» Fantasy » Bandits, Trey Hansford [best romance ebooks TXT] 📗

Book online «Bandits, Trey Hansford [best romance ebooks TXT] 📗». Author Trey Hansford

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Grinwell, repeated the other guard. What brings you youngsters this far from home?
Ayden looked at the ground and with a soft voice said, Grinwell was attacked by bandits night before last. We've come to request an audience with the king for help.
Bandits eh? Sorry to hear that, go on through then, he said in a gentle voice gesturing towards the city.
Thank you, Dairen said leading them into the city.
The cities insides were as admirable as the outside. The houses were clean and well taken care of suggesting they were in the better part of Gadewain. Even with the sky steadily getting darker the streets were alive with people doing late shopping at the few stores still open.
Excuse me miss, Ayden said stopping a lady who was crossing the street. Can you point us to the nearest inn please?
All the way down the street on your left. The lady said and walked off before Ayden could say thank you.
They found the inn where the lady said it would be and came to a stop in front of the large building. It was tall and made of stone with a thin metal roof. The building had several small windows and a large sturdy wooden door. Above the door was a sign stating the inn was called "The Dancing Donkey".
Dairen gave Ayden a mocking look at the mention of the inns name but said nothing.
Are ya'll planning on going in? A young boy asked walking towards them. He was short and Ayden could tell he wasn't any older then fourteen.
Why? Ayden said eyeing the boy accusingly.
I'm the stable boy for the Inn sir, for two sliver I'll take care of your horses, feed and brush em too if you'd like.
Ayden looked towards the back of the Inn and noticed a small building that he presumed to be the stable. Convinced he dismounted his horse pulling two silver from his belt pouch and handed them to the young boy along with his and Dairens horse.
The inside of the Inn was well furnished with sturdy wooden tables lining the main room. A group of men sat at the far wall tending to the fireplace as they gambled and drank. Other tables had lonely men drinking by themselves or women taking amongst friends sharing the latest gossip.
How much for a room? Dairen asked taking a seat at the bar. Ayden joined him in silence waiting for the bartenders answer.
Fifteen silver for one bed and twenty-five for two beds and we provide breakfast and dinner, the bartender said.
We'll take two beds, Ayden said sliding twenty-five silver to the man. Is there any dinner left we could do with a plate.
Sure thing, the bartender said taking the money. He disappeared through a door behind the bar. He came back out carrying two bowls, meat stew he said placing the bowls in front of them. You got here just in time, we were getting ready to throw out what was left.
The stew was hardly warm from setting so long but was otherwise good. Dairen fell silent as he ate leaving Ayden to do the talking.
What's your name son? The bartender asked propping himself against the wall behind him. He crossed his arms and looked at Ayden with curiosity.
Ayden, was his reply and this is Dairen he said twitching his head towards his friend. Yours? He asked before taking a bite of his stew.
Allister, the bartender said placing mugs on the bar and filling them with beer. So were you from? He asked pushing the mugs toward Ayden and Dairen. I can tell you're not from around these parts.
Grinwell, Dairen answered pushing his bowl away from him which was now empty.
I see, Allister said looking even more curious now. What brings you here? If you don't mind my asking. He grabbed Dairens empty bowl and placed it under the bar while he spoke.
Bandits attacked us a few days ago, we've come for help if we can get it. Dairen spoke softly remembering the outcome of the attack.
Damn bandits, another man who was sitting at the bar interrupted in a deep voice. Someone needs to put a stop to them bastards. Dorwyn got attacked few weeks back. Nearly burned the whole town down them bandits did. The man got up and took the seat next to Ayden. The names Derek, the man said leaning back in the stool. Blacksmith, got my own shop down the street o'ways.
What did the king do? Ayden asked starring at Derek. He was large and very muscular in size, his hands and arms were scarred and rough from all the years of being a smith.
Sent help of course, Derek drank from his mug before speaking again. Been tryin t'find the bandits since.
I'm going to find the room, Dairen said standing up. Fill me in tomorrow morning.
I'll show you to your room, Allister said leading Dairen upstairs.
Your friend okay? Derek said after a pause.
Yeah he's just tired and upset. We both are, we'll feel alot better after we have help on it's way to Grinwell.
Lose someone close in the attack did ya? Derek asked finishing off his mug of beer and slamming the mug down on the bar, damned thugs.
Dairens father "Nydel" was killed fighting off bandits in the attack. Ayden starred at his beer trying to control his anger. Nydel took me in after my parents died when I was still an infant, raised Dairen and me as brothers and taught us to fight.
I'm sorry t'hear that, Derek said taking a full mug of beer from Allister who had just got back. The king'll find them bandits and when he does they'll pay plenty.
That they will, Allister said taking Aydens empty mug. You want more?
No thanks, I should probably be going to bed. Can you show me to the room?
Good luck, Derek said as Ayden walked up the stairs behind Allister.
Dairen was already asleep when Ayden got there. The room was small and simple with two beds and oak dressers to match. He laid down on his bed welcoming the sleep that overtook him.

