» Fantasy » Mr. Maker, Rayven WoodSong [ebook reader color screen txt] 📗

Book online «Mr. Maker, Rayven WoodSong [ebook reader color screen txt] 📗». Author Rayven WoodSong

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be moving out of your parent's house and moving in here with me."

"What if I don't want to live here with you?"

"You have no choice, as my protégé you are my responsibility."

"Why did you kiss me?"

He makes a slight movement, almost like a flinch. Maybe he was hoping I wouldn't ask? "I told you, biting another Vampire is an intimate thing."

"Even so, it could have just been left at the bite."

"I may technically be dead, Ana, but I'm still a man. Can you really blame me for getting carried away when a half naked woman looks at me the way you did after the way you were grinding on me..?"

I frown, he's blaming me? He bit me, knowing what it'd do to me.

"You knew what it'd do to me. Why did you do it if you knew you couldn't control yourself?"

"Elizabeth was never allowed to bite me." Oh, I see. It was just meant as 'proof' to Elizabeth.

"Don't act so disgusted,  Ms. Blut. I warned you it'd have to get physical for her to believe it."

Disgusted? I kissed him back. Would I have done that if I thought he was disgusting? Hell, I wouldn't have even gone with him at the club if I thought that.

I stand up, march towards him, slap him across the face, and run to the doorway using vampiric speed. I turn back,

"And I'm only half naked, sir, because I don't have any clothes here because you've kidnapped me." I leave the room, going back to the bedroom I woke up in. My dramatic exit is ruined by the fact I have no where to go. I collapse on the bed and stare at the ceiling, waiting for him to follow me. I may not know him very well, but I highly doubt he'll let me get away with hitting him.

"The first time you injured me, I let it slide. You weren't aware of your strength yet. I let it go when you broke the bathroom door, I even ignored it when you threw Liz through the bedroom door." He pauses, I sit up and meet his gaze. "This time you hit me in the face, with the intent to hurt me. I will not let that slide." His intention is to intimidate me. If I were smart, I’d let it, but he’s already ‘killed’ me. What more could he do?

He smiles, as if he knows what I’m thinking. He suddenly appears right in front of me. I gulp at his sudden proximity. His hand on my shoulder pushes me backwards so that I’m laying down. He pulls my hands above my head and moves so that he’s hovering above me. He studies me for a few moments, then leans down and presses his lips to mine. I don’t kiss him back right away. I’m confused as to what he has planned. He continues kissing me, so I give in, kissing him back. I easily tug my hands free and wrap my arms around him. He growls and pulls away. He puts my hands back above my head.

“Keep them there or I’ll stop.” I nod to show I understand. He starts kissing me again, this time pressing himself to me. He moves to start kissing on my neck, making me bite my lip to keep from moaning out loud. He doesn’t bite, instead he sucks on it, bringing blood to the surface. I turn my hands over and grab a fistful of the blankets. I want to touch him. He’s still sucking on my neck as he slowly slides a hand over my stomach. I shiver and arch into him. He pushes my shirt up and pulls it over my head, leaving me completely naked. He kisses his way from my neck and down, trailing his fangs along my skin. I moan, biting my lip and squeezing my fists shut.

He smiles up at me and takes my nipple in his mouth, rolling the other between his forefinger and thumb. He presses the tips of his fangs to my nipple and I gasp. He bites me and I am instantly overcome with so much pleasure that I almost orgasm then. I whimper when he pulls away and looks at me, a scary twinkle in his eye.

“What do you want, baby?”  I just stare at him, he knows what I want.

He trails his hand down my tummy and I feel him touch me. I bite back a moan and arch into him.

“Do you want me to touch you here?” I nod, tilting my hips up to try to get him to touch me again.

He touches me, sliding a finger around before sliding it in. I gasp and my hands move to his shoulders. He freezes and I move them back. He kisses me again and starts to move his hand. I don’t hold back the moan this time. He smiles, a genuine smile and pulls away completely. I watch as he stands up and walks through the broken door.

“W-what are you doing?” I ask, confused. Wasn’t he just..?

“I’m punishing you, Ms. Blut.” He disappears from view, then reappears with the unconscious Elizabeth in his arms. He disappears again. I hear a door open and close, then he goes back into the bathroom.  After a few moments I hear the shower running. Well that was.. unexpected. I groan once it dawns on me that his 'punishment' is to get me all worked up and leave me that way.

