» Fantasy » FURIES, Shannon Burton [read any book TXT] 📗

Book online «FURIES, Shannon Burton [read any book TXT] 📗». Author Shannon Burton

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Damien.It was like watching the sun and moon move across the floor and I immediately knew that the seat next to me was for her.


Mikael reached over and squeezed my hand but nothing could stop the devastation I felt.The couple made it over to my side of the table and Damien helped her into her seat.Damien settled himself right next to me and I gathered my strength and dignity.He wasn't going to make a fool out of me.I slipped my hand from under Mikaels' and waited quietly as the waiters served our food.It was a heavenly breakfast of french toast,eggs,and bacon.I hadn't realized how hungry I was until I smelled the delicious aroma of the food.


Tera gave me a slight nudge under the table but I didn't respond.I didn't want anyone to see how hurt I was so I kept my head down and ate.


"Maybe we can go to the movies later."I heard Damiens girlfriend say.


Damien gave a brief nod but didn't say anything.


My mind cleared for a second and I remembered something Talon had said earlier when he gave me a necklace.He had said not to thank him as if someone else had given the necklace to me.Damien.He had given me the necklace.He had a girlfriend yet he gave me this damn necklace.I was furious but I kept my composure.As soon as breakfast was over I would find a quiet place to get away and release my emotions.


I took off the necklace and slid it under the napkin.Talon watched in dismay as I gave him a furious look across the table.Tera gave me a concerned look but didn't say anything.I knew they could feel the anger rolling off of me so they left me alone.As soon as people started getting up to leave I rushed out.I was already fed up with this world.I ran out a back door and found myself at a stable a few minutes later.I walked in and saw some of the most beautiful horses I had ever seen in my life.I walked down the stalls and touched each one.


"Aren't they beautiful?" I turned to see a hot stable boy staring at me curiously.


"Yes they are."


"Would you like to ride one?" 


I am pretty sure that wasn't allowed but I didn't have the patience to care at the moment.


"Yes I would love to."


He led me to a beautiful black mustang at the end of the stall and I immediately fell in love.She was huge and muscled.


"She doesn't have a rider yet because no one has been able to tame the beast in her." He said gently.


I knew I was an amazing rider.I had always had a connection with horses and I knew I could ride her.


"Do you want to try her out?" He asked nervously.


I gave an excited nod and in return he gave me a wide grin.


He led me outside of the stable and brought the mustang out.He saddled her for me and helped me on.He passed me the reigns and backed up a few feet.  I started to get a feel for the horse and I watched as she got to know me.This was one of my favorite parts of meeting a new horse.Watching them trust you.She gave a loud snort and tried to buck me off.I expected this and I met her thrust for thrust.She whinnied and snorted which gained everyones attention.People began pouring from the house and screamed for me to get off before she killed me.


"God dammit Zhara get off of that horse.Your going to fuckin kill yourself!" I knew that voice well but I ignored it.


When the mustang had finally settled down she looked over her shoulder as if waiting for instructions.I looked up and met Teras eyes and she gave me a wide smile.She knew me better than anyone else and she knew that I could tame this horse.


I looked back down and gave the mustang a pat on her neck.I lightly nudged her side and she began to trot.Soon I was flying through the air on her back and I couldn't have felt more free.My hair flowed out behind me and I knew I looked just as wild as I felt.When the mustang exerted all of her energy we stopped in front of the stable and I climbed off her back.When I turned I saw what could only be described as shocked expressions on every face present.


"You were amazing!" The stable boy exclaimed in awe.


I gave him a bright smile and a slight bow.I felt damn good!


"She needs a name and since you are the only one that can ride her,you deserve to name her."


I turned and looked at the black mustang in front of me.She deserved something rare and wild like she was,but she also had a softness about her.


"Her name will be Campion.It is a rare flower that was thought to be extinct."


"A fitting name." The stable boy took Campions' reigns and led her back into her stall.


I looked up to see everyone still standing there looking at me and it made me terribly uncomfortable.Mikael broke from the group and smiled at me.


"You are becoming something of an anomaly my dear Zhara.At each and every turn you surprise me." Mikael bent low over my hand and brushed his lips across it.When he lifted his head the sun caught his eyes and I was once again reminded of Damien.Mikael gave me a sad smile and then headed off back to the house.


Tera stepped towards me and lead me back to the house.Talon wasn't far behind.


"There is going to be a meeting in an hour deciding your fates, so please be ready." Talon looked extremely nervous and I wondered what would go down at this meeting.


Talon left us at our rooms and I began to worry about the upcoming meeting.


"Something we aren't gonna like is about to happen." Tera said.


"Yea I have never seen Talon so quiet." I murmured.


"I really like him."Tera admitted.


"Ha! I knew it!" I giggled.


