» Fantasy » Star Crossed, Sammisawr [ereader for textbooks .txt] 📗

Book online «Star Crossed, Sammisawr [ereader for textbooks .txt] 📗». Author Sammisawr

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Funny. I thought William said humans are supposed to get ill when a ghost touches them in a foul mood... 
"It only happens if the ghost wishes them to get sick," William said appearing at her door. "So you don't have to worry. You won't get sick," he said in a monotone.  
Helen looked into his eyes, but there was something missing. She couldn't but her finger on it...but there was something that was supposed to be there. Something that had been there.
"In that case, I believe I should thank you." She answered, searching those eyes. "...We're leaving in two days. You should not be worried about that." She turned away, not wanting William to see her face. Helen's voice did not betray her emotions, but her heart made it impossible to control the expression of her face. Her shoulders quivered slightly as she opened her drawers, taking out her folded gloves. 
William bit his lip to restrain himself from going over and wrapping his arms around her, telling it will all be OK. "Well at least then you and your father won't have to worry about me. That should make both of you happy," he managed to get out. "As for me, I should best get going," because it hurts to much to be around you..  
"I just came up to tell you that, now that you know," he bowed a mock bow. "Miss." and started to disappear through the door.
This time, Helen made no attempt to bring him back. She pressed her lips together to prevent the sob from coming out as she continued to get her things onto her bed. What was she to do? Her father knew about William and now, William also wants her out of his life.  
"...Why?" She asked herself. "Why!?" She cried out, falling to her knees. 
William wanted to run back in there and hold her close and forget everything that had happened. To start over. But that's not how it works. Once you say something you can't take it back. I'm so sorry Helen... he wanted to tell her. I never meant to hurt you...I'm just trying to protect you.  
But he couldn't do it. It was too late. He had already told her to leave, and leaving is exactly what she was doing. 
Helen woke up with her side by the bed, realizing that it was already night. She rubbed her eyes and looked around, not knowing how or when exactly she fell asleep. Pushing her to a sitting position, she spotted her bed, stacked with piles of clothes. I thought it was a dream... She sighed, standing up, Taking the photo of her mother, she kissed it softly. "Mother, is this right?" 
Breathing deeply William went up to the attic, wandering around the house, avoiding Helen, Jimmy, and Dr. Watson. "Why is a good question Helen...why is this world full of crap people why don't they die? Oh I know… it’s a crap world..." 
Helen closed the door of her room quietly, descending the stairs. From the time shown on her clock, her father should at least still be in his study unless if he has gone out on an emergency case. She walked past the sitting room and knocked the door of the study, receiving no reply. Turning the knob, she pushed the door open. It was empty. 
"Father? Dr. Watson? Daddy?" she called out a little worried. Looking around the room she came to his desk.  
Helen, don’t worry. I'm just working out the details about the house with the agent. I'll be home before dinner with a guest. He's about your age, look nice for dinner.  
Love, Dad 
Frowning, Helen took the note and pocketed it, ascending the stairs into her room. She rang the bell for the maid and sat down, reading the note again; someone my age... she thought. What on earth...?  
"You rang, Helen?" Her maid's voice reached her ears.  
"My father told me that there's a guest. Will you please get my best outfit ready?" 
"Right away, madam," she said doing a little curtsey and rushing to the closest.  
"What? You can't do it yourself? Oh...poor baby..." William cooed from the far corner. "I knew it wouldn't take you long to get over me. Have fun with your boy toy." 
Helen snapped around in surprise, raising her eyebrows at the figure before her; "For your information," she said hotly; "I do quite a lot without my maids which other teenagers like myself wouldn't do." Helen turned around and started to rummage through her drawers for the right bow to tie her hair. "And really, I don't know who this guest is, nor do I care."  
"And still, you would want to take your best gown out?"  
"Is there a problem with making my father happy after days of seeing me down?"
"No...Of course not. I mean, if it makes your father happy why not, jump off a bridge? Or let's say...go on a date with some one you know nothing about? Or even...Start dating a guy, you have no interest in just to make Daddy, how sweet of a daughter." He put a hand on his cheek. "Aww...Little Helen is getting so big...falling in love with a stranger she never met..."  
"And what makes you care so much?" she snapped at him.  
"Did you say something, Miss?" the maid asked her.
"Oh?" Helen turned, realizing that her maid had her gown in her arms. "No, not at all. Merely wondering why father would bring such a guest at this time in the night... and to dress me well, not to mention." She replied with a charming smile - one she had never shown William before.  
"Very well, Miss." Her maid replied. "The ironing will take about fifteen minutes. It is this dress you were talking about, yes?"  
"Of course." Helen smiled as she found the blue velvet band from her drawer. "Thank you."  
"Excuse me." Her maid gave her a courtesy, leaving. As soon as the door closed, Helen raised an eyebrow to William. 
"What?" he asked, as if being accused of a crime.  
"I asked you a question," she said turned her back to him, starting to brush her hair.  
"And I asked you one."  
"Why do you care so much?" she asked again, watching him through the mirror.  
"Who said I cared?" he responded nervously.  
"I did."  
"So? Just because I care doesn't mean anything. Because it's not like you care about me. One minute you say you will never leave me, the next you are going off with some other guy. Oh, sounds extremely caring to me," he added with sarcasm dripping on every word. 
"Excuse me?!" Helen turned sharply, dropping her hairbrush. "William Schwenk, please, enlightens me." She said in a mixture of both anger and cold politeness; "Who exactly was it who wanted me to leave in the first place?" She asked, picking up her hairbrush and brushing her hair. "...Wasn't it you?" Helen continued as she turned away from him. 
"Who gives a damn if it was me? I never said leave with another guy!" he said, just as angrily but forgetting the politeness. "So yeah, I did tell you to leave, but you have no right to judge me on just that. You don't know HALF of what I've been through, alright? So whatever. Have fun with your new boyfriend, you can just forget all about me. Every one else seems to!" he said vanishing. 
"Heavens, whoever said that I actually know this person!" Helen slammed her palms on her dressing table angrily, causing the hairbrush to drop yet again. "I hate it when he does that..." She muttered, picking the brush up. Helen sat down on her bed, waiting for her maid to arrive.
William smirked to himself. She hates it when you do that..  
"I know…” 
why do you insist on being a pain?  
"Why do you insist on being here all the time?"  
Because you need me. Just like you need her.  

