» Fantasy » Daylight, Verbayne +Demonata-Freak [book recommendations .txt] 📗

Book online «Daylight, Verbayne +Demonata-Freak [book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Verbayne +Demonata-Freak

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as I lay my brother on the ground. I didn’t question it, just turned. The sharpened blade of a machete glared in my face.

I had just enough time to throw up my hands to block it. The blade bit into my left palm drawing blood. I snarled. Jerking on the blade I pulled it from the Hunter’s grasp, breaking it in half as blood dripped down my hand. The man, who I had bitch slapped across the street, did a double take, unsure how I was able to take a blow like that and not even bat an eye.

Answer, I was pissed.

Without looking I flicked the broken end of the machete in Saoirse’s direction. If it killed the red haired man holding her fine, if not he would be dead in a second anyway. The Hunter facing off with me turned to look at them. I lunged, ridding him to the ground as my body slammed into his. Shoving my hand into his chin I snapped his jaw shut, pushing it up so his throat was exposed like I had done with the man in the forest.

My fangs pressed into the side of his neck making him scream. I dug my fingers into his face to muzzle him better. Pulling back I drug my teeth across the front of his neck, ripping it open. Sitting back I licked my lips, smiling as he whimpered and tried to reach for his mangled neck. His blood is rich, just what I needed.

I turned to Saoirse who lay alone and whimpering just a few feet away. Vaguely I scanned the area for the Red haired man but he was nowhere to be found. Coward, I thought. I glance back at Saoirse. Her eyes were fixated on the blood pooling under the man I was straddling.

 I smiled, bloodied left hand reaching out to her. She looked from him to me then back. I knew she was hungry, I knew she needed blood. And I would give it to her.

 “Come my daughter and join me.” I breathed.

She crawled. I didn’t wait for her to reach me. Leaning over I licked a long clean line down the man’s neck. He shivered. I did it again, Saoirse grabbing the hand I had left out to her.

I pulled her forward, cradling her like a child, or a possessive animal. She was mine and no one else’s. Leaning forward I guided her hands to his neck. My cheek brushed her hair.

“Feed.” I said quietly.

She bent down and I followed soon after. Together we would bleed him dry.

Chapter 16 - Saoirse

As I felt the blade’s air whoosh across my leg, it stopped. I prepared for my legs to be taken from me but this Hunter must have had a change of heart. I look up at him. His mouth twisted playfully as he thought. “What are you waiting for?” The squeaky voiced hag snaps.

Red sighs, “if we take away her legs, then we are gonna have to carry her,”

“So?” She growls.

Red’s eyes set fire as he glares up at her. “Do you want to carry it?!” He strains through clenched teeth. “If we chop her legs, then we will have to clean the bloody mess and get medical care. Do you want to explain to the coppers why she has no legs?!” They both shake their heads stiffly. “No, best not try to make her incapable of walking.” He puts the machete back into its hidden sheath. I mentally sigh; my legs remain attached to my body!

“Look at ‘er!” Smokey waves a fat hand at me. “She can’t walks anyways,” his words having an unnecessary ‘s’ sound on them. “She can’t even blinks, she won’t walks very fars!”

“True,” Red’s face turns an evil shade of malice. “Then I guess…we will have to drag her!”

I gulp with fear as his hands disappear into a bag slung over his shoulder. He places it on the ground and dives in, rummaging through it with clanks and clinks accompanying his movements. A simple ‘a-ha’ expresses his treasure has been found. He pulls out two, silver coated, thick, long hooks. My eyes bulge out of my skull as I stare at the cruel instruments of torture, memories of old flashing through my mind.

He grins, “so, you have meet before?” He says as he attaches some wires to the ends of the hooks. “But just for fun, let’s explain this practical as we do it!” His voice turns to that of a sweet peppy child. I try to squirm free as he grabs at the flesh of my thigh. Smokey and Minitra leap over to me without even being ordered to. They rest on my shoulders, keeping me to the ground, but I couldn’t move if I wanted to. The lack of blood is making my eyes go blurry and I’m not even certain if I’m conscious or not. “This is how it works,” he holds the flesh up on my thigh and puts the hook beside it. “All we do is slip this in here,” the hook pierces my flesh, the silver in it burning my body, as it forces its way through my thigh and out again, precious blood leaking from the wounds and on to his hands. A roar of pain bursts from my lips as agony explodes inside me. I grit my teeth against the throbbing pain inside my leg, normally Vampires can hold up against torture but with the lack of blood inside my stomach, I’m basically human right now. Red laughs, his minions join him, “see that wasn’t so bad, was it?” I whimper in response as he repeats his actions on my other leg. Another scream breaks through me and I beg him to stop.

