» Fantasy » Mr. Maker, Rayven WoodSong [ebook reader color screen txt] 📗

Book online «Mr. Maker, Rayven WoodSong [ebook reader color screen txt] 📗». Author Rayven WoodSong

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Chapter 7

This time when I open my eyes, I am fully aware of how I got into Mr. Masters’ bed and that it is, in fact, Mr. Masters wrapped around me. I even remember the argument that ensued before bed. I had just changed into my pjs, a red cami and short shorts that have the school logo on them, and was making my way towards the bed with Seraphina in tow. He stopped me, demanding I put the toy away. I refused and he threatened to kick me out of his bed, which I shrugged and turned to go to the guest room I suspected was through the door I had yet to go through. He followed me, and after I opened the door and started to take a step in, he grabbed me around the waist and literally dragged me back to his room. I fell asleep clutching Seraphina to my chest with my back to Mr. Masters.

I’m not surprised I wake up to have him clutching me to his chest like I was holding Sera last night. I’m not even surprised that the tiger doesn’t seem to be in bed with us. What surprises me is the fact that he’s awake. I turn slightly to look at him, I didn’t get the chance to observe him yesterday, and his eyes are open and he’s watching me. The hardness in his eyes isn’t present and he actually seems .. caring?

“Are you watching me sleep?” I whisper, I’m not sure why, it just came out as a whisper.

He blinks and I can literally see his walls go back up. He scoffs, shoving me away from. I’m still groggy and I don’t manage to keep myself from falling off the bed.

“You jerkface!” I exclaim jumping to my feet and glaring at him.

He snorts. “Jerkface, really?”

I continue to glare.

He doesn’t notice, instead he’s taking his time stretching. I can’t help but admire the little amount of skin exposed from his shirt riding up. He has a nice tummy.

“Stop checking me out. Ms. Blut.” I feel blood rush to my face.  

“I was not!” His smirk tells me he sees through my lie.

"Get dressed. Today we’re start your training. "


“Yes. You need to learn to control yourself around humans.”

For training he takes me to the mall, which is full of all kinds of creatures. I can instantly tell the humans apart by their scent, which seems to surprise Mr. Masters. There’s a few scents that I don’t recognize though. Mr. Masters refuses to tell me what they are. I assume they’re some other creatures.

I do really well, for a Newborn. I only try to attack one person and Mr. Masters informed it was because the person was Fae, some Elders can't even resist the Fae. Their blood is supposed to be really sweet and calls to us.

Training continues for two more days with no further incidents. Well, not until around the lunch rush, when a group of Vampires enter the over crowded food court where we're sitting. They come straight to us.

I can't help but be mildly intimidated at the three powerful strangers in front of me.

"We originally came to greet you, Adrian, and Elizabeth" the trio say in unison. Well that just adds to the creepy factor. They turn to me.

"You are not Elizabeth."

Adrian opens his mouth to say something, but I beat him to it. He glares at me.

"No, I am not the charming Elizabeth." I stand up and offer my hand. "I am Anastasia Blut, a Newborn."

The trio freezes, glances at Mr. Masters, then the middle Vamp, the shortest, steps forward slightly.

“Hello Anastasia, I’m Marco.” He shakes my hand. There’s a visible spark, I jump and attempt to pull my hand away, but Marco’s grip is too strong. He’s looking curiously at our joined hands. After a few moments, the Vamp next to Marco steps forward and pries Marco’s hand away. Only to replace it with his own. This time the spark is even bigger and I feel it radiate through me all the way down to my toes. A third hand takes my hand and we both jump back with a hiss. The spark occurs before we even touched this time. And it wasn’t comfortable, like the others’, this one actually burned.

“What are you?” The trio say in unison.

I arch my eyebrow. “I could say the same for you three. That whole talking thing is creepy.”

“We are Vampyre, born.” Marco says, smiling at me. “More specifically we are Marco.” I frown.

“All three of you?”

“In a way, yes.” The one who shook my hand second says. I tilt my head in confusion. What does that mean? And how does that explain why they keep doing the creepy speaking thing?

“What he means, Ana, is that he is Marco, the Vampyre King,” Mr. Masters, says. I’m still confused.

“The King has a tremendous amount of power, so much, that it can’t be contained in one vessel. That’s why there is three of them, but they act as one. They are literally one person in three bodies.”

I don’t fully believe that. Surely they have to have some kind of individuality between them. Why else would the sparks be different for each one. Something about me reacted to something about them. Movement catches my eye and I look down to see a small child cowering behind the middle Marco’s legs.

“Who’s the kid?” I ask, meeting the middle Marco’s eyes. They widen as he glances down.

“You can see her?”

