» Fantasy » FURIES, Shannon Burton [read any book TXT] 📗

Book online «FURIES, Shannon Burton [read any book TXT] 📗». Author Shannon Burton

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spot for the night until the sun started setting so we leaned against the trees and ate a sandwich with a bottle of water.


"Do you think we will get lost up here?" Tera looked at me expectantly.


"I don't know, but in all honesty it wouldn't be to bad of an idea."


Tera shrugged and put her stuff back in her bag.The day had grown noticeably warmer and it was wonderful. Spring was a ways off but it had made a perfectly timed appearance.


"Come on, lets get moving again.Were gonna need a better spot than this to sleep." I said.


We walked for a few more hours and found a clearing that would work well for camping. Tera set up a fire and I put up our tent.


"Does it make me wierd for being so relaxed out here considering the reason that were here in ther first place?


"No because I feel that same way to.It's like nothing and everything exist out here." Tera said.


We talked for a little while longer and fell asleep.When we woke up it was freezing so we put on more clothes and ate some breakfast.Our phones died out later on in the day but it didn't matter.We walked more and more and found nothing.So we found a place and set up camp.Each day turned up the same results.Nothing.We were beginning to run out of food but I couldn't seem to give up.


"Zhara we have been walking for three days and we are running out of food.We haven't found any clue to lead us to them and I'm starting to question if they ever existed at all.Every tree out here looks the same and it's driving me crazy!" Tera screamed out.


I understood her frustation.I was becoming weary and I was starting to wonder if this was a good idea after all.I was going to tell her that we should probably turn back but my words were silenced by a low growl behind us.I turned around to see a mountain lion ready to pounce and all I could feel was an inner peace.


If I really thought about it who was I trying to save? The only person I really cared about was standing right by my side.We had faced just about everything else together so it only seemed right to be facing death side by side.


"What should we do?" Tera whispered through clenched teeth.


I almost shrugged an answer but stopped when I realized that sudden movement probably wasn't the best idea.


"I really don't know Tera. I'm out of ideas." I admitted.


So we both stood there.The mountain lion took a step closer to us and I grabbed Teras' hand and ran.The lion took chase and I told Tera to run as fast as she could and get into a tree.I let go of her hand and we split up; going in opposite directions. When I made it to a tree I began to climb but I was dragged down by teeth grabbing onto my jacket.The mountain lion had followed me.I tried to pull against the lions' teeth when I felt sharp pain shoot up my leg.I let out a scream that silenced the forest.The damn lion had put its claws into my leg and was shredding the skin.The pain was so intense my hands began to slip from the hold on the tree and in seconds, I was falling to my death.



Chapter 4

I ran through the woods with a beautiful eyelet lace dress on.It flowed about my ankles as I moved through the trees.Each branch I touched teemed with life and I felt so connected to the dirt beneath my feet.I ran.I ran faster and faster until a whisper on the wind brought me to you. You stepped out from behind the trees in all your glory.You turned around to flee once you saw what the wind brought you but I couldn't let you just leave.


Then there was a change in the air around us and I felt the danger.You were killing everything around us.I should turn back and run but I was to late.You were maneuvering me towards a cliff that fell off into a waterfall. I knew what would happen next but I didn't dare stop you.I came to you and I wouldn't leave until you loved me or hurt me.I could see in your eyes which one you had chosen so I let you take me.


"I told you to stay away." You whispered in a voice that sent shivers down my spine.


"You gave me fair warning." I agreed.


You took a step towards me and I could see how much this hurt you but I couldn't bring myself to hate you.


"Not Yet."


I took in a deep breath and felt pain shoot through my leg.I tried to open my eyes but the light hurt to much to fully open them.Once they adjusted I looked around to find myself indoors.It was warm and cozy in the room I was in and I looked over to see a fire going in a frieplace.Where in the hell was I? The last time I checked I was dying at the paws of a mountain lion.


I sat up quickly only to get hit with vertigo so I took my time getting up.When I looked down I was lying on a queen size bed with a thick black cover over me.I took the blanket off and saw I was only in underwear and a shirt and a huge bandage was covering my right thigh.Getting out of the bed proved to be impossible because as soon as I put weight on it I crumpled back to the bed in pain.At that exact moment an older woman came in carrying a tray of food.It smelled heavenly and it made my stomach growl.


