» Fantasy » Find Me, Jesse Griffin [story read aloud txt] 📗

Book online «Find Me, Jesse Griffin [story read aloud txt] 📗». Author Jesse Griffin

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I leaned my head back against the trunk of the biggest tree in the cemetery I spent most of my time in. "Of course, it’s my birthday but do I get any attention? No." I was talking to my black kitten, Abyss. She mewed in response. I sighed and stroked her soft fur absently. "If only there was someone who understood me Abyss. Do you think there is?"She purred and rubbed her head against my thigh.

She stopped mid-purr and stared into the surrounding woods behind us. Her fur stood on end as she hissed and a small shadow making its way towards us slowly. It suddenly stopped and jumped straight at me, landing in my lap. "Oof." It was Abyss's mother; Brujita. Abyss knew who it was but still took a swing at Shadow to be sure. Brujita swat her paw away and licked her kits head." Hey Brujita. Where have you been lately? It's been a month since the last time I saw you!" She looked up at me innocently and I rolled my eyes smiling, glad to be having my only friends together again.

"Might I have my cat back?"A deep mysterious voice had my smile disappear and my eyes drawn toward his face. He had long black hair that hung low enough to cover his eyes. He had a devious smile and deathly pale skin."Please?"

"What cat? The only cats here are mine."
He chuckled."The one in your lap. I've had him for the past month."

"Brujita is my cat and so is her kit Abyss. You must have her confused with another cat."

"I don't believe I do. I always know when Hades is my cat. I believe you the one confused."He held out his hand, "I'm Aleczander by the way."
I ignored his hand and replied."Ainsley. Where did you come up with the name Hades for a female cat?"

"Sure he's female? You might want to check again."
I checked the cat and as it turned out, he was right."Oh, well he looked like Brujita."

“You couldn’t tell when he jumped into your lap?”

“So I’m not very observant. What does it matter?”

“No one said it mattered.”

I stood and handed Hades into is arms gently, not wanting to hurt the cat, picked up Abyss and stomped away. “The nerve of some people.” I muttered. My phone buzzed on the small pocket of my black, dark purple and blood red plaid skirt.”Hello?”

“Where are you?”My foster mom’s usually stern voice sounded worried.

“The Cemetery, why?”

“Get home now. There’s something wrong with your father.”

“Yes Miranda.” I hung up and hurried towards the other end of town.


“What’s going on Miranda?”I asked as soon as I walked through the door.

“We don’t know. He can barely speak or move.” She was wiping tears from her eyes. Her blonde hair was a complete mess and her makeup was running. “The doctor’s checking him but I don’t think he’ll make it.” She burst into a new round of tears and I wrapped my arms around her.

“Don’t cry, please. I know he’ll make it through. Have faith Miranda. If he does die, I know he wouldn’t want you to look like this all the time. He’d want you to smile t his memory and try to find someone else as long as you don’t forget him.”

“Your right Ainsley. I should have faith and cherish him memory if he does leave us. What happened to Abyss and Brujita?”

“Abyss is outside and I don’t know where Brujita went. Look there’s the doctor.”

Miranda ran over to the doctor who was exiting the guest bedroom where my foster dad, Jason, was dying.

“How is he Dr. Mitch?”

“I’m sorry Miranda; He won’t make it through the next five minutes most likely.” Dr. Mitch sounded defeated.

“Can we see him?”I asked.

“Make it quick I’ve already called an ambulance.”
Miranda and I quickly hurried into the guest bedroom.

“Jason?” I asked. He could barely open his eyes he was so weak. I knelt beside the bed and took his hand.

“I’m so sorry.” Steady tears began to flow down my face.

He tried to squeeze my hand but ended in a painful gasp and gave a faint whisper. “Watch out. I love you both.” His eyes closed and his breathing stilled as his hand slipped from mine.

“No! Jason! Please don’t leave me here!” Miranda fell to her knees bawling. I wrapped my arms around her and kept my tears from falling. She kept whispering over and over again, “I love you Jason. I will always love you.”

Abyss padded into the room and rubbed her head against Miranda’s side trying her best to comfort her, sorrow etched plainly in her jade green eyes.
May his soul rest peacefully. I though silently. “Miranda, I think the ambulance is here. We need to leave the room and you need to lie down, alright.”She nodded and I guided her out of the room. “Lie on the couch. I’ll make you some herbal tea.”

As I fixed her tea the tears fell silently down my face. “A month can change everything.” I told myself. I stared down at the tea and gasped as a face appeared out of nowhere. It was as pale as Aleczender’s, had red eyes and snow white hair. There were bony wings in the back ground that folded back as he smiled deviously.

