» Fantasy » Star Crossed, Sammisawr [ereader for textbooks .txt] 📗

Book online «Star Crossed, Sammisawr [ereader for textbooks .txt] 📗». Author Sammisawr

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might actually take me away from Aspen Hill and send me to Oxford!" Helen sighed and buried her head in her hands. "He might..." 
"Be realistic? I am Helen! I'm sorry if I ruined your dinner but that guy is a creep. How could you not do anything about his looking at you? This weekend when you go out with him, he's going to try something with you. You know it as well as I do that he is. Then your father is going to find out and both of you are going to leave and never come back, both of you are going to Oxford. Be realistic? Helen, you be realistic! What would you do if your daughter went around talking to ghosts or if she went out on a date with some loser who tried to push her to do something she doesn’t want to do? I am being realistic!" He said his voice rising slightly. 
"I am really sorry if you see me as something else, William, but I have been trying to get my father's attention anyway! He realized it, thought it was something else and ignored me all the way. I didn't want to tell straight out because I can't find myself to go as far as embarrassing him." Helen answered sharply, coming to her feet. She turned to his other question; "With the position I'm in right now, if I see my daughter loving a ghost, I would let her be in love with the ghost!" 
"Well whoopee do to you! But that isn’t the position we are in right now! Right now, we're in the position that your father wants you out of here right now and wants you moving on a quick as possible! So why don't you be a good little girl and go make daddy happy!" he yelled at her. "Go on! Go! Go have a good life Helen Watson!" 
"No!" Helen screamed, letting out her emotions. Her voice echoed around the room and she clenched her fists, anger and sadness mixed inside her. "Don't you understand, William? I don't want to move. I want to stay here, in Aspen Hill." She turned around so that he couldn't see his face. "You won't stop me." 
"He can't, but I can." Dr. Watson was standing in Helen's doorway, Shawn right next to him, unaware of William on the bed. "Helen, I think it's time for you to understand something. If you tell people about William they will send you away. I will not have my daughter made a mock of. So, therefore, Shawn has been so kind as to let us stay in his house with him and his mother until we get the papers settled. We are leaving this house, tonight."  
William sat there, his face as hard as stone, listening to Dr. Watson. "Like I said, have a good life," he said so only Dr. Watson and Helen could hear him. Walking to the wall he just walked through it, to the other room, leaving family to deal with family. 
Helen backed off, the look of sheer horror on her face. "No. Father, don't! You don't know -"  
"Enough from you, Helen." As Dr. Watson paced towards her, Helen backed off until her back pressed against the wall of her bedroom. "Stop this nonsense, Helen. We're leaving." He took her arm.  
"No! Not there, father, really, anywhere but there!" Helen tried desperately, trying to lose the firm grip from her father's hand. "No-"  
"Enough from you or I shall send you to Oxford this minute!" Dr. Watson stated. "At the moment, I am more than tempted. The servants will take your clothes there in a few hours." 
"Please don't make me go…Please! Father!" Helen pleaded looking wildly around the room for William. "Please! William, please don't let him-"  
Dr. Watson whirled around. "Helen! You will stop this immediately! You will go to Shawn’s' house while I stay here and finish everything up. If I hear you have not been your best while over there, I will send you to Oxford! Do I make myself clear?"  
Helen took a shaky breath and one look around the room. Fighting back the tears she ripped her arm away from her father.
"Are you going to walk or am I going to have to pull you?" Her father asked, more gentle this time.  
Helen wiped her cheeks and took her father's hand, realizing that her body was trembling. Dr. Watson seems to want to say something but decided against it, leading her out of her room and down the steps. With each passing moment, Helen became closer to tears and as they reached the door, the tears started to flow slowly.  
"I'll come back for you in two days, Helen." Her father said as he led her on. 
Helen nodded, not trusting her voice. As she continued down the steps of the house her father gave Shawn her arm and started to walk back inside. Turning around he smiled encouragingly. "Don't worry, you'll be fine."  
Shawn looked down at her and squeezed her hand. "And don't you worry Dr. Watson, I'll be watching her like a hawk."  
Dr. Watson smiled at that and went inside, but something about his tone made Helen nervous. 
"Come, Helen." Shawn said with a warm smile, hiding his desire. "My house isn't that far from here. Want to walk?" He asked.  
Helen didn't answer so he took it as a positive, leading her on. "My mum will be back in a few hours. She'd be glad to see you." He said. "Come on, don't look so down. It'll only be two days." With Helen keeping her head down, she couldn't see the constant glances by the boy.  
William... please... 
Helen...I'm so sorry... William watched from the attic window as Helen and Shawn walked down the road, arm in arm. he watched, Helen fight against her father, he heard her cry out to him but he did nothing. He now watched them as they walked on and on, Shawn always looking down at her.  
Helen...please forgive me... 
