» Fantasy » FURIES, Shannon Burton [read any book TXT] 📗

Book online «FURIES, Shannon Burton [read any book TXT] 📗». Author Shannon Burton

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next to me but I was more at ease then I had been in a long time.Mikael shot me a look and I just shrugged.I was okay where I was sitting at.It was as if my feelings had been shut off.


"Hey Zhara.We haven't talked much and I really wanted to spend some time with you today." Tera said.


I realized that it seemed like it was forever since I heard her voice.When did I forget about her?


"Yea sure.Mikael is taking me to the shops today so we can hang out then." I said meeting her eyes.


She looked close to tears and I knew she was taking in the new woman sitting across from her.


"Don't." I said.


 She gave me a nod and leaned into Talon.I stopped myself from rolling my eyes at her fragility.It wasn't her fault that I was becoming this way.She knew who I was before all of this so I shouldn't be angry with her response.They commenced serving the food and I dug in greedily.I was aware that I would need alot of energy for today so I filled my plate to the brim.Sausage, fruit, and home made biscuits littered my plate.Mikael laughed at my greed and I shot him a glare.


"Slow down there is more in the kitchen." This caused a laugh from everyone present and I rolled my eyes.


Once I started on my second plate Damien stood up and asked for silence.


"I just wanted to inform everyone that Rina and I will be mating at the end of the month."


There were loud cheers from everyone in the room but I just kept eating.It was hard to believe I was still hungry.I felt stares from Mikael,Tera, and Talon so I looked up and gave a shrug.


"What?" I asked them.


They all looked away and I felt Damien look down at me.All of these stares from people expecting a reaction was starting to piss me off.


"I am not freaking out so all of you can stop fuckin staring at me like I am." I growled.


Immediately everyone turned away and proceeded with seperate conversations.I finished off my second plate and stood up.At that same time Rina stood up in  front of me.The room went silent and Rina began to speak in a soft tone.I nearly laughed at how small she sounded.


"I'm sorry I don't believe we have ever had the pleasure of meeting.I'm Rina."


"Right." I brushed past her and headed to the archway.


I felt a restraining hand on my upper arm and I glared at whoever it was.I looked up and met Rinas eyes.The bitch had the nerve to touch me.


"I didn't get your name." She said before releasing my arm.


I gave her a sadistic smile, "I didn't give it." I said, before I sauntered off in my new found confidence.


It felt damn good to be so strong and confident.I headed outside and breathed in the morning air.I felt like fighting and that was entirely unusual for me.


"How are you feeling." Mikael stepped up beside me and asked.


"Uuugh I don't care about them mating!"


"Ok Ok.We will leave in an hour so be ready then." Mikael chuckled.


He took a step closer to me and lifted my chin, I froze.


"You deserve so much better." He said.


His eyes flickered to my lips and I became confused.My brow puckered and Mikael stepped back as if he had touched fire.He cleared his throat and glided back into the house.Now that was strange!


I walked a few steps down the stone path and faced the sun.It felt good against my skin.I closed my eyes and breathed in.I heard foot steps behind me and I grew agitated.


"What?" I asked my visitor.


"I haven't had a chance to talk to you in the 2 weeks that you've been here and I really think that we need to."


I gave an unlady like snort and gazed at the sun.


"You know, I am starting to learn that nothing in this world is really what it seems.I had been dreaming about you since I was young and then the time came when you emerged into my reality.In my dreams every single angle of you was perfect, as if you had been carved from a stone that could not be duplicated.And now that I know you.. I can see every imperfection and it makes me wish that there was some way I could just sleep forever because now I know your just like every lying and deceitful guy out there."


I turned to face him and saw the look of astonishment on his face.It didn't feel good and it didn't feel bad to see him crumble.It just was.


"Zhara..I..I didn't want to hurt you but I couldn't hurt Rina either." He tried to explain.


"Damien do us both a favor and walk away." I said coldly.


And he did just that.How sad.


I went back upstairs to my room to find Mikaels door slightly open.His room was the first door on the left.I decided to snoop around considering I didn't know much about him.His room was black and forest green.It was a familiar green.


"Mikael." I called out to make sure he wasn't present.


When I got no reply I walked further into the room.The set up of his room looked much like mine.I walked over to his bed side table and saw a picture of Damien and Talon at a young age.They looked to be about eleven years old.On closer inspection I noticed that the eyes were a little bit too dark to be Damiens.But..but..That would mean that this was Mikael.I grew dizzy trying to understand what was going on here.Mikael looked exactly like Damien at this age.Even now it was a little bit difficult to tell them apart.Mikael had longer hair than Damiens and his eyes were a shade darker but in this picture you couldn't tell which one it was.I put the picture down and went in search of answers.I had a feeling things were about to get crazy around here.


