» Fantasy » FURIES, Shannon Burton [read any book TXT] 📗

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always told you where it will end and where it will begin.Good luck Zhara.I know for sure that this journey only gets tougher from here."


I gave a nod and turned back to the house to get Luca.He had a room on the bottom left of the house so I went to his window.


There were thumps inside and I knew that someone had come for him.I slowly slid the window open and slithered inside.Someone was choking Luca against the wall and it looked like he was about to pass out.I pulled out my sai for the second time that night and slid it into the assailant.


He fell to the floor with a thud and Luca gasped for breath.


"We leave tonight." I said.


He rubbed his neck and nodded.


"Good.I'm getting sick of this place." He growled.


Luca moved silently in the dark and packed two small bags.One was filled with weapons and the other with clothes.


"I have an emergency car parked in the woods on the left side of the house." Luca explained.


"Cool, because I have a feeling we won't be able to make it out of the garage without a fight."


We both climbed out of the window and continued on to the left side of the house.We would be exposed when we started walking through the clearing but we didn't have a choice but to walk across.When we reached the clearing we could clearly see two silhouettes standing there.


"Looks like Ryan and Talera. Ryan isn't good with hand to hand combat and Talera has a weak punch." Luca explained.


He had helped train just about every warrior here so he knew their weaknesses and their strengths.Both Luca and I walked into the middle of the dark silent clearing and waited for their strike.Talera was the first to land a punch. I bounced back quickly from the hit and returned a solid punch to Taleras' jaw.Luca was right,her punch was weak and unsteady.I almost felt bad about killing her because it was such an unfair fight.Talera then pulled out a katana and swong it in an arc.I had just enough time to jump back and pull out my sai.


Talera swung the sword again and sliced my left thigh.It wasn't deep enough to disable me but it definitely stung like hell.I could hear Luca and Ryan fighting and from the grunts I knew that Luca was winning.


"How does it feel to know that we are going to kill that boyfriend of yours and there's nothing you can do to stop it." Talera taunted.


Her words pissed me off and I felt the shift take over.In seconds my eye sight became ten times clearer and I felt stronger.The sliver of silver in my eyes set off an eeire glow in the darkness and I watched as Talera froze.


"What the hell! How are you shifting? Your not Acaiden." Her voice was laced with disbelief.


While Talera was distracted I took the opportunity to rush her.My sai went through her heart and she gave a small gurgle before she collapsed to the ground.I looked to my right to see Luca snap Ryans neck.


"Come on.Someone probably heard the noises so we need to get out of Acadia as fast as possible."


We moved fast through the woods and came to the car in about ten minutes.It was a beautiful 1976 SS Camaro covered in leaves in branches.With my shifted eyes I could see that it was a silver metallic with black stripes.


"Nice car." I murmured.


"Thanks.It was a gift from Mikael." He laughed.


"Quick question, how are we getting the car out of the woods?" I questioned.


"I always keep a dirt path cleared just in case." He answered.


Luca started the engine and threw the car in reverse.We drove down a clear dirt path for twenty minutes before we made it to an asphalt road.


"Where exactly are we going?"


"To the coast.There is a cliff just off of Cape Falcon and it is where we had vacationed when my dad was alive.We always tried to go up there at least two times a year.I was thirteen years old the first time we went." I said in a daze.


Memories were starting to come back to me.I had blocked it out all my life thinking that it was a dream but it wasn't.That cliff is where I had first met Mikael.That was why it was so significant in my dreams.


"Hey are you alright?" Luca asked worriedly.


"Yea I'm fine." I sighed.


Everything in my life was finally coming full circle.Everything made since.Over the years my mind began to alter the dream but two things remained constant.Mikael and the cliff.When I looked out the window I could see that we were nearing the town that I had left months ago.


"Go down about six blocks and make a left and go another eight blocks." I instructed.


Luca silently did as he was told.He put the car in park across the street and I got out to see crime tape on the door of my house.The windows were boarded up and all of the lights were off.What in the hell happened here?


"I'm coming with you." Luca insisted.


I walked up the path to my house and kicked in the locked door.It was eerily silent and cold.Slowly, I made my way through the house and into the kitchen.Nothing seemed out of order and I continued down the hall and into my mothers room.Her room is why the house was boarded up like this.Faded blood spattered the walls and a dry circle of blood stained the mattress.There were scratches in the floor as if someone had scraped there nails across it.


"Who did this?" I gasped.