I just stare at him. Of course I see her, she’s right there. Suddenly the air around me gets really warm and there’s a giant flash of light. When I’m able to see again I instantly notice I’m not at the mall anymore. I look around. There’s a bunch of  green trees surrounding the small clearing I’m in. Mr. Masters is standing behind me, not looking the least bit surprised.

“You really need to learn to shut your mouth, idiot. Not only have you disrespected the King by not addressing him as is fit, but you’ve assaulted them with your abilities. I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t have you executed.”

“Executed?!? For doing something I was unaware I was doing?” I exclaim.

“Adrian be quiet. Quit scaring the girl.” The creepy triple voice says. I whip around to see Marco.

“I really meant no offense sir!” I hear Mr. Masters sigh. What did I do now?

Marco chuckles. I don’t hold back the shudder. Three different voices chuckling in the same monotone way is creepy.

“What are you?” the middle Marco asks.

“I told you, I’m a Newborn.”

“Yes. But you’re too... powerful for a typical Newborn. When were you born?” The second one asks. Are they talking separately to keep from creeping me out?”

“Born? My birthday is October 31st, 1995, why?”

“95? When did you die?” The third Marco asks. That’s the first thing he’s said.

“Uh.. 4 days ago I think?”

Marco looks mildly confused. “And how did you die?”

“Mr. Master’s fed from me at a club, I changed the next day.”

The birds in the background go silent, and the small breeze freezes and all three pairs of Marco’s eyes narrow at me. I gulp.

“You’re a turned Vampire?” There’s a hint of surprise in his voice.

“You’re the second person to be surprised about that.”

“How is that possible?” All 3 Marcos hiss, turning to Mr. Masters.

Mr. Masters bows his head. “I do not know sire. I just fed like I normally do, and she Turned the next day. I had to wipe the entire school’s memories.”

Marco turns back to me. “So I assume you have no clue about why we sparked?”

“No sir. But if it makes you feel any better I threw Elizabeth through a door, and knocked her out with one hit without knowing how I did it.”

“How would knowing you beat up my sister make me feel better?” He’s using the creepy voice again. I shudder.

“Stop that. I refuse to believe the three of you are exactly the same. If you were the sparks would have all been the same.” I ignore the fact that Elizabeth is their sister. She attacked me both times, I did nothing wrong.

All three of them look surprised. Does everyone just go along with this? The idea is absurd.

Mr. Masters hisses and I’m suddenly grabbed by the hair and thrown to the ground. “How dare you talk to the King like that!” I feel a hard kick to the stomach.

“Adrian. Enough. She is uneducated. She means no fault.” The middle Marco says. He walks towards me, all three, and three sets of hands pick me up from the ground and sets me on my feet. The sparks occur, but they ignore it. Keeping two sets of hands on my arms and one pair on my waist. I look up to see the three of them surrounding me. The child is clutching my leg.

Marco follows my gaze.

“No one but us should be able to see her.” I ignore him, instead I hold my hand out the child.

“Hi, my name is Ana. Who are you?” Since no one answered my question, I’ll just ask her myself.

She smiles hesitantly, looking at each Marco.

“I’m Lyna.” She unwinds herself from my legs and takes my hand, using it to pull herself up and I pick her up and set her my hip.

“It’s nice to meet you Lyna. Since the Marcos seem too shocked to tell me, why don’t you explain all this to me? Why can’t anyone see you? And why can I?”

She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck. “No one can see me because I’m special, Ana. I’m a Spectre Vampyre. Only people with the Sight can see me, but only people who are meant to be related to me can feel me. Marco is my dad. And you’re going to be my new mommy.” She smiles really big at all the Marcos.

I almost drop the girl in my shock. Although she’s seems to be only 2 or 3 she’s really well spoken and smart. I’m so confused.

“Oh? Marco is your father? Which one?” She laughs and points at the middle one. The one who spoke to me first.

“He’s the one who sired me, but they’re all my dad.” How does that work? I don’t ask Lyna, it’s probably too much of an adult question. “What’s a Spectre Vampyre?” I ask instead.

“Spectre Vampyres are the most powerful kind of Vampyre, other than the King of course. They are completely invisible to people. Only the parents and ones with the Sight are able to see them. They’re basically Vampyre Ghosts that aren’t dead.” The third Marco says. I groan. Great, more freakiness to add to this whole adventure.

I look at the three Marcos. They are all looking at the child in my arms. “What did she mean?” I ask, hoping they understand what I’m asking.

“I have no idea,” The answer comes in the creepy voice. I turn to look at the Marco who talked to me first. He seems to be the most willing to talk on his own.

“There has to be a reason she said it.”

“She’s a child, Anastasia. Children always say the weirdest things.”

“I know because I saw it happening, Mom.”

Marco looks at her, then holds his hands out. She sighs, but allows him to

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