» Fantasy » Mr. Maker, Rayven WoodSong [ebook reader color screen txt] 📗

Book online «Mr. Maker, Rayven WoodSong [ebook reader color screen txt] 📗». Author Rayven WoodSong

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and I throw my bra aside. He starts kissing down my neck and to my chest. He starts sucking on my nipple and I moan when one of his fangs touches it. My hands tangle in his hair and hold him to me as my legs wrap around him, holding his close so I can grind my lower half into him. He disappears and reappears by the door. I blink and sit up so I can look at him.

“We can’t do anything yet.”

I blink. “What?”

“Sex completes the Mating Bond. We have to wait until you make your decision.”

Decision? Oh. The Marcos. All this Mate thing is doing is causing unneeded drama. Why am I the one to get pulled into this mess?

“Way to ruin the mood, sir.” He smiles half-heartedly and walks towards the bed.

“As much as it.. pains me.. I can’t just steal you from my King.”

“Speaking of King. What’s your relationship with the Marcos? You seemed pretty friendly before the ‘me’ drama showed up.”

“Marco is my little brother.” If the Marcos are Mr. Masters’ brothers, and Elizabeth is the Marcos’ sister.. Wouldn’t that make Elizabeth Mr. Masters’ sister? I voice my question.

“No. She was adopted into the family.” Oh. Good. Incest is totally not cool.

“Wait. You’re Royalty?”

“Technically speaking, yes. Enough questions. Time for sleep.” I start to climb off the bed. He watches me, looking vulnerable and slightly rejected.

“Cool your jets Adrian. I’m just getting Sera.”

He visibly winces. I shoot him a smile, as I pick up my shirt. I walk out the door, pulling it over my head.. I return to see he’s changed into his sleep clothes, which just so happens to be boxers. I pause and take the opportunity to examine his body. I’ve been around him for several days and he still manages to take my breath away.

He turns from folding the blankets down and watches me. I smile at him.

“You’re still an ass, Adrian.”  

He shrugs.  "And you're still an idiot." I watch him climb into the bed, then move around to the other side. I lay down like I normally do, beside him with my back to him. He surprises me by wrapping his arm around me and pulling me close. I feel him kiss my neck, then lay his head down. I turn around so that I can lay my head on his chest.

Chapter 10

Mr. Masters wakes me up earlier than usual.

"Get up, we're going to school today." I feel him throw something at me. I keep my eyes closed.

"Do I have to?" I whine.

He sighs loudly. "I guess not. Ill just tell the cheer team to elect a new captain.."

I bolt upright.  My girls need me. I’m in the shower before Mr. Masters can say another word.

He lays out my clothes on the bed, a loose black shirt, the corset from before, and a long black skirt. I stare at it.

“People are going to notice my change of style,” I say, still looking at the outfit. Before this, I would have never wore so much black at once. When I don’t get a response, I look up to see Mr. Masters watching me. “What am to tell people? Why was I in the hospital? Why has so much of my appearance changed?”

“You were sick. Major illnesses can cause changes in hair and eye colors. Just don’t answer questions, it’ll bug them, but they’ll get over it.”

“Clari and Jace will expect a real answer.”

"Don't give them one." I blink at him.

"You really have no concept of friends do you? I never keep anything from them."

"Tell them whatever you want, just not the truth." He motions me to him, I hesitantly approach him. He motions to the box that I brought with all my makeup. I open it to see it empty. Where's all my makeup?

"Not that one idiot, mine" I ignore him calling me an idiot and reach for his.  I open it to see that he's combined my makeup with his, doubling the amount he had originally.

I apply my makeup and we head to school. Turns out, Mr. Masters has a car. He informs me how I need to be careful when touching any humans, and to come to him if my Thirst starts to get unmanageable. Being around so many humans may trigger it at random times.

I'm nervous. But not because I'm scared I'll attack someone. I'm worried about how people will receive my new 'look".

I'm swarmed with questions right away. I answer them without actually answering them, and somehow manage to avoid running into Clari and Jace.

Everything goes without a hitch until German class. I get called on to translate a sentence. I haven't been at school for two weeks and I have no idea what to do.

The answer comes when I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I shock everyone,  myself included,  by actually getting it correct!

Idiot. You shouldn't use our bond to cheat. Now everyone's going to think you're actually smart. Mr.Masters says in my head. I assume it's through the bond.

I used our bond? Im getting used to him calling me an idiot. It doesn't bother me anymore. Much.

Yes. I'm fluent in many languages. You pulled the information from me.

Clari and Jace are waiting for me at the door.

"Woah, chika, you get a makeover from the darkside?" Clari asks, looping her arm through mine.

"I like it. You look hot," Jace says, looping his arm on my other side. Clari reaches over and slaps his arm.

"Hello-o girlfriend is right here." Their casual banter makes me smile. I didn't realize I missed them so much.

"So how are you?" Jace asks me. I shrug.

