Aura, Daniell fontae [best beach reads of all time TXT] 📗

- Author: Daniell fontae
Book online «Aura, Daniell fontae [best beach reads of all time TXT] 📗». Author Daniell fontae
"ouch ,damn!" i yelped, as I slammed my finger in my grungy locker. that was the secound time today i had done that. i was examining my red swelling finger when i heard snickering behind me. I groaned inwardly turning to face the girl who those annoying girly giggles belonged to. i was facing Ashely Manning,
"hello ashely,what can i do for you this fine afternoon", I said sarcasticly,
she narrowed her ocean blue eyes at me,
"well now that you mention it not ever seeing your face for the rest of the semester would be nice cause your such eye sore,and if its not to much trouble a latte wouldnt hurt, no whipped cream." she said triumptly.
I glared at her, she was only making my headache worse that seemed to spring up out of the blue when ever she came around. I ignored her and hurridly walked away heading to the big double doors to escape this gloomy place and the barbie that had bullied me since the sixeth grade .
" hey bonnie!"
I heard someone call my name, my best friend since the fith grade ,Amanda sh was walking towards me she had jet black hair that she always wore in a pony tail which I don't know why she gorgues with it down she had warm brown eyes she was jamacian and moved here when she was five.
"why are you in such a hurry, do you have somewhere to get to I can drive you if you want me to." she said out of breath.
"calm down amanda I was trying to get away from barbie before she made my ears bleed with her sqeaky voice" I said not bothering to hide my smile she grinned agreeing with me.
" haha well do you still want a ride?"
I shook my head declining" I'm good I think im gonna walk" I replyed,
"fine then Ill see you tomarrow, come to my house ok?" she asked.
I nodded my head and strolled out of the parking lot wich was filled with comet sized holes and cracks.
I always loved walking it was the only thing that i enjoyed.I loved the feeling of having no worrys or problems to deal with, it was just me walking. i didnt feel like going straight home so I decided to take the long path and fo through the woods it was still light out so i could see the ground through the tree tops. It amazed me sometimes that things could be so beautiful it was spring so the blossoms were in full bloom and the breeze was making the trees sway like they heard some invisable music that no one else could hear.I stopped at my favorite tree a big oak that had limbs the size of cars i climbed to the fith limb up and pulled out my sketch book i was just finishing up my newest one a picture of a man around my age mabye a couple years older he had golden hair with a hint of red his eyes were the color of emeralds he was tall and lean and he always had a smirk on his face. im sure your thinking how would i know all this from a picture. well its because every night for weeks all i have been dreaming about was this guy.
in this dream im in a huge ballroom filled with beautiful but sad music,the floor and walls seemed to pulse and glow with a soft golden light, as her voice changed to a higher pitch it would get brighter and when it turned lower it would dull just a little but still as brilliant.the curtains were a deep purple with matching flowers spred out across the room.I was standin in the middle of the floor wearing a deep golden strapless dress that fitted to my form like it was made for no one other then me. It molded to me like a secound skin till it reached my waist were flowed out in a silky skirt that would twirl and dance as i moved it stopped at the tip of ky toes were I wore lighter gold and silver stiletoes.across from me always was the same beautiful man. he stole my breathe everytime I saw him icould never get used to his golden hair and inhuman but alluring emerald eyes he would stroll towards me and capture my hand and murmer in my ear
"My darling Bonnie you are the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on,please bless me with a dance."
I have tried and failed to resist his wish but his melodic silky voice hipnotized me everytime that it was impossable to refuse.Not that I would want to anyway a guy has never called me beautiful before ecspecially a guy that was as gorgueos as him,and we would dance all night I would lay my head onto his shoulder and he would then rest his head on that instint his eyes would lock into mine and slowly I would lean forward and just before we kissed I would wake up panting.I sighed thinking how unfaor it was that he didnt exist,that he was just a fragment of my imaginiation.I looked at the lengthening shadows it was time to get going. I returned my sketch book into my bag and hopped down from my resting place to the soft packed earth. I ran through the thick foilage all the to my house.
