» Fantasy » Star Crossed, Sammisawr [ereader for textbooks .txt] 📗

Book online «Star Crossed, Sammisawr [ereader for textbooks .txt] 📗». Author Sammisawr

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contemplated on her thoughts, sighing deeply as she reached her answer; "...Myself. He wanted me to leave and it seems as though he really meant it.. I think I just want to prove to myself that I can follow his orders." Helen sat on her bed, hanging her head. "I knew that it would be hard, so I might just be able to impress myself that I could change... for his wish." She said softly. 
"Did you ever think that he never wanted you to leave? Just the thought of you or him getting hurt to leave? I mean, who knows. Maybe he's just afraid...or too proud...or already hurting..." he said softly. "Maybe he just wants you in his life...a life he never got to live..." William stared at her, his blue eyes going soft. 
Helen laughed softly, unconsciously letting her fingers play with the woodwork of her bed. "Who knows what has happened to him... or what he wants..." Helen replied. "I always have someone in my life, ready to give me anything I want... someone who was always there for me. My father has been by my side since mother died and he took her place as well as doing his. William has been by my side when I was ill." She raised her head slightly; "I know… that in his case, it's different. But when I can't understand... how can I tell?" 
Jimmy suddenly appeared by Williams side. "He loves you. No matter if he's willing to admit it or not. He does, don't let him get away," Jimmy didn't bother going invisible. Helen had never seen him before. "Don't let your father-" he started to say.  
"Helen? Are you in here?" Dr. Watson asked opening the door on William and Jimmy. Jimmy disappeared but William stayed put, remaining invisible. "Our guest is here, why don’t' you come down and meet him. You have done well on getting ready for this evening," he added with a smile. 
Helen's eyes widened with shock as he heard the child's voice. Don't let him get away.. how? Suddenly, she felt slightly dizzy.  
"Helen?" Dr. Watson asked, minutely concerned. "Are you alright?"  
Lowering her eyes, Helen hesitated. "Err - yes, of course." She replied as she stood, her eyes clearly stating her regret. 
Shawn put his hands behind his back waiting for Helen and Dr. Watson to come down. As he was looking at a painting hanging over the fireplace a chill went through his spine. Looking around he felt like there was some one else in the room. "Hello?" he called out softly.  
"What are you doing here? Helen is already in love with some one else…" a voice whispered.  
"Who is this?" he demanded.  
"..A friend. If you hurt her I swear I will hunt you down..." the voice snarled. 
"Shawn." Another voice, stronger this time, was heard behind him. The boy whipped around fast, sighing in secret relief as he saw who it was - his expressions, thankfully, not betraying the zap of imagination he received earlier. "Shawn, this is my daughter. Helen." Dr. Watson introduced with a smile.  
Right beside the owner of the tone, a young girl at the sweet age of fifteen walked. Somehow, she looked peaceful but in her eyes, Shawn could see deep emotions. He strode towards her and took her hand. "A pleasure, Helen."  
Her eyes remained unsmiling even when her lips curled upwards. That doesn't mean that Shawn noticed it, however, another observer in the room raised his eyebrows as he spotted it. 
"Nice to meet you, Shawn," she said sweetly. She quickly looked around to room to find a friend, her eyes rested on where Williams were, if only she could see him.  
William leaned up against the mantle, keeping his eyes intently on Helen and Shawn. His eyes burned into the back of his neck. As invisible as he was he wished he could be seen to scare the living daylights out of him. 
"Is there something the matter?" He asked, taking her attention again.  
"No, none at all." Helen replied, awkwardly polite. She took Shawn's arm and allowed her father to lead them towards the dining room, following as gracefully as possible to prevent suspicion. Silently, she wished that a ghost would just touch her so she could get ill.  
"The servants has prepared a most wonderful dinner." Dr. Watson said cheerily as they sat. 
"Excellent! So Helen, how have you liked it here?" Shawn asked sitting down next to her.  
She nodded, "Oh yes, it's be an interesting experience." She smiled politely. "I've met so many amazing people.." she said softly wanting to continue. But she didn't catching her father's gaze.  
"Oh? Who all did you meet?" Shawn asked. 
With raised eyebrows, she gave him a small smirk. "The house, of course. Memories from the previous owners like journals and photo albums, tells their own tales out loud and has been entertaining me for days upon end."  
"A Nature's girl?" Shawn quizzed with a charming smile. "My, Dr. Watson, such a fine daughter you have." He remarked.  
"Shall we eat, then?" Dr. Watson said, completely missing the awkwardness of Helen's reply. 
William laughed slightly at Helens reply. Nicely put...  
"Yes, let's," Helen said a little too cheery.  
Shawn put his hand on hers, lightly, in a flirty notion. "I think we will make very good friends, Helen." His eyes ventured to her low cut dress momentarily but quickly returned to her eyes. 
Missing the glance from her new acquaintance, Helen uttered a very soft "Thank you" to the servant who placed her dinner in front of her. She turned to Shawn, her charming, always-working smile making him lost in his thoughts; "That would depend," she said, "upon your manners during the course of the friendship."  
"Yes... of course, of course." Shawn replied.  
