.
Im Ayden and this is Dairen, he said pointing. We come from the village of Grinwell.

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