I looked up from my daydreaming to see the shadows were lengthining it was getting late I needed to get home and make dinner.I ran through the thick foilage till I reached a blue average looking house it wasnt much just two bedrooms,a bathroom and a porch with missing steps.This was my house,its were me and my mom stayed my father was out of the picture he ran off as soon as my mother got pregnant with me,I guess he was scared to handle big responsibility like raising a family.Its not like I cared or any thing me and my mom were doing just fine on our own.I mean ya it wasnt easy sometimes all we had to eat were ramon noodles, my mom had a low paying job as secretary's assistant at Clorine's Finacial Aid.I tried to help out as much I could with my babysitting jobs,but sometimes it wasnt enough.I was walking up the richeting steps when I heard voices coming from inside the house. I heasitated before walking through the door to a room with a worn couch a recliner and a used tv,this was the living room.Sitting around the coffee table were four figures.A slight woman with mousy brown hair,acurvy figure,and regular brown eyes that usually were filled with lonlyness but at the moment were shiny and filled with warmth,this was my mother Karen Congra. I inheritated her figure I had soft curves,long legs, but thats were the resemblence stopped were she had brown hair and brown eyes I had deep auburn hair and bright green eyes. I was pretty, guys called me hot all the time but they were all douchbags so I didnt waste my time on them.the other three figures sitting across from my mother was an extremely attractive woman with long blonde hair that reached her mid-thigh with hazel eyes and I could tell even though she was sitting down that she was tall.The man sitting beside her was also atrractive he had golden hair with a tinge of blue in it which I found kinda strange but dissmissed it he had blue eyes that were almost alien looking he was muscular and tall, a very big man.But what really caught my attention was the young man sitting at the far end of the couch he also had golden hair but his was tinged with red almost crimson his eyes were the most beautiful thing about him they were green like mine but they seemed to glow and shine like emeralds,I was going crazy this couldnt be my dream guy h-he didnt exist he couldnt.....right?.I was standing there dumbstruck like an idiot staring at the beautiful strangers that were in my living room.
"Um..Bonnie a-are you okay?"I faintly heard my mother say.
I looked at her realizing she had been speaking to me the whole time.she had a worried expression on her face like she thought I was sick or something.
"Huh?"i said stupidly, quitly scolding my self i closed my mouth which had fallen open when I entered.
"I said that this was Mr. and Mrs. Smith they just moved in next door and this is there son jason he'll be going to the same school as you."
The big man im guessing as Mr. Smith stood up and shook my hand,"Its nice to meet you Bonnie you can call me Luke.
"he said with a smile his voice was deep yet it seemed smooth and gentle like a big teddy bear.
I instantly liked him,his wife stood up she was my height she had a dazziling smile,
"hello dear you can call me Sara,It's also a pleasure to meet you."
she said in a voice that reminded me of a quiet stream,it seemed to flow over me and calm me.
"Thank you its nice to meet you, I hope you like it here."I said looking at Jason.
He was sitting absolutly still looking at me with a strangee xpression like he was confused or something.I wonder if he's mentally retarded or something I thought to my self.For some reason I felt like he was judging me,and I didnt like it.
"like what you see?"I snapped at him.
He seemed taken back by my tone.He smiled suductivly I melted like a popsicle left outside on a hot summers day it was that dazziling.He seemed to sense this cause he suddenly smirked at me all knowingly.
"Haha actually I think its you who likes what they see." he said in a voice that put every singer out there to shame.
I narrowed my eyes meeting his challenge.
"Actually m not impressed at all,I could care less about stuck up punks like your self who think they can get any girl they wish with a snap of your finger,sorry but some people like guys with character and intelegence both im sure you lack in."
I said sweetly.He was so surrprised he took a step back from me.From the look in his eye I could tell he was used to girls falling all over him he wasnt prepared for what I had said.hmm that'll teach him I thought.
"Bonnie Dont be so disrespectful!' my
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