» Fantasy » FURIES, Shannon Burton [read any book TXT] 📗

Book online «FURIES, Shannon Burton [read any book TXT] 📗». Author Shannon Burton

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she whispered.


"Why I never.." I said in a southern twang.


"I never thought I would see the day that Tera Anne Rossetti was scared to talk to a guy!"


"Oh shut up." she said.


"You should get to know him he's a nice guy." I told her, but at the moment I thought he was a real asshole.


Tera grimaced and continued to sip her hot cocoa.Her face then lit with a smile that had me wanting to run for the hills.


"I would be more than happy to get to know Talon as long as you agree to get to know Damien." She laughed gleefully.  


She had me right where she wanted me and she knew it. I accepted her challenge and her eyes grew wide.


"Are you sure." She said skeptically.


I nodded but in my head I knew I was getting myself into trouble.I never could back down from a challenge.


We both feel asleep in my bed but around 3am the fire had died out so I got up to put more wood in.


As the fire crackled I looked out the glass door to the woods. The rain poured from the heavens and lightning flashed across the sky.It was eerily beautiful.


I sat down on the couch because I knew I was to keyed up to go to sleep. After what seemed like hours I fell asleep on the couch only to be waken up by Tera.


"Couldn't sleep?" She asked.


"Not very much." I sighed.


"Well we do need to get ready for school. We have a very long day ahead of us."


I knew she was talking about our bargain. It would indeed be a long day.


We started taking our showers and getting dressed. Since the rain looked like it would hold off for a while I decided to wear light denim skinnies, black ankle boots, and a Victoria secret jacket that showed a little of my midriff.


"I am begging you to wear your hair down, just this once." Tera begged.


I complied and ran to the bathroom to brush it out.I looked in the mirror and liked what I saw.My hair flowed over my shoulders and skimmed my waist.I decided to put on a little mascara and eyeliner to bring attention to my eyes. The effect was stunning. I walked back to the room and Teras' shocked expression told me all that I needed to know.A slow smile crept across her face and made her even more beautiful than she already was.


"I need some sugar! We should stop at Starbucks before school." I said.


Tera grabbed her bag and headed out the door ahead of me. I turned off all the lights and doused the fire. My bag was slung over the chair in the living room so I grabbed it on my way out. I caught up with Tera and I noticed she was wearing the top I had gotten her for her birthday last year.It was the exact shade of her blue eyes and it cinched at her waist.She paired it with black leggings and white ankle boots.Her hair was curled and she wore light make up.


"I don't know if I can do this Zhara!"


"Don't be so scared,geesh." I said as I slid into her car and buckled up.


She began driving the six blocks to Starbucks. We decided not to wait in the long drive thru line and went inside. The air was filled with the smell of fresh ground coffee and pastries. We stepped up to the counter and ordered two tall caramel frappucinos and 4 croissants.


As we waited for our order I had the feeling of being watched. I looked around and my eyes landed on a man sitting in the far left corner of the place.What unnerved me was the fact that his eyes did not waiver when I caught him staring.Something was seriously off about this man but I didn't have time to ponder it because Tera was pulling me towards the door.We ran back to the car before we were late to school. Finding a parking space turned out to be a whole lot easier than I thought it would be.


"Come on Tera we need to hurrrryy."I laughed as she tried her hardest to get out of her twisted seat belt.


"Screw you." She yelled back.


When she finally made it out we both ran for building 1. We made it a minute before Mr.Eli closed the door.


"Glad you could make it ladies now please find your seats."He said.


There were two open seats in the front and we panted our way to them.I had to push my hair over the back of my seat or else I would find myself sitting on it.It was a very uneventful first period. Damien was here today but thankfully he sat in the back of the room. The bell rang an hour later and Tera headed off to the library which left me with nothing to do. I didn't feel like going to the library so I decided to head out to the lake. The air was cool but not cold enough to send me back inside. There was some sun peeking through the clouds and that gave me hope. I don't know what I was hoping for but the feeling was there all the same.The woods were refreshing and held the smell of pine and rain.


I had always felt at home in nature. Every aspect of it fascinated me to no end.As I walked I had the feeling of being watched but when I turned around there was no one there. I began to walk faster but slowed once I reached the clearing.  I guess I was just tired from the lack of sleep. I sat down on a large rock near the lake and breathed in deeply. The sun glinted off the water and made it shimmer. I must have been more tired than I thought because soon I was falling fast asleep against the rock. I began to dream the same dream I have had since I was thirteen.Each and every time he pushed me off the cliff and told me to remember him.


