» Fantasy » Total Drama Island, Heather Reed [best inspirational books .txt] 📗

Book online «Total Drama Island, Heather Reed [best inspirational books .txt] 📗». Author Heather Reed

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/> “Court you okay.” he seen me on the ground crying then he seen the black eye. “Oh the hell he didn't.”

Heather came out and seen what was going on. She started yelling at Alejandro to stop.

“ALEJANDRO STOP THIS NOW PLEASE!” she yelled and when she grabbed his arm, he hit her. Then he seen what he did.

“Heather! I am so sorry.” he told her.

“DUNCAN YOU BITCH ASS MOTHERFUCKER. I HATE YOU. THIS IS FOR HEATHER AND FOR COURTNEY.” Noah hit him so hard he broke his jaw and his nose, and blood was spilling out now.

“CODY CALL 911 NOW! Alejandro told him. He was holding Heather. “I so sorry baby.” he kissed her. He didn't leave a mark on her, thank god.

“They on there way.” Cody said. People were coming out of there houses. Noah was holding Courtney on the ground. “You okay?”

“Yes, I am since I'm in your arms.”

The cop that seen heather, Officer Sanderz. She came over to where me, Noah, Heather, and Alejandro were. Cody was in the house getting me some ice for my eye.

“Here you go, Courtney.” that help my eye.

“Thank you Cody.”

“Well, well, hi Heather glad to see you again. How are going.” Officer Sanderz asked.

“Good until now.” Heather said.

“So why don't someone tell me what the hell happen here.” she asked all of us.

“The same thing that happen to me but he got it.” Heather smirked.

“Officer Sanderz, Duncan was – ”

I looked at Noah.

“Go on Ms.” Officer Sanderz said.

“He was waiting for me here. I came over to get some of my things and he asked, “Where have I been.” I told him, 'I moved and he got up. He said I was 'his woman'.” Noah growled. “And I told him the hell I am. I have someone else. He asked 'with who' I screamed Noah's name at him. I thought you would come out and help me.” I looked at him.

“Sorry I was in the basement.” Noah said.

“Duncan hit me and Alejandro came out and told him to leave me alone.” I looked at Alejandro holding Heather. I didn't bring up that he hit Heather and shit.

“I told him to leave her alone, he said, no and told me to go back to Heather.” Heather looked up at me. “I said yea I have a woman which she's not yours. He wanted Heather over the summer if you remember. I put my hand on his shoulder and he hit me and I just kept hitting him. And Noah came out and seen what happen then Heather tried to stop me and I hit her and I didn't mean to. I am so sorry Heather, please forgive me.” he said to Heather.

“I forgive you baby.” she kissed him.

“Then I seen what he did you Courtney then I hit him real hard and told him this is for Heather and Courtney. Then I told Cody to call 911.”

“Well, damn. Well okay I will tell you this. This will be in court. But I am going to take him to jail but I am not going to take you guys. Here is a number on this card I want you to call Courtney is it?” I nodded. “This lady will help you. I should say he shouldn't been let out of jail. I say he is going to stay in there for a very long time.

I went to school 2 days later from what happen with Duncan. Everyone was looking at me because I had a black eye. Gwen asked me.

“What happen?”

“Duncan hit me.”


“Yup. He's going to be in jail for a long time. That's what Officer Sanderz told me.”

The office called me to come to the office. I went to the office and Officer Sanderz was there.

“Courtney, this is Ms. Jackson. She will help you out. I used to work with her back in the day so she is nice. Tell her what happen and if you need help just ask her.” Officer Sanderz said.

“Nice to meet you Courtney, I'm Ms. Jackson I work with women that had been beat up, and Officer Sanderz told me everything that happen.” she touched my face where Duncan hit me. “I helped your friend Heather out too. So, if you have anything to say I'm here. Here's my number.” She wrote her number on her card. “This is my cell. Call me anytime of the day.”

“Okay, thank you.” I hugged Ms. Jackson and Officer Sanderz.

School was out I went home and layed in bed. Cody stayed after to help out Ms. Benson.
Noah came in and sat next to me.

“Courtney, honey, you okay.” he asked.

“Yes, met Ms. Jackson today at school.”

“You did. Well that's good.”

“Yea. She helped Heather out.”

“She did. Okay I'm gonna fix dinner okay. I love you.”

“I love you too, Noah.” I layed back down. “Noah thank you very much.”

“You are very welcome.” he kissed me and left.

I was asleep until I had a nightmare. I was screaming and Noah came running in the bedroom. Cody was right after him.