"I have brought you some fresh bread and soup but please take your time eating it." She came over and set the tray across my lap and looked expectantly at me.


There was no way in hell I was gonna eat when I didn't even know where the hell I was.


"Ummm where am I?


"Oh that is not something I am able to tell you but I can tell you that you are safe." She said cheerfully.


"I'm not eating until I know where I am,and where is Tera?" I questioned.


"She is in another room and she is doing just fine so dont be a worry wort."


I sat the tray down and pulled the cover off of me.


"You cant just leave the room! You don't have permission!" She yelled after me.


The pain in my leg was long forgotten as I walked down the hall.Each door I passed I opened to see if Tera was inside but I had no luck.


I came to what looked like a livingroom.


"There you are! You can't just go poking around without permission!" She huffed.


I ignored her and continued pass a beautiful kitchen.The old lady was there every step of the way,huffing and puffing about permission.Blah..Blah.Blah.


I came to a door and it opened to a sunny day.My eyes came to rest on people in the distance so I began to walk that way.


"You can not go out there.It is forbidden!" She yelled.


I began passing by beautifully built cottages and what looked to be a small super market.It was like I was in a small town! As I walked I noticed some of the people stopped to stare at me and I remembered I was barefoot and in underwear and a T-shirt. Soon the whole market came to a stand still and I heard the old lady yelling.


"You do not have permission missy.And now you are in big trouble!"


I looked behind her and saw what looked to be three very muscled men.They were all handsome and it left me wondering,once again,where in the hell I was.


Two of the men stepped forward and grabbed each arm and the other acted as an escort through the crowd.As I walked back people whispered and I could tell it was about me considering that I seemed to be the outsider.


I looked to my left at the guard with the dirty blonde hair and tried to glean some information on where I was but he wasn't talking.They escorted me all the way back to the house and brought me to what looked like an office.


" You will meet with our leader and he will tell you what it is he wants you to know.Now please have a seat." The blonde-haired one said.


He then walked out of the office leaving me alone to my fate.I sat there for what felt like thirty minutes but then the door opened slowly and a pure masculine voice spoke.


"You must be the Zhara I've been hearing about." The voice said.



He walked around to the front of the mahogany desk and my breath caught.He had long black hair that was pulled into a pony tail at the nape of his neck and lush full lips.He was well muscled and yet incredibly graceful as I watched him take his seat.I looked into his eyes and suddenly knew where I was.His eyes were a deep hazel with flecks of light in them.They looked as if they had been kissed by the sun.He was stunning to look at.He looked so much like Damien it was hard to tear my eyes away.


"Hello Zhara, my name is Mikael."


"You..Your Damiens' brother." I stammered.


"Yes and Talons'." He smirked in a way that reminded me of Talon.


"Where exactly am I?"


"That is not something I can tell you but my mom did say that I should be expecting you soon." He retorted.


I gave him a startled look.How did his mom know I was coming?


"She is a very talented woman." He said, in response to my expression.


"Well can I at least see Tera?"


"Now that is something that I can allow." He stood up and gave me a curious look that made me blush.


"Why exactly did you seek us out?" he asked.


"Wierd things are happening in my town and I couldn't just stand by and let it happen!"


He gave a slight smile, 'Your so spirited.I'm absolutely honored."


Geesh was this guy cryptic.


Before I could ask what he meant he walked back around the desk and out the door leaving me wondering what the hell to do now.


As I contemplated this the door opened up and Tera came rushing in.I ran and hugged her, making sure that she was okay.


"Well we got where we wanted to go so what do we do now?" She asked.


"I don't think there is anything we can do.I just met Mikael and it doen't seem like they are letting us go anywhere any time soon." I responded.


"Zhara I am going to be honest right now.I don't think that these people are regular."


"Oh really what made you think that!?" I remarked sarcastically.


"Whose office is this any way?" Tera wondered.


"Mikaels' I think."


"Zhara! Why aren't we snooping around then!?" She ran around to the front of the desk and rifled through the papers but her fallen expression told me that she didn't find anything of importance.


"Tera do you really think Mikael would have left us in his office if there was something important that he didn't want us to know about in here!?"


"No I guess your right." She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed.


I got up and walked over to a bookcase that stood next to a large floor-to-ceiling window.I skimmed over the books names and my eyes

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