"I'm better than I was." It technically isn't a lie.

"Did you know that the sub, Mr, Masters, has been out too?" Clari informs me. Of course, I already know. "His replacement was terrible."

We reach Mr. Masters' classroom and walk through the door. Jace and Clari drag me to a stop in the doorway.

"What a coincidence.  He’s back the same day you are." Jace says wistfully. I look up and meet Mr. Masters' eyes. They flash down to Jace's arm and back to me. I see a little glow. I visualize myself sticking my tongue out at him and watch in satisfaction when his fists ball up. I take my seat.

The next eventful thing that happens is at lunch. Im sitting at our table, watching Jace and Clari eat when I get a cold chill. I turn towards the doors in time to see them open and a familiar trio walks in. I hear Clari gasp, and Jace breathes "oh no." If I were still human I wouldn’t have heard him.

I literally have to fight to keep myself from jumping up and tackling the Marcos.

They pause and sweep their gaze over the room. Several girls, wannabe cheerleaders, approach them. I can't help but laugh at the disgusted look on the Marcos' face. I stand up and take my time walking towards them. Its really hard to not use my vampiric speed.

I push past the girls, more have joined the group ogling over the new guys. I stretch up lay my hand on Middle Marco's cheek. I hold it there for a few seconds then put a hand on both of the other two's cheeks.

"Why are you guys here?" I ask. They smile at the same time.

"We go here now," middle Marco says. I tilt my head to the side. Aren't they a little too old to be high school?

They laugh. I look down, but don't see Lyna.

"Lyna is at daycare." Daycare? How does that work if no one can see her?

Middle Marco clears his throat and looks at the crowd surrounding us.

I shoo everyone away. "Back off, they're mine." They tilt their heads to the side, at the same time. It’s as if they’re saying “We’re yours?” Kind of creepy...

I take Middle Marcos hand and pull them to the table I was sitting at.

"This is Clari and Jace, my best friends. Guys, these are.." What do I call them?

"I'm Blake," Middle Marco introduces himself. Second Marco raises his hand slightly.

"I'm Blaine."

"And I'm Blaire."

"Ana, how do you know the Vampyre King?" Jace asks, not bothering to acknowledge the guys. The four of us freeze.

He blinks. Then realizes what he said. "Oh!" He stands up, and bows. "I'm Jace Van Helsing. It's an honor, your highness."

The Marcos hiss and I'm suddenly flung behind them.

Jace laughs. “Calm down, sir. I’m not in that part of the family. Trust me, if I was I would never had allowed Mr. Masters to feed from Ana.”

I move around the Marcos. “Jace, why didn’t you tell me?” I let my gaze flash towards Clari.

“So you are part of the Van Helsing Clan?” Blake asks.

“Yes. I am a Witch. Clari is one too. But she’s from another clan.”

“Why didn’t you guys tell me?” I ask, feeling betrayed.

“Why didn’t you tell us you Turned?” Clari asks, looking angry.

I didn’t tell them because Mr. Masters told me not too.. Jace smiles knowingly.

“To answer your previous question, Witch.” The three Marco’s hold their hands out, showing their marks.

Jace gasps and grabs Blake’s hand to pull it close and examine it.

“You’re mated to the King?” Clari asks me. I blush and look around. Everyone is staring at us. We must be quite the sight.

"Let's go to Adrian's room and talk."

"But Adrian will be there," Blaine whines. Jace laughs, finding it funny that the Vampyre King is whining like child. I look at Jace.

"Trust me babe, this is nothing. Just wait until you hear the whole story."

All three Marcos stiffen and let out a faint hiss.

"Chill your jets, guys. I just call him that. There's nothing between us."

"Anymore." Clari coughs. We start heading towards Mr. Masters' room.

"Oh! I forgive you for almost killing me, Ana. Next time warn me before you bite though."


"Yes. I was overwhelmed and lost control.  Adrian fixed it though."

By now we're at the door to Mr. Master' classroom.  I don't knock. I just open the door and walk in. All 6 of us freeze at we see.

"I didn't know you had a twin," Clari whispers, nudging my side. I barely hear her. Instead my growl fills the air.

Blake's arms wrap around my waist just as I lunge. I easily break free. Elizabeth turns, a triumphant smirk on her face,  just in time for my fist to connect to her jaw. I grab her hair, which I notice is now platinum like mine, and drag her off my man.

"How many times do I have to tell you to leave my man alone?!" I screech, dragging her in a circle by her hair. She doesn't look scared. She manages to wiggle away, only to lunge at me. Time slows down and I hit her in the chest again. She collapses. Everyone, including the Marcos, stare at me in shock. I'm still furious. I turn around and look at Adrian. He's picking at his nails.

"How dare you! After all that happened yesterday?" I fight the tears I know should be coming.

He just stares at me blankly. Why isn't he saying anything? He looks pointedly past me, at our audience. Of course. Arguing with me is feelings. He won't

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