» Fantasy » Total Drama Island, Heather Reed [best inspirational books .txt] 📗

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/> “Are you guys back together?” my dad asked.


“I don't know sir, I do love your son, very much.”

“Okay that's enough.” I got up and went into my room and slam my door shut.

I heard Courtney say, “Excuse me.” She walked upstairs and went to my door and said. “Duncan, can I come in.”

“I don't know can you.” she walked in my room.

“Please don't do this to me. I love you.” she got on my bed and took off my robe and started kissing me.

We got it on again and we only did it for an hour. Just in chase my parents did come in here.

“I love you too.” I said when we got done. “I will be right back. Stay here.”

I went to talk to my parents. “Ma, Pa, wheres grandma's wedding ring at?”

“Why? Are you going to ask Courtney to marry you, are you?” ma asked.

I shook my head and said, “Yes ma.”

“Here.” she took it out of a cup that was by the phone jack.

“Thank you ma.” I kissed her on the cheek and ran back to my room. I walked in my room. She was still on the bed under the blankets.

She sat up. “What are you going do.” she asked me.

“Well, I love you so much and well,” I got on one knee and she put her hand on her month. “Will you marry me Courtney?”

“Oh my god! Yes. Oh yes, I will.” she got up and hugged me. I kissed her.

“Mom, dad I know you are right there. You guys can come in.”

they came in my mom was so happy, she went to Courtney and hugged her and kissed her cheeks and said, “Daughter in-law.”

My dad came to me and hugged me and hugged Courtney, said the same thing as mom said. “Daughter in-law.”

The next day I used my dad's truck to get Courtney's things.

“Noah, you home?” she yelled.

“No, he's at work. Where have you been Courtney – What are you doing here.” said Cody.

“He is here to get my things. I moving out. Duncan and I are getting married.” she told Cody.

“What! I thought you loved Noah?”

“I did but I can't marry him or have anything with him because you guys are.”

We got her thing and left. Noah showed up when we were leaving.

“Do you want to tell him or not?”

“No, Cody can tell him.”

I been with Courtney for 2 weeks and she went to take a drink of apple juice and ran to the sink and got sick. I got up to hold her hair.

“Courtney, you okay.” I asked.

“I don't know.”

“Here let me take you to the store.”


“Be back in a little bit.”

I let her go in the store by herself, and I didn't ask her what she got.
When we got home she ran into the bathroom and got sick again. She told me to stay out. I just waited for her in the living room.

“She been in there for 30 minutes, Duncan. Are you sure she is okay.” And when my mom said that, Courtney yelled my name and ran out of the bathroom.


“Courtney what's the matter?”

“Your not gonna believe this?”

Then I seen what she was holding. “Please don't tell me.”

“I'm pregnant!” I ran to her and picked her up. When I put her down I kissed her and I kissed her belly.

My mom dropped the plate she was holding and ran over to us.

“You did not say what I thought I think you said?”

“I'm pregnant!”

“Ah! Oh my heavens. I'm so happy for y'all!” she kissed me and Courtney.

She told everyone that we were together and getting married and having a baby.
Heather was happy for her on the baby part but still hurt about me part. Because Courtney told everyone that she would never go back to me since what happen with me. What I did to Heather and her. But I did say I was very sorry for the shit I did to them and Courtney took my forgiveness.
I can't believe I'm gonna be a father. I don't know how to be one but I know my father will help so would my mother. So would Courtney's parents too. I know they are bad that she is with me again for the 3rd time. Well they can't tell her what to do now since she is having my baby. She can't just leave me. She will need me to help her take care of this baby.

Heather had good news for Alejandro!!

Chapter 9: Heather had good news for Alejandro!!

After, I heard from Courtney that she was back with Duncan, and they were getting married, and she is have a baby.
I was happy for her. Now Duncan can leave me alone now. I laughed about that.
I been with Alejandro for almost 2 years. We had the wedding while Duncan was in jail. We didn't even had sex on our honeymoon.
And when Courtney told me she was pregnant I wanted a baby now.
I was talking to her today when Alejandro was at work and Duncan was at home. She was telling me she was almost one month pregnant.

