» Fantasy » Total Drama Island, Heather Reed [best inspirational books .txt] 📗

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in here for? Oh, wait I know why because I did something bad that's why!!”

Chapter 8: Duncan says to himself, “Why am I in here for? Oh, wait I know why because I did something bad that's why!!”

Hi, my name is Duncan. I am now 19. I been in jail for almost 2 years.
I ask myself this question about 50 times since I been in here. The question was “What did I do to be in this place?”, and I know the answer and the answer is, “Oh, because I did something bad that's why!”
I met this guy in here, everyone calls him Chef Hacheff. I can tell you one reason why everyone calls him Chef Hacheff for. I guess the reason is because he's a damn good cook. He had a place in the army that he cooked and he did something bad to become in here.
I asked him what he did but he won't tell me. Oh well. I have done two things that were bad. O almost raped Heather and I beat her up. Then I fought with Noah and Alejandro because I gave Courtney a black eye.
Heather sees me every Saturday when Alejandro is at work. She asks me, 'Why I did what I did?'

I told her. “Heather I asked that same question over and over. But since you are here now. There is something I do need to tell you.”

“What is that, Duncan?” she asks.

“I'm in love with you well was in love with you. I was mad when you told Alejandro you would marry him. I wish you told him no. I wish you would break up with him because in 2 months I will be leaving this place. I love you.”

“If you loved me then why did you beat me up and tried to rape me.” On rape she said softly because if the cops knew I was the one that tried to rape her they would want to know why she here for.

“I told you why Heather.”

“I know why Duncan. I'm just not getting it. Okay I got to go.” she told me, “And I'm not going to say, 'I love you' either. I'm not even gonna break up with him. I love him.”

“Whatever. But you will soon believe me.” I threaten her. I wish I didn't.

“Is that a threat Duncan?” she asked.

“I don't know Heather, okay just go please.” I told her.

She left and the cops took me back to my cell.
I have not seen Courtney ever since the day I gave her a black eye. I have not seen Heather that day I threaten her.
I wrote Heather and Courtney a lot since I been in here. I even called them. Noah told me to stop calling she don't want nothing to do with me.
And Alejandro said the same thing. But he did ask me why I told her she should break up with him for me. Then he hung up on me before I said anything.
Gwen is going out with my buddy Trent. But she don't know that, no one know that. But me and him. But he don't talk to me anymore ever since he heard what I did to Heather and Courtney. He seen me 3 days ago and told me.

“This is not you Duncan. I don't want to talk to you or see you ever again. You have became your brother all over again. Leave me and my friends alone now.”
That was the last time I heard from him and seen him. My own family hates me but my brother, because hes done what I did hundreds of times.

The last week for me here. “Hey, Duncan good luck out there. I don't want to see you in here anymore.” said Chef Hacheff.

“Okay Chef Hacheff you were the only one that talk to me while I have gone crazy. All I want to do is just kill myself.” I said.

“Don't do that. Okay.”

I just nodded and I went to my bed and fell asleep.

The day I get out. I was happy that I was getting out. My mom and dad came and got me. They told me about my brother Bobby. He got shot by some bitch. I guess a drug deal didn't go out like it should have been. So his showing is in two days I was very pissed when I found out.

“Duncan, honey, I'm so glad that you are home. Your our only child that is alive.” my mom said.

“Me too, mom.” I said.

“Hi, son.” my father said to me.

“Hi dad.” I said.

I got my old room like always every time I come home to my mom and dads house.
I have not been here for a long time. That day I got ohm I walked by my brothers room. I went inside. I shut the door and sit on the floor. I was talking to him out loud thru god.

“Dear god, can you please help my brother. I love him so much. Help him work thru things up there. I never prayed in my life. But I was praying now.

“Duncan.” someone called my name. I never heard this voice before. It was my brother talking to me.

“Duncan!” There it was again. I thought I was going crazy. “Duncan, take care of mom and dad, for me please.”

“Mom, dad!” I was calling them.

They ran into the room asking, “Whats wrong son.”

“It's Bobby. He was talking to me.”

“What?” said mom.

“He told me to take care of you guys for him.”

“Mom, dad.”

They heard it now.

“Bobby is that you.” mom said.