Chapter 7

"Mikael! Damien!" I yelled.


I was furious.I yelled out there names again.When I reached the livingroom they were all sitting there watching a movie.


"What in the fuck is going on here!?" I growled.


Talon gave a confused look, "Zhara were all just watching a movie.We were gonna invite you but you seemed like you needed some time to yourself."


He didn't know a damn thing about what was going on so I ignored him.


"You both lied to me!"


"Zhara not here." Mikael said.


"I will do this where ever I god damn well please." I growled.


"Okay don't blame Damien for this I asked him to lie."


"Why?" I asked.


"Because when The sisters passed judgement on me they said that I would have to make a great sacrifice for my people.From that day on I dreamed about you.I had to give you up Zhara."


"It was you? In my dreams?" I questioned.


"Yes Zhara I am so sorry.I was the one that destroyed your life.I could have taken you home but instead I left you in the office.I knew that you would be drawn to that book.I was being selfish."


"You..but..I.." And then my vision changed.


I understood now.The reason why I could see all of Damiens imperfections is because he wasn't the one in my dreams.It was always Mikael.He was the one that could not be duplicated.How could I have not realized it sooner!


I couldn't take the truth of it all and I ran.In minutes I found myself at Falling Creek, screaming for Rayon.How could she not have told me that it was Mikael? It was always Mikael.


Rayon appeared just like she had the first time I had met her.


"I am so sorry Zhara.I knew that it was Mikael but you know exactly why I could not tell you.If I had a choice I would have told you but that would have altered everything." She apologized.


I wanted so badly to feel hurt and sadness over this but I couldn't.She had taken all of that away from me.


"You lied to me Rayon and you have pissed me off beyond belief.From now on you will not keep secrets from me or so help me god I will deviate from this path and your whole precious world will be destroyed." I growled.


"Of course.I really am sorry Zhara and I will help you out as much as possible along the way.I also want to give you a gift that should help you immensely in your training." Rayon agreed.


I looked at her expectantly.


"What's the gift?" I asked.


"Oh you will find out soon enough." Rayon smiled.


With that said I turned on my heel and walked away.I took my time through the forest and admired how beautiful it all was.I was able to calm my rattled thoughts and evaluate my situation a little better as I did this I heard movement from my right and I slipped behind a tree.The soft footsteps moved farther down the path towards me and I tensed.


"It's just me Zhara." A voice that I knew well explained.


I stepped out from behind the tree and came face to face with Mikael.


"What do you want?"


"I wanted to check on you and make sure that you were alright." He admitted.


"I'm fine."


I walked around him and commenced my walk back to the house but Mikael grabbed my arm as I passed him.This small action caused me to go into immediate fight mode and I shot my right arm into his jaw.He stumbled back a little and grinned.


"Well kitties got her claws out today.I like.." He wiggled his eyebrows and sauntered towards me.


"Mikael don't push me." I cautioned.


Instead of heeding my warning he rushed me and swept my legs from under me.I hit the ground with a thud and tried to struggle out from under his weight but he had me pinned.If anyone was to walk by at this moment they would definitely think some suggestive things about the position we were in.Mikael lay between my legs with my hands pinned above my head and had a stupid grin on his face from ear to ear.


"Get the fuck off of me." I grunted.


Instead of completing my request he pushed both of my hands into his left hand in a vise like grip.With his right hand he wiped my hair away from my eyes and his face grew deadly serious.


"I have had to wait so long for you.I watched for years as everyone else fell in love and found there other haves and now the woman I want lies right beneath me and I know that it will be a long time before I can ever have her." He whispered.


Each word melted from his lips like honey and I wanted so bad to take them in with my heart but I couldn't.


"I know that you can't feel anything that I am saying right now but it feels so good to be able to say it anyway." Mikael murmured as his eyes flickered down to my lips.


On instinct I licked my lips and his eyes raised to meet mine and I wanted him to.I wanted him to kiss me and so he did.His soft lips met mine in a demanding kiss that stole my breath.I realized that I could still feel lust but the thought flew out of my head when I figured out that I had the perfect opportunity to lift my knees and flip him over the top of me.He landed with a soft thud and I chuckled.


"You, Zhara dear are something else." Mikael

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