» Fantasy » Mr. Maker, Rayven WoodSong [ebook reader color screen txt] 📗

Book online «Mr. Maker, Rayven WoodSong [ebook reader color screen txt] 📗». Author Rayven WoodSong

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Adrian’s demeanor change as his presence fills my mind. I feel him going through my memories of what exactly was said. I can’t pick up anything from him. But I think he’s angry.

“You ignorant little girl,” Adrian says. I wince. I know he’s talking to Clari but he’s using the mean voice he used to use when making fun of me. “You truly have no idea what you’re talking about. Anastasia has no choice who her Mates are. They were predetermined before she was even born. Even her decision of who she will choose is predetermined.

“The Guardian title you’ve given Jace does not mean he has to do whatever she wants. He doesn’t even have to know her. He chose to meet her. He chose to get close. And he chose to have sex with her. If you’d pay attention, and actually listen to your boyfriend, you’d know that they only hooked up when you left him. And that’s ignoring the fact that they’ve been hooking up years before you came along. If anything. You’re stealing her Jace.

“Jace, stand up for yourself. Don’t stand there and let your girlfriend tear your lover apart. Ana is going through a lot already, she doesn’t need to deal with the loss of both of her best friends. And Marco, little brother, how dare you lay your hands on a woman. She already has me fucking things up and abusing her. She needs you to be the kind, understanding man, err, men, of her dreams. I don’t know what you were thinking, but do you seriously think hitting her is okay? You’re lucky she’s strong, brother. You wouldn’t want to have to deal with me if you seriously hurt her.” Adrian finishes his rant. I pull away enough to look up at him.

“Adrian.. “ I whisper.

“I know, Ana. I meant it when I said you’re changing me,” he whispers back. “Now go and wash your face, idiot. You really need to stop crying so much. It’s getting annoying.” I smile and nod. I quickly glance at the Marcos. All three of them are staring at Adrian looking incredulous. I start to leave the room, but stop and turn back to Adrian. I stretch up and push his head to the side and pull the collar of his shirt down, revealing my mark. I hear Clari gasp. I leave the room and go to our bedroom. I say ours because it’s basically mine now. I get clothes, one of his large t-shirts and a comfy pair of jeans. The only other place I’ll be going tonight is out to Hunt. It doesn’t really matter what I look like for that.

Just as I’m about to shut the bathroom door a hand stops it. I turn around to see Jace. He looks torn.

“Ana, don’t believe her. She’s just jealous because you get Marco. She’s dreamed about him for years, literally. Mr. Masters is right, I didn’t have to be your friend. Everything that has happened between us was mutual. I promise.” I stare at him. Is he telling the truth?

Use your bond with him. Adrian’s voice says in my head. Do I have a bond with Jace?

If he’s really your appointed Guardian, then yes you do. How do I find it? How do you find ours? I don’t ‘find’ it. I just think towards him. I focus on Jace.

Are you telling me the truth Jace? He smiles.

I didn’t know you’re telepathic. Yes, Ana, I’m telling you the truth. I feel myself get pulled into his head. He shows me all kinds of things, from the moment we first met when we were little, to the moment it was revealed who his Assignment was. I see a few of the times we’ve hung out, the first time we kissed, the first time we hooked up. He even shows me when I bit him. He wasn’t as gone as Adrian thought. he heard every word. I pull away from his mind and meet his eyes. He’s smiling.

"See? I’m not lying to you Ana.”

I can’t stop myself. I hug him. He instantly hugs me back, grunting when I squeeze a little too hard.

“We have a lot to talk about. Go shower, I’ll be here.”

I take my shower, taking care to scrub my face. I don’t know if Vampires can get pimples, but I don’t want to find out.

Chapter 12

I go back into the living room to see Clari curled up next to Jace on the couch. I think she’s asleep. The Marcos are sitting on the floor in the corner, looking miserable. Adrian is sitting on the other side of Jace with a space between them. I assume I’m supposed to sit there. I look at the Marcos. Blake meets my eyes.

I feel a foreign presence enter my head. I start to try to push it out, but it I stop myself.


Don’t let Adrian know I’m talking to you. Go sit down.  

No. The only Vamp I’m willing to take orders from is Adrian. And that's only sometimes.

Okay. I want to apologize. I shouldn’t have acted like that.

Damn right you shouldn’t have.

I’m sorry. I’d understand if you’re mad at me. It wasn’t very... regal of me.

Honey I could care less how regal you look. I honestly don’t care that you’re King. My problem with you right now is that you punched me. In the face. All three of you. At the same time.

I concentrate on the feeling of him in my head and push him out. I sit down between Adrian and Jace.