“I love you, mama!” Bobby said. So I wasn't crazy. They heard it too.

We went to the showing. I was holding my mom's hand. Dad was behind us with each hand on our shoulders.
Mom was crying, like crazy. She never talked about him that much because of what he did. But I think she always had a part of him in her heart.
Bobby, may be 23, but he was always my best friend. I loved him. And it fell like he was there next to me holding my other hand.
While mom and dad went up there to touch him. Trent and Gwen came too. I guess Trent had told her about us.

“Hey, Duncan your out.” said Gwen.

“Yea, I got out 2 days ago.”

“Sorry, about your brother.” Trent said.

“Thank you, Trent. It's nice to see you again, or are you still upset.” I had to ask.

“Naw, we still best buds. I already told her about us back in the day.” he hugged me for the old times or just because of my brother.

“Oh okay.”

“I'm gonna say 'sorry' to your mom and dad.”

I nodded.

“I'm sorry about your lose.” It was Courtney that said that. I turned around and it was her.

“Thank you Courtney.” I said and shook her hand.

“Sorry for your lose, Duncan.” It was Heather.

“Heather....” I stop mid sentence because Bobby touched me.

“Duncan you okay.” she touch me where Bobby out his hand at.

“Yea. Sorry. Thank you. Why you here you didn't know Bobby.”

“I'm here to see you mom and dad. I like them.” she said.

“Oh okay.”

“Mom, dad I have to go. I can't stay here anymore.”

“Okay, let me say good bye to everyone.”

I nodded. I went to go sit in the car, and for them.
I don't like to see dead people. It just scares me.

That night I couldn't sleep. So just laying in bed I went outside on the porch.
Mom was out on the steps drinking some hot tea. I went to sit next to her.

“Hey mom. How are you holding?” I had to ask.

“I'm okay son.” she patted my leg. “I been worse Duncan. When you went to jail I was very very Sadie. But at the same time I was mad at you for doing what you did to your ex-girlfriend and her best friend. Why did you do that for?”

“Mom, I asked myself why I did those thing for. And I hate to say this but I blame Bobby.”

“Don't say that, but why do you say that for?”

“Well, what I did to Heather I was with Bobby. I was hi, doing pills and drinking too. And I went to school messed up. I had a crush on Heather for awhile, even when I was with Courtney.”

“What Heather do to you to have to beat her up and almost rape her?” I love my mom but I should get it out.

“Well, I heard she was getting married to this boy name Alejandro. He's the one that beat me up because what I did to Heather and Courtney and Noah broke my nose and jaw.”

“Oh my heavens Duncan you should have never done that.”

“I know mom. When I was in jail there was a cook that I talk to.” I told her.

“Oh well, I'm gonna go to bed. Don't stay up to late. I love you son.”

“I love you too mom.” And I did love her.

I sat there on the porch just watching the stars, I was thinking out loud. “Why you had to die on me Bobby. You wasn't suppose to die on me. Bobby please be safe up there. I love you so much.” I felt his hand on my shoulder. I was crying. I had never cried for anyone not even when I went to jail. I was a big boy.
Then I heard someone walk up the stairs. I looked up it was Courtney. I was hoping it would been Heather.

Courtney sat down never to me and put her arm around me. “Hey, come on lets go upstairs. Come one get up Duncan.” I took her hand and got up.

We went to my room and layed on my bed. We addled on my bed. She got on top of my and kissed me.

“Courtney, what are you doing?”

“I missed you so much.”

“What about Noah. I thought you were going out with him?”

“I was but I love you, and I want to give you something.”

She took her shirt off and began kissing me again.
We did it for hours until we got tired and fell asleep. I was happy that Courtney was here with me. We woke up together.
She put my robe on and I put on my boxers back on. We went downstairs to eat.
Mom and dad was just sitting down when we came in laughing.

“Good morning, mom, dad.” I kissed them on the cheeks, after I sat Courtney.

“Well nice to see you up this early.” said mom. “And nice to see you again Courtney.” she grabbed her hand.

“You too, Carrie.” Courtney said.

“Did you stay the night, Courtney?” my dad asked.

“Yes sir. I seen Duncan crying on the steps so I told him to come on get inside.” she looked at me and kissed me on the lips in front my mom and dad.

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