"So tell me, Shawn. What are your interests?" Dr. Watson asked as he sipped his glass of brandy. 
"Well...I like to read books, listen to some old records of my grandfathers, and just go to the movies on weekends," he said taking a drink of his water. "What about you Helen?"  
"Well...most of the time I just like to sit in my room to think, so many voices come to you when you're alone."  
This time Dr. Watson heard it. Choking on his brandy he coughed, glancing at his daughter. "Maybe this weekend Shawn could take you out, get away from those pesky voices, dear."  
"That's a great idea!" Shawn said looking at Helen. 
William covered his mouth to prevent himself from laughing out loud. Awesome answer. I wonder what game she is playing..  
"Well, that is settled!" Dr. Watson's voice rang out, interrupting his thoughts. "That is... what, five days away? Plenty of time for you two to get acquainted!"  
"But we're moving in two days -" Helen protested.  
"Nonsense.." Her father replied. "Postpone that, really. We shouldn't miss such a golden opportunity!"  
A secretive smile crept onto Helen's face. "Sounds nice." She admitted.
"Awesome, so there is a showing of a horror movie at 7 pm, how about I pick you up at 5? It gives us time to go get some dinner and just hang out for a while," Shawn said taking a bite of food.  
"Sounds perfect!" her father answered for her.  
Helen nodded in agreement. "Alright, sounds like a plane," she said smiling her charming smile.  
William snapped up. She's agreeing to a date...? 
No words could describe the broad smile which then spreads out on Shawn's face. He continued to eat his food, thinking deeply, wrapped in his own thoughts. Helen risked a slightly suspicious glare at him as she ate her own food, but both Shawn and Dr. Watson missed it.  
The only one who realized it would be William himself. 
She's is so hot...who ever Dr. Watson wants me to replace must be a real loser... Shawn thought glancing down Helen's dress again. This date is going to rock...  
William noticed his glance and rushed to his side, whispering in his ear, "I told hurt her in ANY way I will personally rip your eyes out of their sockets and put their jelly on my toast..."
"Shawn?" Helen asked in surprise. "Is there something wrong?"  
"Naturally not." He replied with a little smile. "Everything is perfect. Sorry if I distracted you there." He took the opportunity; "But everything just went so silent."  
"I beg your pardon." Helen answered. "How rude of me." 
"So do you like horror movies?" he asked trying to block out the voice.  
"Stay away from her..." William warned.  
Helen heard his voice ever so softly. "William?" she breathed.  
"Beg pardon?"  
"Oh, yes. I do. They are very fun," she said some what distracted but with a smile. 
"Excellent. They're my favorite genre."  
"Including the books you read?" Dr. Watson came into the conversation.  
"Oh, definitely so." Shawn answered. He swept his eyes on Helen again. "I promise you, Helen, that you shall remember the night like no other."  
Both Helen and William caught his tone. William gave a low snarl as Helen glanced at her father. "...Of course." She answered. Can't he sense it? She thought with a frown. 
William couldn’t take it anymore. He showed himself, sitting next to Shawn. "Oh I'm sure..." he spat.  
"William!" Helen said sharply. "Don't do anything you're going to regret..."  
Shawn stared at William. "…gho...?"  
"Yes...I’m a gho," William said smirking.  
"That is quiet enough!" Dr. Watson said slamming his cup down. "You will leave my table at once!"  
William set a deadly stare on him. "Fine. As you wish, Dr. Watson." He bowed slightly, "Helen." 
"..You... you…"  
"Don't speak just yet." Dr. Watson stood up, handing him a glass of water. "I shall talk to you after you calm yourself down. In the meantime... Helen. Go and talk to him." He ordered.  
"Very well." Helen answered, hiding her relief. She gave a slight nod to the shocked boy beside him. "Shawn."  
With a final glance to her father, Helen left in search for William. She knew exactly where to go - Helen went to her room. 
William sat on her bed, waiting for her. He knew she would, he knew Dr. Watson would send her. It was only a matter of time. Leaning on his elbows he played with a ribbon that had been sitting on her dresser. Emotions were bubbling up inside him, even if he didn't show it on his face.  
Didn't you see that he was looking at you?  
Why did you agree to go out on a date with him?  
How could your father be so oblivious!?  
Questions were burning inside of him.
Helen's head suddenly peeked in, her face a mixture of emotions, mirroring the one who she was looking for. She could see William sitting on her bed and, with a small smile; she went to him, sitting down. Silence passed between the two with only their presence greeting each other. Finally, she raised her head;  
"I do not appreciate you doing that though I probably should say my thank you." 
"Oh well I'm sorry if I ruined your dinner with your new boyfriend. But I felt the need too. Obviously your father wasn't going to do anything about it, but did you see the way he was looking at you? I swear...if that guy tries anything else I will hunt him down and haunt him until he dies..." William growled, turning hostile.  
"How could you allow him to do that? You should have taken a stand! That son of a bitch is going to try something with you, I know it. But whatever...don't listen to me, enjoy your date with him, I don’t care..." 
"Be realistic, William. I was giving hints all the way to catch my father's attention. He knew that I didn't want this after that second remark, but if I do something about it, what place would I be in then? My father
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