» Fantasy » Daylight, Verbayne +Demonata-Freak [book recommendations .txt] 📗

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push myself away from him and tear my lips from his. He moans loudly with disappointment as his starvation for the body has not even come close to being satisfied. I easily unhook my bra and shrug it off to fall to the floor. 

He once again gulps loudly and stares at the bodacious breasts consuming his view. I crush my lips to his, my breasts slamming against his chest. He moans loudly into my mouth as he rocks my hips against his crotch with his arm by wrapping it around my waist. I follow his movements, teasing him to what is to come....

Someone clears their throat. I instantly remove my mouth from his and stare at what kind of perv interrupted such a potential plan.
“Saorise, we need to talk.” Clair said quietly. I look up at the arrogant Vampire, pissed while the young man flusters with humiliation. Clair removes her eyes from my bare breasts. 

Sighing loudly I quickly put my bra and t-shirt back on. “What’s going on?” The young man asks. 

“Shhhsss,” I say slowly while breathing out a gas that causes Mensens to fall unconscious for a couple of hours. He slumps to the side; I pick up his checked shirt and wrap it round me. I climb out of the truck and stand in front of the Vampire that’s so politely stalking me. “What do you want? I was kinda busy!” I snap, folding my arms over my chest.

She barks a laugh, “yeah, I can see that.” I glare at her attempt to be friendly, like a friend catching up with another friend. Which is defiantly not happening here! She sighs and shakes her head, “please consider the possibility of becoming mortal,” She tries to continue but I cut her short. 

I shake my head slowly and sigh as well. “No, Clair, it’s not going to happen. I would rather be struck through the heart a thousand times over than become a mere mortal pig,” I snap.

She scoffs loudly, “you refuse to become yet you’re more than happy to sleep with one?!” 

“If you must know I was going to kill him after and feed from him, but that’s not really any of your concern.” I turn on my heal and begin to walk down the road and hear her steeps behind me. 

“If we do the ritual then there is more of a chance of you surviving,” she pleas as she walks beside me. 

I roll my eyes and shake my head slightly, like we were disagreeing over flavours of ice cream not the fate of someone’s life. “Even if I wanted to become a diseased ridden rat, the ritual still wouldn’t work. It calls for two beings of magic. Now, being a Daywalker and everything, I’m sure you possess hidden qualities but I am afraid I do not,” I smirk as I continue to walk on. I’ve won this battle and she knows it, the scum can give up and go home now. Leave me alone to die.

“Saorise, you can’t lie to me... I was inside your memories,” She whispers. I freeze in my steps, shock consuming every nerve in my body. “I know about your mortal life,” she continues. 

“Shut up,” I hiss quietly.

“I know you are a witch, and I know you watched your parents and brother burn and that’s why you became a Vampire...”

“Shut up,” I growl again, memories of old grieving my heart. 

“And... I know about Toby,” she mutters, knowing herself the cruelness of her words sinking into my very heart. “I know how they made you watch as they kill-” she whispers.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I roar leaping in front of her face, pain and guilt washing over me like a storm. “You can’t say that to me, don’t you dare mention him to me...” Tears stream down my face as I remember the small child from all the years gone. “He was kind and gentle and... mine. And those bastereds killed him because of what I was...” I fight against the sick creeping up my throat as I remember his pleas and cries for my help.

“They murdered him to get to me, so don’t you dare mention his name EVER again,” I scream, the loss of a child is something no matter of words can describe. All the negative feelings of this universe and beyond could not even come within a millimetre of the pain that consumes you when you lose something so dear. I fall to my knees and weep. 


Clair hovers over me for a second, before saying. “It wasn’t your fault,” 

Those four words hit my like a truck. I leap t my feet and grab Clair by her shoulders and with all the strength the gods gave me throw her against the trees surrounding the road. She goes flying through the air, breaking many trees before crashing into the dirt, squealing all the way. She hits the ground and tries to get up again but she falls into the dark pits of the unconscious. By the time she wakes up I will be gone... along with her hope.

Chapter 13 - Clair

Groaning I rolled onto my side. Sharp needles of pain shot up my right arm. I cursed at the strange angle my forearm was bent at. I can’t believe she did that. Clutching my arm I struggled to stand, using the tree I had landed against as a support.