I stumbled backward scared to death and tripped over a stool behind me falling on my butt. “Ow.”Cautiously I looked in the tea again and saw nothing. Taking a deep breath I carried the tea to Miranda. “Here, this will help you feel better.”

“Thank you.” She drank the tea and lie back down before falling asleep.

I felt another presence and looked up to see a shadow of Jason standing over Miranda. “Oh my god.” He looked at me and put an index finger to his lips in a hushing movement. I just stared like an idiot. What the-? How did? Huh?

I hastily left my house and began walking. To where? I had no idea but I was going somewhere. My head was bowed so I didn’t see anything when I ran into someone. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going. I was-“ When I saw who I ran into I stopped mid-sentence. It was him! The white haired guy I saw in Miranda’s tea! Oh crap!

He smiled like he did in the tea cup but this time he spoke. His voice was cool like ice. It was sinister; deceptive; confident; coming from everywhere at once. Awe inspiring yet terrifying. “It’s quite alright. We all make mistakes don’t we?”

“Uh, yeah we do…”

Sire, shall we continue this in a more private area?”
A man with cropped midnight black hair and cat yellow eyes. He was wearing black shoes, pants, and a jacket that looked more like a cape. His voice was crisp and had all the power of the boss at a small business owner. You don’t ignore him.

Never taking his eyes off me the white haired guy replied, “Very well, Amducias. Aleczander, please escort us to your current residence.”

When he said Aleczander I became confused and looked at him. He was harder to see because he was behind Amducias and Wings, as I was beginning to call the white haired guy. He appeared stony faced and his body rigid. He looked at me when he said, “Yes, Sire.”He turned and led then towards the cemetery.

“Uh…”I was completely creeped out. Right…Wait! How come no one ran screaming at the sight of his huge bony wing? How the heck am I seeing dead people? This will be one birthday I never forget. Yep, Happy 18th birthday Raylyn. Sighing, I trudged down the sidewalk to the little gas station to tell Amanda, Jason’s younger sister, the bad news.


“What!”Amanda screamed. She covered her pink lips trying to hold back a sob. Her dark brown hair was pulled up and coming undone from a hard days work and her sky blue eyes were spilling tears. “No, he can’t be. Jason was always healthy. How could he be dead? He looked about ready to wrestle a bear the last time I saw him.”

“We don’t know what happened Manda. We all thought the same thing too but now he’s gone.” Well, not entirely. Just then Jason materialized to full view behind Amanda. He placed a hand on her shoulder and looked at me before looking at her.

“How’s Miranda taking this?”

“She cried her heart out. I gave her some herbal tea and she fell asleep.”

“I get off in ten minutes. I’ll go see her then.”

“Thanks.” I looked at the ghostly shade of Jason and left to find myself in the wood I was abandoned in. I sat on the shadiest patch of grass; for an early spring day it was quite warm. I tucked my feet under me as Jason materialized in a sitting position in front of me. Neither of us said anything for a while; just stared at each other.

“Well?” He pressed. His voice sounded like it was being carried by the wind, but there was none.

“How? How can I see you? Hear you?”

He shook his head. “I cannot tell you that much.”

“Who said?”

“My Sire.”

“That would be?” He shook his head again. “What can you tell me?”

“Watch your back. Be careful of who you trust, your friends may not be as friendly as they seem. Cats. Cats can warn you of approaching danger. Search you soul and see what you find.” He disappeared so now all I saw were trees.

“That made no sense at all.”I sighed and lay back on the crisp fresh, green grass. Thinking about the recent events and cried.

“I wouldn’t have thought you the kind of person to cry over death Raylyn.” Aleczander’s voice startled me.

I sat up and spun around quickly. “Holy crap! You scared me.”

He chuckled. “That surprises me. I wouldn’t have thought anything would scare you.”

“Wait, how do you know someone I know died?”

“Jason’s standing over there watching or little exchange.”He was pointing to a half visible tree where Jason was standing.

“Wait! You can see Jason?”

“Can’t you?”

“Yeah but… Who were you with earlier?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Try me.”

“I can’t.”


“Boss’s orders.”

“Ugh. What is up with you and Jason and these stupid orders?”

“What did Jason tell you?”I saw his eyes flash red behind his hair.

“Not much. Just that I need to watch my back, be careful who I trust and I should keep Abyss or Brujita close.”

“Mhm.”He stood and walked way.

“That is going to get on my absolute last nerve.” I glared at Jason. “Is that why you wouldn’t say anything?”

“People are watching no matter where you go Per-“ He cut off abruptly.



I stood. “What were you about to call me?”

“Nothing. I said nothing at all.” He disappeared. I screamed.

I screamed out of frustration. Why was no one telling me anything? Trust no one remember? Why was the mental part of

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