"So, talk to me, Helen." Shawn tried again, failing to get her from her lost thoughts. "This William... who is he?" He asked, noticing that Helen bowed her head further. Shawn sighed and stopped in his tracks, taking her by the shoulders. "A ghost is a ghost, nothing more. Those horror stories I have liked so much - all ghosts are just pathetic. You should find someone else, Helen." Someone like me... He thought.  
"Leave me alone." Helen pulled away. "As for William… he's just a ghost." 
"Just a ghost? He didn't seem like just a ghost....were you guys friends?" he asked her taking a step towards her.  
"I liked to think so...but now I'm not so sure," she said hotly.  
"Well then, like I said. You need to find some one else."  
Helen glared at him and started walking again. "Thank you for your sympathy, but I don't need it." 
With a frightful force, Shawn reached for her arm, turning her so that she was facing him again. Helen looked up in surprise, but she did not utter a word as she felt the hot grip from his fingers:  
"Helen, if sympathy isn't what you want, then fine." Shawn said, his eyes reflecting full desire. "However, a replacement must be filled sooner or later."  
Helen tried to pull away, but all he did was to hold her tighter; "Listen, Helen! Like it or not, he's a ghost. Friends or not, he's gone now. Over."  
Not wanting to listen, Helen struggled yet again; "Let. Me. Go." 
A smile crept over Shawn's face, and it wasn’t a good one. "No. I don't think I will let you go..." he muttered. Grabbing Helen around her waist he lifted her over his shoulder, like a potatoes sack.  
Putting his hands on her thighs he held her tight as she fought against him. "I'm not letting you go...not when you're ass is right in my face," he said slapping it. 
Helen fought against him hard, terrified as he started to walk. "No, no!" She cried, tears almost coming to her face. "Shawn, please, no!"  
He laughed, ignoring her as she continued to struggle. "No is a no. I shall show you the wonders a ghost may never give you."
"Please! I don't want to do this…please! Please, let me go!" Helen cried, now the tears had started to fall. Pushing against his lower back she made herself parallel with the ground. "Shawn, no!"  
Shawn smirked, "Just move your hands a little lower now...come on be a good girl."  
Helen elbowed him in the back hoping it would make him loose his grip. No such luck.  
He started to become angry now, "Helen. Stop it! You keep this up I'll make sure you can't walk tomorrow." 
"No!" Helen screamed. With all her strength, she tried to elbow him again, this time hitting him full force at the back of his neck. Shawn let her go immediately as he clutched it, but as she started to shift painfully away, he gripped her dress and a faint ripping sound could be heard.  
"You'll pay for this." He said angrily. 
"No. You will," William said appearing right in-between Helen and Shawn. Pushing Shawn back he made him fall over. Making himself bigger William changed his appearance again so it was of when he had first crashed.  
Shawn scrambled away, terrified. "Hey man, I wasn't going to do anything!"  
William bent down and got in his face, his blood dripping on to Shawn's shirt. "I'm sure. You will stay away from Helen and Dr. Watson, got it?" he said angrily.  
Shawn nodded horridly and quickly got up and ran away, tripping when he turned to look behind him. 
Changing his appearance back to normal, William turned to Helen, his eyes filled with regret. He was surprised, however, to see her shrinking further back with the terror clearly shown on her features.  
"Helen, it's me." William tried. Helen didn't reply but she kept her eyes in his, blinking as she gasped for breath. "Helen?" 
Helen shook her head, visibly shaken and terrified. Moving off the trail she got into the grass, farther away from William.  
"Helen? What's wrong with you? It's me, William," he said softly getting down to her level. Staying on his knees he moved slowly towards her but she just moved away.  
What's going on? Is she really scared of me?, Helen...I need you to be the strong one... 
Wiping her tears, Helen didn't trust her voice to speak. Her body shook and she felt weak, her breath ragged. William moved closer, but again, she avoided his look, eventually getting too tired to do anything but to keep her eyes down.  
"Helen... please... look at me..." William's pleading voice filled her ears.  
She didn't answer. 
William sat down in front of her, crossing his legs. "Helen...I came here to apologize. I'm sorry I scared you before and pushed you away. I'm sorry for not fighting for you when Shawn first came here…I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I thought pushing you away would be better then keeping you close. I just don't want to get hurt when you grow up older and live life with out me. I just don't want you to get hurt if I ever do figure out how to cross on...Helen...I'm sorry," he finished softly. Looking up at her he saw that some of the fear was slowly leaving her eyes.  
Helen listened to William. Lying down she closed her eyes, not saying anything. 
William... She thought sadly, adjusting her breathing to a calmer pace.  
She stayed there, not moving, still conscious, until at long last, her breathing calmed down somewhat. Opening her eyes, she gazed at him for a while, realizing that once again, her legs would not obey her command. Placing a hand in front of her, she could
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