"I don't need anyone!" he said angrily moving to his room. 
"Miss, here is your dress." The maid came in a few minutes afterwards. Helen gazed at the dress, wondering whether she really should wear something so beautiful and delicate. "Miss...? I can prepare you another dress if you'd like."  
"No..." Helen answered with a smile. "I'll wear this." 
The maid laid the dress down on the bed. "There you go Miss. Dinner will be at 5 tonight, at the request of your farther."  
"Thank you," Helen said bowing her head slightly. "I think I can manage it from here."  
"As you wish, Ma'am," the maid said with a little curtsey and she left.  
"Alright William, get back in here! I'm not done with you yet!" she called out. 
Helen unbuttoned her dress and stepped into the freshly-ironed one, fiddling with the straps as William came inside with a rather annoyed face; "What?" He asked, clearly disturbed.  
"Just because you're a ghost, it doesn't give you the right to say punch lines and leave." Helen countered, holding her breath as she tried to fasten the buttons on her back I shouldn't have asked the maid to leave so soon... she thought with a scowl. 
William rolled his eyes. As much as he hated it he couldn't help but feel like he should help. "Let me do that..." he muttered going up behind her.  
Helen stood up straight as she felt a cooling sensation move over her lower back.  
William started to button up her dress but paused slightly. Her skin was so smooth and looked like silk. It pained him to get this close to her. 
Lowering her eyes, Helen pressed her lips together, realizing that she had never actually worn the dress before. Silently, she wondered on what he was thinking.  
"Done." William said in a monotone.  
Hesitating for a second, Helen uttered a soft "Thank you" before taking up her hairbrush. 
He backed away from her and leaned on the wall. "Yeah…" he muttered.  
Helen slowly brushed her hair, aware that his eyes were on her. "What are you thinking?" she asked softly.  
"Nothing. I have to go," he said walking through the closed door. 
To call him again would be an awkward thing to do, so Helen kept on brushing her hair, tying it neatly with the bow she had found earlier. Somehow, she could not help but still feel his presence around the room, but she shook the thought away. Maybe I'm getting desperate... she thought with a sad smile.  
Invisible, William leaned back against the wall, watching her every expression with his icy-blue eyes. 
"I must be getting paranoid…" she muttered to herself, feeling the heat from his eyes she always felt when she looked into them. Looking at herself in the mirror, she sighed. Maybe she was going a little too overboard with this dress. No, this is what Father wanted.  
William stood there, leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. She really was beautiful...No. You can't get involved now. You pushed her away, and you have to live with that.  
But he wished he hadn't. 
Helen gave herself a graceful turn in front of the mirror, scowling as she watched her own reflection. She turned and walked to her wardrobe, examining the other dresses but decided against it. The one she wore was a dark blue velvet one with white outlines of the same material. It was handsomely made and she could never figure the right situation to wear it.  
"I have to do this." She whispered ever so softly. "He agrees that it's for the best..." 
"You know...he never said he liked it..." William said softly, changing his voice.  
"Who is that?" Helen said turning around, looking for the voice holder.  
"A friend," he said simply. "But really...who are you trying to impress? Your father?  The stranger? Or could it possibly be William?" 
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