“What’s a Guardian?” I ask, getting comfortable by turning and placing my feet on Jace’s lap. I lay back onto Adrian. I feel him start to run his fingers through my hair.

“Answering that requires me telling you about my Clan.” Jace answers, pushing the sleeping Clari off him a little.

“Brother take her to the guest room and tuck her in,” Adrian orders. I smile as Jace watches slack-jawed as the Marcos do as Adrian said.

“Anytime now Jace.”

“Right. Well.. I’m part of the Van Helsing Clan. We’re the oldest Clan, or Coven, of Witches. Some time hundreds of years ago some Vamp pissed one of us off. His name was Abraham, and he was the basis of Bram Stoker’s character of the name. Well this vamp that pissed off Abe refused to pay for what Abe felt was stolen and long story short Abe became the first  Slayer. He never got the particular Vamp he was looking for, so he just went about killing any he ran across.”

“I’m good at disappearing,” Adrian says with a smirk. The Marco’s come back and sit in their corner.

Jace blinks in surprise. “You’re the one Abe was after?”

Adrian stares at him. He doesn’t like repeating himself.

“What did you supposedly take?” I ask him.

“I had just died, so I had trouble controlling myself. I attacked and killed his lover. I tried to apologize but he wouldn’t hear me.”

“Anyway, he managed to bring his entire family, Clan doesn’t necessarily mean family, to his cause and they formed a small army to hunt Vampyres. I’m not exactly sure how many he had.. but there were a decent amount of people.”

“Abraham’s first army consisted of around 150 people, both men and women. It was pitiful and once they became a nuisance they were easily disposed of.”

“Right. Well the Van Helsings who didn’t want to hunt vamps actually became friends with the King of that time. This caused Abraham and his followers to split from the Clan and strike out on their own. Now Slayers aren’t just Van Helsings. There’s Witches from all kinds of Clans and even some normal Humans.”

“And other creatures that don’t like us.”

“When the Van Helsings became friends with the King, they made a deal with him. The Vampyres wouldn’t attack the ‘good’ Helsings and they in return would appoint Guardians to their important people. Guardians protect one person for the majority of their lives. Some guard from a distance and some get to know their charge. The only requirements are that the charge must stay alive, or Undead, and they can’t fall in love with them.”

“From what you showed Ana earlier, you were appointed her at a very young age. But Ana isn’t a Born Vamp, so how was she important then?” Adrian asks, voicing the question that was starting to form in my own head.

Jace shrugs. “I’m not sure. The Crone never told me. She just showed me Ana, and told me if I failed, then I’d be severely punished.”

“Do you think the Crone knows?”

“Grandma knows just about everything.”

I yawn.

“Hey Marco, where’s Lyna?” I ask Marco, looking at him.

“At my mother’s. Why?”

“I was just wondering. You said something about a daycare.. and I was confused..”

“Who’s Lyna?” Jace asks.

“Blake’s daughter.” I reply, yawning again.

Adrian’s hands still. “Go to bed.”

I shake my head. “I don’t want to. Besides, I haven’t Hunted yet.”

“Let’s go.”


Silence. I sigh and climb off the couch. “How long until I don’t have to feed every night?”

“I don’t know. You’re the first Turned in centuries. It’s different for you than for a Born.”

I look at Jace. “Go ahead dear. I need to be getting home anyway. I’ll take Clari with me.”

“Nonsense. Go sleep in the guestroom with Clari.” Adrian turns to the Marcos. “When was the last time you Hunted?”

Marco doesn’t answer.

“Come with us.”

“May I borrow your phone to call grandma?” Jace asks.

"You don't have a cell?" Adrian asks.

"I do, but grandma has her phone rigged.  Only landlines can call her from outside the compound."

“It’s in the kitchen. Help yourself to anything in there. There’s not much.”

Jace goes to make his phone call and the Vamps, myself included, go Hunting.

Chapter 13

“Mommy! Mommy! Wake up!” A child’s voice says as I feel something land on my chest. I open my eyes to see an excited Lyna bouncing on me.

“I’m awake!” I say, attempting to hold the child still. She giggles and takes my hands, clapping them together.

“Shh. Lyna we don’t want to wake up your Uncle.” I move Lyna off me and unwind Adrian’s arm from around my waist. He grunts and pulls me closer.

“I don’t want to get up yet,” he murmurs.

“Then don’t but I need to”  I move his arm again and roll away before he grabs me again. He sits up and blinks at the little girl sitting next to him.

“Hi Uncle Ady,” Lyna says in her cheerful voice.

“You’re Lyna?” He asks She responds

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