I ran out of the room and out of the house.Newpapers were piled up in the driveway and I ran to pick one up.I lifted up the top one to see it dated November 9th, 2013; three months after I had left.The front page story talked about a woman being brutally murdered in her own home.My moms face graced the front cover.I dropped to my knees and tried to cry but I couldn't and I cursed Rayon.They had killed my mom and I couldn't even feel anything but shock and anger.


"I am so sorry Zhara but we have to go." Luca said from somewhere behind me.


He was right.We couldn't stay here.This is the first place they would come to look for us so I dragged myself up from the ground and headed to the car with renewed determination.


"They killed her Luca." I whispered.


"I know and we will get revenge Zhara."


I nodded and looked out the window as we drove the four hundred miles to the coast.I would fight the hardest I have ever fought in my life.For the love I never got to have and for a mother that wasn't always there.















Chapter 9

When I opened my eyes the sun was shining brightly.I was terribly uncomfortable and I looked over to see Luca nearing exhaustion.


"Long night?" I asked.


"Long week is more like it.About thirty more minutes and we'll be there." He sighed.


"You should have woken me up.I woulda driven for a few of the hours."


"You have been through hell ever since you found out about Acaidens and Furies and after witnessing Rayons judgement I really think you deserve more sleep than me." He laughed.


"I'm not fragile Luca.Just because I am destined to have a horrible fuckin life doesn't mean that you can coddle me." I ground out.


"Way to bare the claws kitty." He laughed.


I rolled my eyes and stretched out my bunched muscles.It felt good to hear each bone snap into place and in seconds I was fully awake.Once I was through my eyes became drawn to the scenery outside of the car.Everything was so green.We were rounding a sharp corner of a mountain and some type of wire kept large chunks of dirt from falling into the roadway.Trees lined the sides of the narrow road and I looked through Lucas' window to see that there wasn't any railing.


"Are cars suppose to be up here?" I wondered aloud.


"Nope.About two miles back we passed a sign that said do not enter."


"And of course we are the dummies that chose to ignore it." I sighed.


"Stop talking for a second." Luca whispered.


I looked over to see him looking out of the rear view mirror so I did the same.Right in back of us was a huge black truck that obviously decided to not read the sign either.


"They aren't up here for the scenery are they?" I asked.


"Nope." Luca answered with a straight face.


I sat up and strapped on my seat belt and made sure no sharp objects were loose in the car.


"I really don't wanna get rammed but since it seems that we have no choice in the matter.." Luca trailed off.


I laughed at his frustration with the situation at hand.


"Ok they will probably ram us off this cliff coming up so we will go head first and then we will tumble.I'm gonna ease my foot off the gas so that way the impact isn't to hard.Once we stop we need to get out of the car and find cover in the forest."


I nodded along and listened intently to what he was saying; preparing myself for the coming onslaught.The truck behind us picked up speed as we slowed and just as Luca said we went over the cliff nose first.Luca had taken his foot completely off the gas and soon it was just the truck pushing us to the edge.


I closed my eyes and held on tight as the beautiful camaro bounced every which way down the hill.I was jostled around and was cut on the face and neck by shattered glass.I knew that I would be bruised and banged up by the time we stopped rolling but at least I wouldn't be dead.The camaro finally came to a stop and wrapped around the trunk of a tree.My head slammed into the dashboard but I pushed myself to stay awake.Blood dripped down my face but I didn't feel any broken bones.I was laying at an awkward angle and I looked around to see that we had landed on the right side of the car.I looked over to see Luca stirring.


"Luca, come on, we gotta get out of here."


He let out a heavy sigh and opened his eyes slowly.He had cuts and soon to be bruises on his face, arms, and neck but nothing life threatening.


"Now that we survived that, lets move on to more important matters." He joked.


I gave a snort and unbuckled my seat belt.Even in the most dire circumstances he could joke and it made me realize exactly why him and Mikael were like brothers.


"Your going to have to climb out your window and pull me through once your out." I explained.


He looked around to see that I was right.


"But your so damn heavy." He laughed.


"Fuck you and get out." I growled.


He began pulling himself through the window.Glass shards broke around him and fell on me in the process but in no time we were both standing outside of the totaled car.


"This really fuckin hurts.I loved that car.It was my baaaby!" Luca cried.


After a few seconds he got himself together and said his good byes to his beloved camaro ss.


"Ok lets grab all of the stuff from the back and lets get walking." He murmured.


We began walking to the trunk of the car and I noticed that Luca was limping."


"Your leg ok?" I asked.


"Yea.I think one of

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