» Fantasy » Mr. Maker, Rayven WoodSong [ebook reader color screen txt] 📗

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display them in front of the others. I turn around. "Marcos, Clari, Jace, I know we came here to talk, but it's going to have to be delayed. Come by the apartment later."

The Marcos are back to being the 'one person' again.

"I will not leave you alone with him. All he does is hurt you, Ana." I close my eyes and reach a hand up to massage my temples. Drama always gives me a headache.

"Just go. I'll be fine. I'm stronger than you, I'm sure I can take him if need be."

"I didn't mean physically, Anastasia." No shit.

"Marco. Go. I need to have a serious talk with your brother and he won't talk with you here."

He doesn’t want to, but he sighs and nods anyway. Once we’re alone, I cross my arms and watch Mr. Masters. He glances down at Elizabeth.

“She tricked me..” He mumbles. I don’t say anything. It’ll take a lot more than a ‘she tricked me’ to make me forgive him for this one. He was getting pretty hot and heavy with Elizabeth when we walked in. He claims to care, keeps feeding me his bullshit, then going and destroying any confidence in us I have. If he doesn’t come up with a reasonable excuse I’m leaving. Actually, I might just leave anyway.

“She pretended to be you..” He says, finally meeting my eyes.

I snort. “I’m pretty sure we’re nothing alike, Mr. Masters. If you truly care like you claim you’d know the difference between me, your Mate, and someone who just looks like her.”

“She came in here, called me Mr. Masters, the exact same way you do, and threw herself at me. I wasn’t thinking about the fact that it may have not been you.”

I growl. As logical as his excuse sounds, I can’t help think that somewhere, deep down, he knew that it wasn’t me. I feel something on my cheek. I wipe it off with the back of my hand. Great, more bloody tears.

“You’re right. I suspected it wasn’t you, but I wasn’t sure. I didn’t think Elizabeth would stoop as low as that. I’m.. sorry. I know our relationship is virtually non-existent. And I keep fucking up what we do have. Maybe you should just choose Marco. At least he won’t make you cry everyday.”

Woah. I’m sure my jaw is dropped. Mr. Masters actually opened up. He’s never said so much about feelings before.

“Are you really Adrian?” I ask, wiping my face again. That doesn’t seem like something Mr. Masters would say.

He smiles faintly and I notice how wet his eyes look. Is he about to cry? This cannot be the man I’ve spent the last week with.

“Believe it or not this really is me.” I don’t know what it is about you, but ever since you stormed out of my classroom that first time, I’ve been slowly changing.

He spoke through our bond. It really is Adrian. The bell ending lunch rings.

Liquid fills my eyes and falls down my cheeks. I launch myself at him, leaping over the still unconscious Elizabeth. Adrian stood up during his little dialogue and I jump on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and crushing my lips to his. The force of my almost tackle makes him fall back into his chair. I’m now straddling him so I take the opportunity to feel his chest. He starts to  purr as I untuck his shirt and slide my hands over his chest. I trace his muscles with my fingertips. I start to slide my fingers under his waistband, but he pushes me away. I fall on my butt.

“Oops.” He stands up and offers his hand. The bastard pushed me onto the floor! I refuse his hand and pick myself up off the ground.

“What the hell was that for?” I demand.

“Any further and I would have lost it.”

The door is locked, so students are probably waiting by the door to be let in. Luckily, the little window on the door is covered so no one can see inside.

“Go home, Ana. I’ll tell the office you aren’t recovered enough to stay the entire day yet.”

I look down at Elizabeth. “Take her with you. Just dump her somewhere, she’ll wake up eventually.” I nod and bend down to pick her up. Her scent instantly catches my attention.

“How the hell did she get my scent?” I ask, throwing her over my shoulder.

“She’s wearing your clothes.”


“Go through the window, I don’t feel like wiping any minds today.” He opens the window for me.

I look up at him. I stretch up and kiss him. “Thank you for opening up to me, Adrian.”

He doesn’t say anything, just stares at me blankly. I’m beginning to understand that he goes blank to hide what he’s really feeling. I climb out the window, easily landing the 2 story drop. I turn and wave then take off, using my Vampiric speed.

I drop Elizabeth in an alley somewhere on my way to the apartment. I didn’t really know the area so I can’t say exactly where.

Chapter 11

The Marcos are waiting for me at the door to the apartment.

He smirks at me. "So, how'd it go? Get the apology you wanted? Or did he just sit there and stare while you freaked out on him?"

I growl. I understand that he feels the need to belittle his competition. But I personally don't like trash talking. It just seem childish.

