» Fantasy » Dawn, Natasha Rolands [fiction book recommendations TXT] 📗

Book online «Dawn, Natasha Rolands [fiction book recommendations TXT] 📗». Author Natasha Rolands

The beggining

Scarlett sat anxiously in her seat. Her mother was exiling her to Forks, Washington to live with her father for a few months, but Scarlett had no idea why. Scarlett absolutely despised her dad and her mother was on the verge of joining him. Finally they arrived at the airport and people were swarming around the doors. Scarlett reluctantly got out of the car. "OK, Scar. I need you to behave for your father and-"
Scarlett cut her off sharply."Mom, I'm not a three year old. I'm seventeen years old. In a few weeks I'm going to be eighteen and I could move out and I would never have to stay with my stupid dad." Scarlett, don't call your father stupid." Why? Do you still love him? Because maybe if you guys could just make up this whole thing wouldn't be happening."
Scarlett whipped around and stormed through the crowd and through the doors. She got in line and gave the person her ticket. The person directed her to a long hall way that lead to the plane. Finally she boarded the plane and sat down. She pulled out her phone and texted her dad.
Hey dad im on the plane and im on my way. by the way dnt bthr txtng bc cuz im probably going to be sleeping or txting someone else.

Scarlett finished up her text and tucked her phone back into her pocket.


Text: there is no copyright in this book. I did not invent the vampire or werewolf. This book is similar to the twilight saga but it is not exactly like twilight.
Publication Date: 11-14-2011

All Rights Reserved

This book is dedicated to Stephanie Myer. Thanks for making the best books of all time.

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