» Fantasy » Daylight, Verbayne +Demonata-Freak [book recommendations .txt] 📗

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at me, "Saorise, don't you understand? You will be OK, you won't die? Why are you being so fucking stubborn?!" She snaps annoyance riddling in her words. 

"I'm not becoming human just because your guilt is overwhelming you! You can live with the guilt as I will live with my mistake of offering you help!" I snap. She instantly shuts up and gulps, ashamed of what she has done. "Let the knowledge that my death is your doing, and let it tear your conscious apart." I growl as I push past them both and out the door. 

Where the hell am I? I'm on a beach. "For fuck sake!" I roar.

I walk over the golden sand beach and on to the road. Cars blaze past but one pickup truck pulls up beside me. I look through the window and see a young man at the wheel. "you shouldn't be out here on your own, ma'am." He says, his hungry eyes looking at my exposed body.

I pull at the boxers I'm wearing. I'm up for some fun tonight. I get into his car and look out the window as Clair rushes out of the small cottage on the beach. She swears as we drive away and she turns back to the cottage towards the waiting Janus. 

"So, miss, why are you out at this time of the morning?" The young man asks, he tries not to look at my bare legs but he drastically fails as his hungry eyes eat up every inch of me.

I glace at the radio and see its past three in the morning. I lean my head back and look at him from the corner of my eyes, "looking for some fun," I whisper seductively. He gulps and I know he's mine.

Chapter 11- Clair

“Saoirse” I whispered after her disappearing figure.

“You plan to track her don’t you?”

My hand twitched, the urge to slap the vampire hovering over me strong. I resisted, barely turning my head to glance at him. His blood shot eyes bored into to me. I flinched away quickly. I had angered him tonight, angered him greatly.

“Yes, Master.”

“Don’t ‘yes, master’ me, you know you were out of line, being obedient now won’t save you.”

I swallowed a lump in my throat. Charlene was considered to be Janus’s favorite among his horde. I was probably his least favorite due to the fact that I didn’t bow down and kiss his shoes as much as he liked. If he blooded Charlene by slicing her throat, what would he do to me? I might survive something like that, but I wasn’t entirely sure.

“Clair,” I turned back to Janus. His tone of voice had drastically changed. It was no longer boiling over with anger, but quiet and calming, “take this with you.”

Reaching behind his back Janus pulled a small black book from behind his back. It was the same black book I had left at the café some days ago. I balled my hands. He had been the one I sensed in the café, the one who was following me. All fingers pointed at Janus stalking me. Only there was one problem. It had been daytime when I left that notebook.

“You were following me?” I said outraged.

“Perhaps, perhaps not.” I starred at the extremely old and secretive vampire. “It does not matter how I came across this book, only that I am giving it back to you.”One eye brow rose as he stretched his hand out to give me the book. I took it, the black leather feeling comfortable in my hands. Taking my eyes away from Janus’s blank face I opened the book. A hand wrapped around mine, shutting it before I really got a good look inside. My head snapped up, another outraged accusation forming on my lips.

“Not yet child,” Janus said as he pressed his index finger against my lips. I blinked, “I want you to read what lies within those pages after you leave my presence.”

“YOU made an entry?!” I mumbled from behind his hand. It sounded more like, “Ew day enter.”

Janus laughed, hands pulling back from my book and face. “Go, Claire, find your friend.”

And with that he disappeared into the safety of his house. I glanced over my shoulder at the sun. It had been up for a couple of minutes before Janus came out after me. I wasn’t surprised he had kept the conversation to a minimum. Running a hand through my hair I thumbed a few pages of the book around. They were old entries I had obtained from other vampires. 

I stopped at the one right before what I assumed was Janus’s entry. The crimson script still had the faint smell of death even though it had been a week since I had splayed the elder vampire for his bloods information. Licking my lips I slammed the book shut. If I was going to find Saoirse I was going to need my powers.

Turning to the road she had hitched hiked down I inhaled. As much as we both hated it my blood ran through her veins yet, and for once I was kind of glad. I smelled the gas exhaust from the truck, the thick scent of a man, and Saoirse. I followed her scent for about a mile before I lost it in the chaos of an intersection.