“Next time I won’t take no for an answer.” I growled inhumanly.

Blinking I frowned. It had already begun, the awakening of my darker side. Face falling I starred at the leafy ground. My thoughts drifted to my friend. Saoirse refused to take this one chance to be saved. Even if she did become human she could be turned again later.

Why didn’t she realize that? Maybe she did, maybe she just didn’t want me to be involved. I shook my head, shoulder sliding down the rough bark of the tree some. Even if that is true I owe her, I will help her whether she likes it or not. She was mine after all.

She was a child of the morning sun that came about because of my blood. As unconventional as her change had been it was still a change, a bond forged by blood. A bond both of us refuse to acknowledge.Groaning I twisted, slamming my back into the tree. Glancing up at the sky I grinned.

“You’re not a very good distraction Saoirse.” I grumbled.

That’s right, I need a distraction. If I didn’t keep my mind busy it would fall prey to the beast lurking within. Swallowing I wrapped my fingers around my arm. It burned, the sensation making me wish the limb would just fall off. One, two, three!

A sickening crack echoed around the silent forest. Shivering I bit off a scream. Naturally my eyes wondered down to my arm. It was straighter but still a little lumpy. I needed to feed so it would set faster. No, I can’t do that. If I didn’t then I would-

“Miss, are you alright?!”

My head snapped up, heart pounding. The man that Saoirse ran off with came charging through the forest, shirt missing. What? Didn’t she knock him out? How long have I been out? Jogging to a stop the man let his hands hover over my arm.

I bit my lip as he fumbled with my arm. Not because it hurt, it did, but because he was so close to me. I thought I was alone. I had been too careless because of the monster bending the bars of its cell. A human hanging around a vampire was dangerous. A human touching an injured vampire was dangerous too. But I wasn’t a vampire. I was an unstable mixed breed hungering for sustenance.

“You need a doctor. I can take you…”

His words faded out, my surroundings becoming blurred. He was human, a human with blood. Touching his shoulder I drug him towards me. He shrieked as I slammed him into the tree. Smiling I ran my tongue over my lips. 

The smell, the sound of the pulse, the warmth radiating from him, it was all so intoxicating I couldn’t stand it. Digging my nails into his shoulders I pressed my face into his neck. I inhaled once, all sense of right and wrong melting away with that scent. Forehead dropping against his bare skin I started to laugh.

“Wh-what’s wrong, what are you doing?”

Twisting my face I smiled at the man. “You are terribly unlucky you know that?”


Whatever he had been planning on asking was cut off by my hand. Smiling like some druggy getting her fix I ran my tongue down the length of the pulse in his neck, bending his head at a painful angle in the process. He whimpered, struggling against me. Digging my nails into his chin I whipped his head back.

“You are no vampire, but your blood will suffice for now.” I purred.

A scream tore through his chest. Hissing I reared back, fangs snapping down. I couldn’t take it, the thirst was too much. My lips clamped down over his jugular, incisors tearing into his flesh. That gut retching scream of his cut off replaced with the sound of gurgling.

Pausing I came up for a breath. Choking the man weakly pushed against my face. I snapped at his hand making him cry out in fear. Chuckling darkly I tore into his neck again, letting a river of blood slosh down my body. I wasn’t as nice as a pure breed.

I didn’t care whether they were comfortable, I just ate. Though my normal prey would be more resilient to such bites as these. When I felt his body begin to go limp I released him. He collapsed in a bloody heap at my feet. I starred at his fading eyes.

When the last beat of his heart sounded I turned away. Wiping my mouth with my sleeve I looked to the sky. Darkness had already started to stretch over the land. It was going to be a fun night. The dark would set the prefect mood for slaughter.

“Shall I start then, Saoirse?”

Chapter 14 - Saoirse

I walk down the dusty road, the city in clear view. Biting my lip, I turn around for the millionth time, the guilt swarming my body trying to force me to turn around. I did a couple of times and walked for a few minutes before I realized the danger I would be putting myself in. 

I shouldn’t have thrown her at the trees, even for a Vampire that must have done some damage… but the

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