A thought occurs to me. Jace. When either of us gets struck with the sudden urge to have some fun we generally call each other.  Although I'm almost positive Mr. Masters took my phone. Oh well, I'll just show up.

But first I need clothes. I pick up the giant tee I was wearing and put it on. After some rummaging through Mr. Master's drawers, I find a pair of sweatpants I put them on, rolling up the pant legs since they're too long. Even though its been cold out, I don't need shoes.

I pause. The water is still running.  Good. I tiptoe past the bathroom and head to where I assume the door is. I open it, step through,  and close it as quietly as possible. Hey, Mr. Masters lives in an apartment building.  I turn down the hall where the smell of iron tells me the elevator is. I go down the stairs next to it, using my vampiric speed.

Chapter 6

I get to Jace's house in no time. I throw a small rock at his window, fist pumping the air when I don't break the glass.

"Jace!" I call as the window opens.

"Hang on, Ana, I'll unlock the door."

"No need, I'll climb up." I quickly judge the distance between his second story room and the tree. There's a good two feet between the branch needed and the window. A difficult jump for a human, a piece of cake for a Vampire. I climb the tree for the mere sake of appearances. I could probably jump from the ground to his window, the tree isn't technically needed.

Once inside, I instantly pull Jace to me and kiss him. He kisses me back.

"Why didn't you call?" He asks, pulling his shirt off.

"Forgot my phone at home." I take my clothes off, waiting impatiently for him.

He pauses. "You sound different. Wait, aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?"

"I'll explain later, right now I need you." Something tells me that Mr. Masters will show up anytime to take me back. He nods and takes the rest of his clothes off. He steps forward and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close and kissing me. He directs me to the bed and I lay back, letting him pin me down. We don’t take any time to fool around, just get right to business. I wrap my legs around him giving him better access. As I get closer and closer to coming, I’m suddenly drawn to the scent of his blood, which is pumping quickly through his veins. Without thinking about it much, I flip us over, taking control. He seems to have no problem with it. I lean forward, pressing a kiss to his neck. He moans. His neck is one of his sweet spots. I open my mouth and sink my teeth in. He moans loudly and seems to go into a frenzy. I keep control by timing my swallows with our movements. He comes and I can taste it in his blood. The taste is so.. amazing that I can’t stop. He stills and I continue swallowing mouthfuls.

Suddenly I’m ripped away and slammed to the floor.

“Stupid girl. Are you trying to kill him?” I blink up at Mr. Masters.

“Of course not, sir. But you should taste him.”

He slaps me. “Snap out of it. He’s unconscious. You took too much.” He climbs off of me and moves to hover over Jace. He takes his pulse, muttering something that sounds like “Stupid girl.” I lay down. I feel so good right now.

“Of course you do. You’re high.” I sit up to look at him.


“Yes, sex releases endorphins that are addictive to us. It gives us the equivalent of a high.” I watch as he brings his wrist to his lips and bites it. I watch as his blood drips into Jace’s open mouth.

“There. That should heal him. He’ll have a headache, but he won’t remember this at all tomorrow. Get your clothes. We’re leaving.” I stand up and get dressed. Mr. Masters grabs me by the arm and he drags me to the window. He throws me out and I land on my feet easily. He lands beside me and grips my arm again.

“You don’t have to drag me, sir.” I say, pulling my arm free.

He takes it again, squeezing harder. I clench my teeth in pain.

“I am thoroughly pissed right now, Ana. Don’t test me.”

I shrug. “If you wouldn’t have gotten me so worked up and left I wouldn’t have gone to Jace.”

He freezes, pulling me to a stop. “Do you even care that you almost killed him?”

“I knew you wouldn’t let me.”

He snorts. “I almost did.”

“But you didn’t, and you fixed my mistake.”

He blinks. “I won’t always be here to fix it, Ana. I’m only here until the end of the year.”

“That’s 3 months, sir.”

“Exactly.” He takes my hand this time, instead of gripping my arm, and pulls me beside him.

“We’re going to your old house to get some of your things.”

He watches me pack my hair supplies, makeup, and any clothes he deems worthy. To his disapproval, I make sure to grab Seraphina, my stuffed white tiger.

We drop my stuff at the apartment, then go hunting. Although, after Jace I really have no need to. It’s as I’m watching Mr. Masters feed I realize I never really got my satisfaction. Looks like I got my ‘punishment’ anyway. His smirk tells me that he is aware of this.

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