“Guess it’s time to get serious.”

Closing my eyes I inhaled again. Saoirse was there, somewhere, in the mess of body scents. I forced myself to distinguish further between the smells. I searched the bloods. My own scent, however diluted thanks to Saoirse’s blood, drifted to me on a tail wind. I smiled, I had her. Rushing forward I kept to the trees that began to parallel the road. She wasn’t more than a mile from me at best.

As I closed in I swallowed. I had used my vampire senses to find her and now my vampire was wanting out. I shook my head, slowing to a light jog. I didn’t want to let that monster loose, I didn’t like what I became when I did. The rhythmatic shifting of a truck bed pulled me out of my internal fight. Moan drifted from the back of the pickup truck.

I resisted the urge to smile. Leaning against the shifting truck I crossed my arms, clearing my throat to get their attention. The man grunted head snapping up to stare at me. He seemed embarrassed, face glowing a bright red. Saoirse glared at me, not really stooping. I turned my head when she straightened and gave me a face full of her bare chest.

“Saoirse, we need to talk.” I said quietly.

Chapter 12 - Saoirse

He drives down a dusty country road, trees consuming each side of the road. He keeps licking his lips, desperately trying to keep his aroused attention on the road. “You never did tell me your name, miss,” his slight country accent mixing in with the casual tongue of the Americans. I pulled my left leg up against my chest and opened the window to let some air in. 

“Nor am I going to, it is best we keep things strictly... confidentional.” I smirk and look at him through my lashes. Mother always said never to play with my food, but it is so much fun, I cannot resist. He gulps loudly but tries to remain head strong.

“I don’t think you know what you’re saying, miss,” the young man croaks. “To lose your innocents, that’s not something you should do lightly.” He straightens his back and for a moment I think he may pass out from the will power its taking him not to attack me.

I stifle a laugh and look away from his gaze. “Are you telling me, you’re a virgin?” I mumble through my clenched teeth. This lad must be at least twenty years old, he may not be drop dead gorgeous but I could think of many girls who would lie with him for the night. 

He coughs awkwardly and shifts in his seat uncomfortably. I try to contain the laughter bubbling in my throat but it bursts free and smacks the poor boy in the face. His face crumbles as he looks like a crushed man, “I was raised to wait until marriage, it’s what our Lord tells us to do so I do it,”

“Correction, you don’t do it,” I giggle. I have to show this man a good time. I slowly lean over to the driver seat and take the keys out of the ignition. “So you listen to everything the Lord tells you to do, huh?” I whisper, throwing the keys over my shoulder and into my seat I pull him into the back seats. 

He nods dumbly, his golden hair getting into his brown eyes. I smirk and bite my lip as I push him onto the seat and then sit on top of his lap. “Our Lord speaks the truth and He tells us how we should live our life and to love Jesus with all our heart and soul,” he mumbles, his hungry eyes eating up every inch of my body which he has been so cruelly forbidden to go near let alone enjoy. 

“Trust me, Jesus’ love won’t even come close to what I can offer you,” I purr slowly and seductively in his ear. He gulps loudly as I begin to kiss his neck gently, gradually making my way to his lips. My hands work on their own as they slide up his thighs and to his belt. Pulling his shirt out from his jeans I rip the buttons of and begin to kiss his chest. He gasps loudly at the surprising strength I posses but doesn’t interrupt me. I pull back and slowly peel my t-shirt of over my head; the only clothes remaining on my body are my blue bra and stripped boxers. “Still think Jesus is worth missing this?” I question, leaning devilishly close to his hungry lips. 

“Fuck Jesus,” he snaps and crushes his lips to mine, instantly connecting our mouths to one another his eager hands begin to devour my body. I kiss him back passionately, tugging at his hair lightly, trying desperately to hold back the raging monster that wants to crash threw me and not only devour this man but consume every last bit of raging sex he has to offer.

He struggles with the hooks of my bra as he tries to multi task, kissing me and trying to stare at my boobs. I grin against his lips and push my hand against his chest and

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