"If you really want to know, sire,  he apologized. After he explained how Elizabeth tricked him into thinking she was me. Little words were exchanged between them. He's a guy and I can't blame him for thinking with his dick. Of course, once I choose him he'll have to control that." I open the door and go to the living room, and practically throw myself in the couch.

"Your sister on the other hand needs to stay away. I can't guarantee how I'll react the next time I see her and I don't want to cause even more problems." I look up to see the three Marcos fuming in the doorway.

"You've already decided on him?"  He's literally starting to shake. Oh shit. He's angry. I take a page from Adrian's book and keep my face blank. Unfortunately,  it's probably the wrong decision. The Marcos growl as one and lunge at me. Im in too much shock to move out of the way in time. Blake grabs my hair and pulls my head roughly backwards.

"Do you like it when men are horrible to you?" He's using the creepy 3 way voice. A hand goes to my waist, squeezing way too hard. I wince in pain. "Do you like to be in pain?" All this is minor stuff and he knows it. I some how manage to look him in the eye. They harden and the next thing I know,  he's looming over me. My face hurts in three places. One for each of their fists.

I let out a warning growl as I touch my face. He actually fucking punched me. A close fisted punch. Time slows down as I jump up and punch Blake in the face, he stumbles away in slow motion and I jump up, roundhouse kicking Blaine and turning to Blaire. He’s the only one who seems to be moving in normal time. The other two are still in slow-motion mode. I still manage to kick him hard enough to knock him over. Time speeds up again and I look down at the three guys.

“Three on one? Again?” They appear to be shocked. I would be too, if I were them. Even Adrian couldn’t beat them. “And for your information, Marco, Adrian may be mean to me. He may even be a little rough, but he has never purposely tried to beat me. Even when he thought I deserved it.” I turn around to see Jace and Clari standing in the doorway, jaws dropped. I freeze. What all did they see?

“I’m glad you can protect yourself, Ana. But if I find out either Adrian or Marco ever touch you like that again, I will kick some ass.” Jace says, narrowing his eyes at the Marcos.

“Don’t bother dear. The Marcos here will never lay a hand on me again. Will you?” I meet Blake’s eyes. He nods, looking away.

“Jace isn’t worried about Marco, Ana. He only reacted like that because he’s jealous.” Clari says.

“He’s not just jealous, Clari. He’s furious, and in pain. His Mate is seeing another guy.” Jace turns to me. “How are you able to do that? All the newly Mated Vamps I’ve seen are constantly all over each other for the first few months.”

I shrug. “Adrian is my Mate too. And we haven’t sealed the bond yet.”

“Do you bear his mark?”

I shake my head, “No. He wears mine.”

“I don’t believe you,” Clari announces, moving to help the Marco’s off the ground. “You just want to stir up drama. You always want to stir up drama.”

I stare at her. “What are you talking about?”

“You. You’re head cheerleader, you can get anyone and what do you do? You go after my Jace. You get the hottest teacher in school and make him compete with his brother. Can you be any more selfish? Can’t you see what’s obviously in front of you? Can’t you see how much you hurt the people around you? No wonder Mr. Masters is so mean to you! It’s probably Karma.”

I’m not constantly hurting people. Am I? I mean, yes I was seeing Jace behind Clari’s back, kind of. But we only hooked up occasionally. It wasn’t like he was dating me on the side.. I try my hardest to be nice to people, even the ones who may not deserve it. And Adrian isn’t mine. Well, technically he is. But he doesn’t seem to want to be mine.. And the Marcos. I never chose to be Mated to them. Hell, at this point, I don’t even care that I’m mated to them. Does that make me selfish? To not want the drama that having 4 Mates causes? I feel tears start to swell.

“Oh look, here comes the waterworks.” Why is she being so mean? I thought she was my best friend..

“No, Ana. The only reason I’ve stuck around is because of Jace. He’s your assigned Guardian and has to be your friend. It’s his job to do whatever you want.”

Jace is only my friend because it’s his job? Does that mean that he didn’t want any of what we’ve had? I look at Jace for confirmation. He looks at the floor. That’s all I need to know. I turn around with the intention of running out the door, but run into something hard instead. Hands on my shoulders keep me from falling over.

“Ana, you’re crying and I’m not the cause. What’s wrong? Why are there bruises on your face?” Adrian pulls me close. I bury my face in his neck.

“She doesn’t like the truth,” Clari informs him, sounding smug. I wrap my arms around Adrians neck, finding comfort in his scent.

His arms tighten a little. “What truth?”

I answer him before Clari says something else mean. “That I’m a selfish bitch whose best friends don’t even like her.” I literally feel

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