Ayden and Dairen were already dressed and downstairs before the sun came out the next morning. Allister handed them two fresh plates of eggs and toast which they ate gratefully.
It took them almost all morning after breakfast to reach the castle, the streets were packed with people running their errands for the morning. They were stopped at the castle gates by four well armed guards who eyed them closely.
What business do you have in these parts? One of the guards demanded, holding his pike outwards toward Ayden.
Grinwell was attacked by bandits Sir. We've come to ask the king for help.
The guard who spoke seemed to be the one in charge, he thought about what Ayden had said for a moment before he spoke again.
Silas take this news to the king and ask if he wishes to see these boys.
Yes Captain, the guard answered and ran off off toward the castle.
The guard looked back at Ayden now. You two don't move until he gets back.
Ayden and Dairen waited impatiently for the guard named Silas to get back. When he returned he ran straight to the Captain.
The king wished to see them immediately, he blurted out in-between breaths.
Very well, the Captain said withdrawing his pike and leading them through the gate and down the courtyard.
Ayden and Dairen were both nervous about meeting with the king, even though they tried not to show it. The Captain stopped at the large doors to the castle and turned around.
These men will watch take your horses, he said pointing and remember who your talking to while your inside. This isn't just anybody.
Yes Sir, Ayden and Dairen both said in sequence.
The Captain opened one of the large doors and led them inside the castles main room.
Ayden and Dairen looked around with awe as they entered the castle. Two large stair cases at the far end of the room led to a balcony. Red flags trimmed with gold were hung at every window and door signifying the colors of the kingdom.
The Captain opened another door which led them to the audience chamber. He took a few steps inside the room and bowed deep.
Ayden and Dairen copied his movement noticing the man standing not to far from them looking out of a window. This man was obviously the king. Ayden thought to himself. The king wore a white shirt with light red pants almost completely covered by his dark red cloak heavily trimmed with gold. Ayden was surprised at how young the king looked, he had expected much older yet this man was barely in his thirties by looks.
Thank you, Captain. You may leave us. The king said with a voice that was soft but signified his authority. Stand up please, he said walking in Ayden and Dairens direction. One of my guards tell me that you say Grinwell was attacked by bandits. Is this true?
Yes, you highness almost three days ago. Ayden said lowering his head. They destroyed over half the village. Us two and a few others were barely able to fend them off.
My apologies, the king said in his soft voice. Blame me if you must, my men have been tracking the bandits for some time. When we heard they were in that area I should have sent military to your village and surrounding towns. At the time we thought they had just been running from us. I presume you came here to ask for men to aid in your defense yes?
Yes, your highness we lost alot of our men in the attack. At this time we don't have the strength to defend against them if they come back.
You must be very strong, the king said eyeing them both. It's not often people get ambushed by bandits and live. Even with the training I assume you've had.
My father was a good teacher, your highness Dairen said closing his eyes.
Was it the attack? The king said realizing what Dairen had meant.
Yes, Dairen said in a soft almost non existent voice.
I'm truly sorry, the king said. You did right by him coming here to help your village. I'll prepare a group of my best, they'll be on their way by midafternoon. You should get back to your village, it needs brave men like you right now.
Thank you, your highness and with that Ayden and Darien bowed once more before taking their leave. They found their horses outside and set off down the street. Finding their way back towards the inn proved easy enough and from there they left Gadewain the same way they had entered.
It was still morning when they left Gadewain so they rode fast trying to cover as many miles as they could before nightfall.
We did it, Dairen said. He was smiling for the first time since they left Grinwell. Now we can help rebuild the village with everyone else. If only father were here to help us, he said slowly losing the smile as he spoke.
Everyone was right you know. Nydel would be proud of us, Ayden said. We helped fight off the bandits, got the kings help, and we'll help rebuild the village when we get
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