"Oh shut up.Hey I am so sorry about what happened with Damien.That was so unfair of him."


"It's alright.He's just another guy."


"No he's not.You have been dreaming about him for years.That kind of shock leaves scars on the heart."


I looked into to Teras eyes and saw a wisdom far beyond her years.She was right.I was hurting so bad I could fall apart at any moment.


"I know but I don't want to dwell on that.This is a new life for us and I don't want to start it off with such bad feelings." I said.


"I get it and I hope one day you can find someone worthy of you." She said before she slipped into her room.


My room felt empty and cold.It no longer contained the warmth I had felt on my first day here.I went over to the bed and laid down, trying my best not to think.I just wanted my mind to be free of any and all things Damien.There was a light knock on my door when I was finally not thinking and in popped Mikael.I looked down from the ceiling as he walked further into the room.


"I'm so sorry." He said.


He had concern written all over his face and it warmed my heart to know he cared.


"I'm fine.I really just need some time to myself right now."


"I undertand that but time isn't something that you have right now.The meeting is starting in two minutes."


I looked up at the clock and saw that he was right.Time had flown by as I was thinking.I got up slowly and stretched out my protesting muscles.


"Now that you are here you are going to face extreme challenges.You are still considered an outsider and it will be a harsh road getting people to accept you."  He said before he disappeared.


Damn I hate when he does that.


Well time to face the inevitable.I freshened up and headed downstairs.I found Tera and Talon waiting there for me and we both headed outside to a place I had been before.Falling Creek. Except this time it looked different.The moonlight filtered down through the canopy and cast everything in a mystical glow.It was oddly beautiful and serene and I couldn't keep my eyes from the lake.I began to walk towards it and Talon grabbed my hand but I couldn't stop.I wriggled out of his hold and walked.Silence fell over everyone gathered as they watched me walk to the edge of the water.I looked up and met Damiens' eyes over the water.I hated him and loved him.How sad of a love story was that.


My attention was drawn back to the water and I knelt down on my hands and knees.The water engulfed my bent legs and I shivered.I tried to get up but I couldn't seemed to move.Right before my eyes the water shifted to a pure green.


Mikael stepped up to the water and whispered.


"Tell me." He said.


As wild as the forest we stand in and pure of heart.She has a light that can threaten any darkness and will do anything to protect the ones she loves.I see bravery and much courage but she is still only human.She WILL BE an Acaiden and a savior of many.She will face many trials but will never break under the pressure.She will walk alone through most of her journey and will discover the unbreakable bond between her and another.Zhara, I welcome you with open arms and I thank you for the sacrifices that you will make to protect my people.


The voice in the lake whispered.


"That is your judgement Zhara.So please stand and be welcome." Mikael said. His voice tinged with awe.


"What? Why is everyone looking at me like that?" I questioned worriedly.


"Zhara, no one has ever been excepted without close council by the group but Rayon just accepted you for all of us.She revealed more than she ever has before about a person and she thanked you.There is something truly special about you and Rayon could see it through and through."


I looked around and everyone nodded.


"Now it is Teras turn." Mikael beckoned her forward and she stood in the water.


I stepped next to Talon and listened for the voice.


She is pure of heart and ultimately seeks the good in others.She does not possess a great courage but will fight if  it comes down to it.To be accepted she must have a mate but that will not come easily."


The voice stopped and Tera looked at Mikael.I turned to my left to see Talon stepping towards her.He took her hand and lifted her face to his.


"Be my mate." He whispered.


A sound of outrage ran through the group and Tera looked up at me with scared eyes.


"Enough!" Mikael roared, "It is not in your place to tell a prince who he should be with." .


Immediately the crowd quieted down and accepted their leaders words.


"Yes." Tera breathed.


Talon gave her a breath taking smile and I felt so envious but I knew from Rayons words I would be alone for a long time.Talon kissed Tera deeply and lovingly and tears sprang to my eyes.Tera was finding her place and I felt like I had lost myself.


The crowd began to disperse.


"Hey Zhara are you coming?" Tera asked.


"No I just wanna sit out here for a while but you guys go on ahead."


Tera gave me a disapproving look but she knew I needed to be alone.


I knew I would lose her soon and I didn't want her to see how much it hurt me.She deserved happiness.


I sat by the water and watched my reflection.I tried so hard to find myself in the image but I could already feel it.I was changing into something I couldn't recognize and it saddened me.The loneliness sat upon my heart like a weight and there was nothing I could do to lift it.


"It won't last forever my dear Zhara."


I looked around and saw no one there.


The water began to shift and form into the shape of a woman.She was entirely beautiful with large black wings and short black hair.Rayon.


"Why is this happening to me?"


"Somethings in life can not be stopped.Listen very closely to what I am about to tell you.You must not share these secrets with anyone and because of this you must

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