“Courtney, your okay. I'm here so is Cody.” he rocked me.

“Oh Noah,” I put myself on him.

“Shh, Courtney its okay.” he said. “Cody go get me a wet rag please.”

Cody left to go get me a wet rag. Then I heard him come in. he put the rag on my forehead.

“Thank you Cody.” I said.

“Your welcome.” Cody said.

Noah left the room. I must have falling asleep again, and he must have called Ms. Jackson, because she came in my room.

“Courtney its Ms. Jackson. Are you okay. Noah called me. He said you had a nightmare. Its okay Duncan won't ever hurt you again.” she said.

She got up and told Noah. “I want you to check on her every two hours okay.”

“Okay. Thank you Ms. Jackson.”

“You are welcome.” she left.

Noah kissed my forehead and left the room.

Gwen meets a boy name Trent!!

Chapter 7: Gwen meets a boy name Trent!!

Hi, my name is Gwen. This is my 2nd year here at high school. I know I might look old. I'm only 16.
All most all my friends are out of school but Cody. Cody is a Jr. this year. His husband, Noah is out of school. Courtney is in the 12th grade. She's been thru a lot this year because of Duncan which is in jail for 2 years. Ha ha that's what ass hole gets. Heather is a Jr. too. Her soon-to-be-husband is out of school. Alejandro and Noah are working now. Alejandro works on cars and Noah works at Best Buy.
I have three people still in school with me. I went to my 3rd class which was JROTC. It was helped me on my behavior. I seen this new kid comes in and took his seat have not seen him before.

“Gwen, can you come here please.” 1sgt asked. I'm a let 2 so I have to help around here. I'm a LT./Platoon Leader/ an Officer.

“Yes, 1sgt.” I got up and walked over to where 1sgt was.

“Give this to Trent, the new kid over please.”

“Yes 1sgt.” I walk over there to the new kid. So his name was Trent. “Here can you fill this our and hand it back tome and have your parents fill this out please.” I told him.

Trent looked up at me and said, “okay. Hi I'm Trent. What's yours?”

“It's Gwen.” I said.

“Gwen nice to meet you, so are you new too?”

“No, I'm a let 2. I'm a Platoon leader. You can call me LT.”

“Oh okay. An Officer cool. I'm gonna tell you this. You are very cute. And when you are in our uniforms I gonna stare at you because I think, women are cute in them.”

I was blushing and he touched my face where my cheeks were turning red.

“Um.... Thanks Trent... Um... Fill this out please. Your in A company, 1st Platoon. And I'll be your witness for you.” I wrote my name on his paper. Gwen, Gwen.

“Gwen.” 1sgt called.


“Did you show him what to do?”

“Yes 1sgt.”

“Okay. I want you to get 5 let 1's please and show them the base movements. Left face, right face about face and etc.”

“Okay. Um. Daisy, John, Trent, Smallman, Austin, and Tori I want you to help me.”

“Okay LT.” said Tori.

“Okay, let ones fall in on Tori.” Trent was doing this right. He's very good. “Your feet have to be 90'o angle.” I put my foot in between there feet to show them where they should be. “That's attention Tori fall out ans watch them from behind.”

Tori felled out like she was told. “I'm gonna call you to parade rest and you move your left foot. Don't move your right foot. Your hands go right over left. Tori they doing it right.?”

Tori looked at everyone to see if they did it right. “Yes, Lt.”

“Okay. Thank you. Fall back in. Attention. Parade rest. Attention. Present arms is you put your hand up and your middle finger is on the corner of your eyebrow, if you have glasses your middle finger goes at the corner of your glass. Order arms is where you put your arms down. Hands are at the heme of your pants, cuffed.”

“Lt come here please.” said 1sgt.

“Yes, 1sgt.” I said. “Tori fall out and take my place.”

“Yes, mama.”

“Yes, 1sgt, you called.”

“Yes, file these in the folders and make Trent one.”

“Okay, 1sgt.” I went to where the folders were. “Tori stop for a moment. Trent come to attention and fall out. You can go on Tori. Trent, here write your name, last name first then first name.” I told him.

Trent wrote him name and handed it to me and slapped my ass. I took his folder and put it where it belonged.

I let Tori do my job while I was filing and helping out 1sgt. The bell rang and It was 4th period lunch.

“Trent come here. Please.” I asked.

“Yea, Gwen.”

Here's your book bring them everyday. If you don't I will give you push-ups.” I told him. “Put your name in them too.”

“Okay. What do you have next?” he asked me next.

“I have lunch.” I said.

“Oh me too. He said.

“Cool we can walk down there together.” I

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