He stands up and pulls lightly at the cables attached to the hooks, now buried inside my thighs. Smokey grunts and nods at the pool of blood forming around my aching legs. He leans down and whispers roughly in my ear, “how does it feels to have the tables turned, hmm? What’s it like for you to be bleed dry?” He barks a laugh and sits back up.

“Now, that the mode of transport is sorted, we can start on act two!” Red laughs at his own joke and leaps to the bag, undoubtedly filled with more instruments of torture. Grabbing hold of my head, Red sits on my torso, forcing me to face him. In his hand, a pair of sliver pliers. Only a fool would be ignorant to what is about to happen, I face him head strong, not bothering with a plea or beg for him to stop. He opens and closes them a few times, and forces my mouth open. “Let’s see what you have hidden in here?” He pushes at my upper lip he tries to release my fangs but with no success. I almost grin at his pathetic attempts. “Come on, now. The easier you make this the quicker it will be done!” He pushes against the inside of my lip, where my fangs lie dormant. Eventually he gives up and sits back. His face lights up with an idea. He grabs a hidden knife from his boot and opens a gash along the palm of his hand.

“What are you doing?!” Minitra spits, trying to grabs the knife from Red.

“It’s the only way we can get those fangs,” he smiles back. The smell of blood floats to my nose and I inhale deeply. Instinctively, my fangs pierce through my gums and glisten in the light of the moon. I clamp my mouth shut and turn my head away. Red chuckles darkly, grabs my chin with his icy fingers and twists my head towards him. The hand he cut gets placed above my lips, having no control over it my body takes a chance and opens my mouth. As soon as lips creek open, Red shoves the pliers into my mouth and grabs hold of the closest fang. Clamping it into the silver tool, he uses all the strength in his body and pulls…My back arches as my fang comes loose and screams ring through the air. Blood from where my fang once stood tall and proud, floods my mouth and leaks down my chin. Laughing, he holds the fang above his head and inspects it in the light of the moon. “Not bad, not bad at all!” I wriggle free of the woman and start spitting the blood out. “Hold her still, Smokey!” Red yells. Smokey nudges Minitra and they both lean down harder on my arms. Red places the fang down gently in the small pool of blood near my head. He fiddles with the pliers for a moment but then a growl reaches my ears. Minitra stiffens as she has heard it too. She gets off me and walks over to where she heard the noise.

“Cian, we got-” She begins but stops when someone struts out of the darkness. The figure takes hold of the ridiculously large woman’s face, gently caressing her cheeks. “Vampire, another Vampire!” She screeches before the figure snaps her neck. She falls to the ground like a sack of worthless shit; I can’t help but feel a sense of relief as her body thuds against the cold concrete. I look at the figure who defeated one of my foes, but my vision still remains useless to me and I cannot make out any details of my savoir.

“Minitra!” Smokey roars, leaping of my shoulders. I sigh with relief as his weight is an instant pleasure, even though my body aches from the hooks in my legs, the missing fang and the loss of blood, I can’t help but relish in this small mercy. As Smokey charges towards the figure, Red leaps of me. “You, I’ll kill you for this!” He roars and barges the figure back. The person doesn’t blink at the damage and bitch slaps Smokey back over to us.

The person tries to step closer to us but Red grabs hold of my hair and drags me to my feet. Pressing my back against his chest, he holds a silver knife tightly to my throat. “I’ll kill her!” He spits at the person, but they continue to walk a few steps. “I said stop!” His voice quivers slightly. One of his companions is already dead and the other bitch slapped so hard he flew back. The sheer size of these people compared to the petite figure in front of me, they should be able to kill them with a fucking fart!The figure tried to walk closer to us but then an old man sprouts out and holds a small cross bow to their face. They swap words, my weak ears cannot pick up. As they argue the old man lets one of the silver tipped arrows towards the figure, but the person expertly doges it and punches the pensioner in the stomach. They grab the man’s neck and crashes his face into the ground, killing him instantly. Red takes this fight as the perfect time to bolt. He releases me and I fall onto my side with a heavy grunt, he bolts away as Smokey tries to defeat this person.I drag my body over to the wall and sit against

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