Once the dream was over I opened my eyes to blinding light and remembered that I was at the lake. I took out my phone and saw that I only had 3 minutes to get to class. My bag sat on the ground next to me so I picked it up and ran. I made it to class with out a second to spare. Talon gave me a wide smile and beckoned me over.He had saved me a seat in back of Damien. Seeing that every other seat was taken I decided to just sit in the one Talon offered.I saw Damien visibly stiffen as I sunk into the chair.


"You wore your hair down.Its so long and pretty." Talon commented.He reached over and grabbed a piece of hair and sifted it through his fingers.Damien turned around and told us to be quiet because he was trying to learn.


"Don't be jealous Dame.I'm sure she would let you touch it if you asked nicely." Talon wiggled his eyebrows and laughed.


I felt myself blush at his words and the double innuendo.


"You still need to tell me the details of the party Talon." I quickly changed the subject.


"Yea right..Its actually tomorrow and it will start at 9pm." He explained.


"So its on Saturday? How many people will be there?


"There will be just a few people...nothing to big."


Damien gave a loud snort in front of us and it made me wonder how much of what Talon was telling me was the truth.I lifted an eyebrow at Talon but he was pretending that he was actually listening to Ms.Rayne.


I began to listen to Ms.Rayne when she brought up an essay that was due Monday. It was on the first two chapters of To Kill A Mockingbird.I had read the book many times so I tuned her out.The last 10 minutes of class my stomach growled viscously and I remembered that I had slept right through lunch.


"You sound hungry. Wanna grab a bite to eat after class." Talon whispered.


My head nodded of its own accord and Talon smiled broadly.


"Cool we'll pick you guys up from your locker."


That is when I realized that Damien would be coming and that he expected me to bring Tera. Boy was he sneaky!


The bell rang and I ran off to tell Tera what I had gotten us into. When I reached the second floor I was panting heavily and couldn't get a word out.


"Tera... did.. bad.. something."


She looked at me like I had officially lost it.


"Okay Zhara slow down and use your words." She laughed.


It was to late,Talon was striding down the hall towards us.


I watched as her smile slowly melted from her face.


"You ladies ready to go?" Talon asked.


"What does he mean are we ready to go." Tera said to me through clenched teeth.


"Well I was trying to tell you that Talon invited us out for something to eat after school but as you can see I didn't have enough time." I glared at Talon.


He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. The damn guy planned this out.


"Sooo are we still going to eat cause I'm starved." He grinned.


I let out a heavy sigh and gave Tera my cutest puppy eyes.


"Fine, fine I'll go, but we are so going to discuss this later Missy." She glared.


"Great. Now that we have that all cleared up can we please get going?" Talon butted in.


Tera is so gonna chew me out later. I put my books away in my locker and all three of us began heading down to the first floor. Damien met us at the buildings front door and we had brief introductions.


"Were going to take Teras' car so we will just follow behind you."


Talon gave a nod and followed his brother to their car. They had a beautiful black 2014 Tahoe.


"Why are you doing this to me?!"


I looked over the car roof to see Tera pouting up a storm.


"Look,we agreed that we would get to know them so what better way then to go out to eat with them?" I


"I don't know Zhara I really just don't think this is a good idea.But since you already agreed for the both of us.."


She is always so over dramatic.


"Come on they're waiting for us."


I hopped in and threw my bag in the back.


"Did you still want to go to the bonfire tomorrow or do you want to call it off? I quipped.


"Ugh we can still go. I'm just saying there is a reason people avoid them so maybe we should to." Tera pouted.


We followed the guys to The Burning Log.It was a cute diner that sat right in the middle of the town center. We found parking on the side of the street and followed the guys to the door. At the last second Talon and Damien stepped back and opened the door to allow us to go through. Tera and I looked at each other but didn't say anything. It was as if their gesture of courtesy had caught us both of guard.


When we got inside we had a blonde waitress with big boobs escort us. Sure she was pretty but she obviously didn't come with class.


"Well hello boys let me escort you to a seat." She said in a sultry voice.


"Actually we are here with guest so a table for four would be lovely." Talon said smoothly.


I looked back to see Damien with an irritated look on his face. For some reason his irritation with the waitress made me feel all warm inside.


"Of course, right this way." As she walked she shook her curves all over the place. To be perfectly honest I was embarrassed for her.


When we reached a booth in the far left corner of the room, the waitress took it up a notch and stood close to Damien's side of the chair.


"Can I get you anything to drink?"She said leaning in close.


Damien pulled out a hundred dollar bill and slid it to her.


"No you can't get us a drink but you can get us

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