I told her, “What is we have the kids born the same year but only one month apart.”

she said, “That's not half bad.”

“I can't believe your pregnant Courtney. I'm so happy, so what Noah say about all of this?”

“I have not told him yet.” she said. “I bet he's still mad about me leaving.”

“I can ask him for you?”

“Will you please.”

“Of course.”

“Thank you so much!”

“Your welcome.” I told her. “So what is Duncan and the new in-laws saying about being pregnant?”

“They happy.” she said.

“Wow. Now Duncan has no reason to hit you now.” I laughed. “Oh sorry, I shouldn't say that.”

“No, it's okay, your right.”

When she left, I put soft music on and out something sexy on and had the candles on every where. I wrote a note to him on the end table that said, 'Hey sexy come into the bedroom something is waiting for you in there.'
I heard the front room door shut and I heard him out his keys down. He started walking down to the hall until he got to the room.
He started to say something until he seen what he seen.

“Damn, Heather!” He took off his clothes off, and jumped in the bed with me and started kissing me. “If you wanted this so bad you could have told me. I didn't know you were this horny Heather.”

“Oh, yes, I am, Alejandro. I want you to give it to me real bad.” I grabbed his arm and we got it on.
For our first time it was great we done it for hours and it felt like I got off 5 times because he was so good.

We don't it two days in a row the 2nd time was all him this time.
The next day I was just laying in bed and when I moved I felt a real bad pain, in my stomach. I got up and ran into the bathroom. I got real sick.
I started counting back days since the day we done it. I was 6 days late. I went to the store and brought a pregnancy test. When I read what it said I dropped it. I moved my hands to my stomach. My stomach was hard.
At that same moment I got sick. I called Courtney and told her I was pregnant. She was happy. Told Gwen, she was happy. Trent told me, 'congrats'. Told Cody and Noah I was pregnant, they were happy.
Then I called Alejandro.

“Hello, Kenny's Auto Sales.” It was Kenny.

“Kenny, it's Heather is Alejandro close by I have something to tell him.”

“Hi Heather. No he;s working on a car.”

“Oh okay. Well tell him I'm on my way up there okay.”

“Okay. Bye.”
I drove over there to Kenny's Auto Sales. Alejandro saw me drove up.

“Hey Kenny.”

“Hi Heather you okay you don't look so good.” When he said that I ran to the trash can and got sick.

“Heather.” Alejandro dropped the tool he was using then ran to me. “Heather you okay.”

“Yes and no.” I said smiling.

“What are you talking about?”

“Guess.” I put his hands on my stomach.

“No. Your pregnant!” he picked me up and spin me around. Kenny and everyone stop doing what they were doing.

“Congrats, man.” Kenny said. “You just got a raise.”

“Thanks. Oh my God Heather. When you find out?”

“This morning.” I said. “I was 6 days late so I went to the store and got a pregnancy test.”

“I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad.” he kissed me.

“Congrats dad.” I said.

Kenny let Alejandro leave early. He drove me home. He called his mom and dad. They were happy.

He told me what his mom said. “Mom said go lay down and rest.”

“Tell her okay.” I went to the bedroom and took a nap.

Two months passed. Courtney told me that she is having twins, but don't know what they are.
When I was about 5 months, Alejandro took me to the doctors. I was having twins. They were both girls. They gave us pictures.

I told Courtney. “I'm having twin girls.”

“Congrats, Heather. I'm waiting to see what they are when I have them.”

“You don't have that much time. Your only 6 months.” I was teasing her.

“I know.”

Alejandro came home with pink everything. Even bought me a girl puppy. We named her Bella. She was a pitbull.
His mom came over to see me while he was at work.
I was on the couch when I told her to come in.

“Hey Heather.”

“Hi mama.”

“How you doing?”

“I am good but, the morning sickness.”

“That does that too you.”

“I heard.”

Courtney was at the hospital having hers. Duncan called me and told me.
I was 3 weeks away to having mine. It was 6 in the morning and he was up. My side of the bed was wet.

“Alejandro!” I yelled.

“Yes, Heather.” After he ran into the room.

“My water broke.” I yelled.

“What!” He said. “Oh my god. Wheres the bag.”

“Over there.” I pointed where I

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