» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

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looking for this?”
“How did you get it, Shenara?” Grand Magus growled.
“Damian gave it to her.” Sabrina scowled. “Hand it over, Dominionite!”
Shenara only laughed. “I no longer listen to you, traitor!” She cried, hiding the Crystal back in her pocket. “I do what I wish to who I wish.”
“You will listen to her, or you will die, Shenara.” Kitten’s Claw supplied.
“Hand it over, now!” The Protector was at attention.
All Shenara did was laugh. It sounded a lot like her mother’s cackle.
That gave Sabrina an idea. Using her Dark Magic, she focused her attention on Shenara’s eyes, to touch the Dominionite’s soul. Shenara, Sabrina crooned to her mind, smiling.
“Stop that!” Shenara spat, red eyes on her former Maiden leader. “Your parlor tricks no longer work, Sabrina.”
Sabrina kept her malicious smile. “You will obey, Dominionite.” Sabrina commanded hoarsely, keeping her eyes on Shenara’s. “Be as stone within thy own mind, your body frozen in space and time. Your magic is in my control, so you will obey, or lose your soul.”
Shenara’s red eyes turned hollow and black, the Dominionite was indeed frozen where she stood. “What is your command, Mistress Maiden?” A hollow, emotionless voice from her mouth supplied.
Sabrina had her in her control, just as she used to when she was the Dominionite Maiden who used Dark Magic to control her Armies. “Show me the Black-as-Night Crystal.”
The Protector was surprised when the Dominionite obeyed. Kitten’s Claw was silent, watching the scene and waiting for the right moment to attack. The Grand Magus was interested in how Sabrina was weaving the Dark Magic to suit her.
“Now.” Sabrina continued. “You will surrender it to the Grand Magus or I will tell the Realms who you really are.”
A spark in Shenara’s eyes showed the effect of Sabrina’s words hit home. “Who am I, Mistress Maiden?”
“You are the daughter of the Master Orthos and the Dominionite Gloriana.” Sabrina supplied, whispering in her ear.
Shenara pulled back, shocked at the news as she broke out of the spell and came back to her senses. “You lie!”
“Think about it, Shenara.” Sabrina taunted. “Why would I lie of such a thing?” She smiled while Shenara thought of her words. “Now, give the Crystal to the Grand Magus.”
The two stared at one another for a moment before Shenara broke eye contact. She nodded, heading to the Grand Magus.
The Grand Magus froze, curious of what was going on. She watched Shenara’s every move, her magic at the ready.
Shenara leaned over to whisper in her ear. “I have a present for you, Grand Magus. Open your hand.”
Grand Magus warily opened her palm so Shenara could drop the Black-as-Night Crystal into it. Shenara pulled away, placing a finger to her lips and winking before she disappeared. The Grand Magus herself was confused, but quickly shoved it into her pocket.
In her mind, she smiled. She would figure it out later, so she could control it. Outside, she looked at her colleagues. “Let’s go, before she returns with any more surprises.”

Blood-bound Grand Magus

In the Outer Realm, Chikité “Red Wolf” Moondancer took his Near-Bondmate to see the Leader of all Dweller-kin, Ramon Martiya. He told Celine to shift to her Immortal form, which was a young Immortal female with black hair and golden eyes. He shifted to his own Dweller-kin form.
He found Ramon talking with his kin-brother Daniel.
“May we have a word with you, Ramon?” Chikité asked timidly, bowing his head.
Ramon turned to see him there, with Celine beside him. “Sulheya and Greetings, Young Chikité Moondancer. I see you have brought your Bondmate with you.”
“Only because Young Guardian bid it.” Chikité supplied.
Ramon was interested. “Very well then, nephew. Tell us all.”
Once Chikité told him what was going on, Ramon wasn’t impressed.
The red in Ramon’s eyes seemed to glow and a low growl escaped his throat. It was enough to make Celine shiver. Chikité sensed her fear and took her hand.
“Kateea, Chikité.” Ramon supplied in Wolf-Speak with a nod. “Thank you. Will you Hunt for him with us?”
Chikité looked to Celine when she clung to him. “If it is all right, Ramon, I wish to return to my own world.”
Ramon thought about it for a moment. The red in Ramon’s eyes dissipated and returned to their usual dark-black. He looked back to his nephew and smiled. “Very well, you may go. I will tell the Countess and Young Guardian myself when our Hunt is over.”
Chikité Moondancer and his Bondmate smiled. “Thank you, Ramon.”
Chikité took Celine’s hand, grasped the Dream Locket and disappeared.


Aluna Star flew in her Grand Magus form to the Dragon Nations. She went over her conversation with Lord Guardian and the Mistress Enchantra in her mind many times. She knew she had to speak to the Countess Dracora, and find out what was going on with her sister.
If I am to take her place while she Heals, I have to know what’s going on, right? She asked herself. How did Ariana get herself involved with the Countess, or even the Dragon Nations for that matter? Sure, Lord Guardian and Enchantra told me about the Mortallan War, how she got there and all that, but what exactly happened between them?
The Grand Magus had to stop at the border of the Dragon Nations and the Realm of Dreams. There was a wall made of fire, and a magical boundary that stopped those outside of the border from going in. She descended and reached to touch it, only for her hands to be singed for the trouble.
Grand Magus used her healing magic to completely heal herself. With a smile, she looked up. To her surprise, a golden dragon-male swooped down to meet her.
“Kaetaa young lady.” The dragon greeted, placing a fist to his heart and quickly nodding. “May I be of some assistance?”
“I’m looking for the Countess.” Grand Magus supplied. “Can you help me find her?”
The dragon nodded. “My name is General Trenor. You would not happen to be Young Guardian’s sister, would you?”
The Grand Magus was taken aback. “Yes, I am. How did you know?”
Trenor grinned. “The Countess is expecting you.” He winked. “Follow me.”
With that, he took flight. Though confused, she followed suit.
When they arrived, the Grand Magus was urged to bow to the Throne. Dracora stood, waiting and smiling.
So this is Adarra? The Countess asked Trenor in their mind. He nodded and she cleared her throat to speak. “Welcome to Monarch’s Glen, Grand Magus Adarra. I have been expecting you.”
“You have?” Grand Magus replied.
“Aye.” The Countess remarked. “I am Dracora, Countess of the Dragon Nations. What can I do for you?”
“I’ve come asking about my sister, Young Guardian.” Grand Magus replied. “She’s in a healing coma now after fighting the Stalker named Balor. Lord Guardian and the Mistress Enchantra told me a little about how you Fed from her during the Mortallan War.”
“That is correct; I did Feed from her, but as I told them, I also replenished her.” Dracora responded and paused. She stared at the Grand Magus with a grin. “You may rise.”
After Grand Magus obeyed, Dracora kept her grin. “Is it true your name is Adarra?”
“That is my Pagan name, yes.” Grand Magus was nervous. “Given to me by Red Shawl herself.”
“Ah, yes, Darlene ‘Red Shawl Starchaser’ Bennington.” Grand Magus nodded and the Countess went on. “High Priestess of the Magick of the Blue Moon Coven in the Outer Realm?”
“Yes, but what does my name have to do with my sister?” Grand Magus returned to the subject before the Countess could loom off of it. “By feeding on her, you changed her.”
The Countess did nothing but smile. “That may have been, but I assure you that was not my original intention.”
“Was it your intention to change her blood and attitude?” Grand Magus asked roughly.
“If you wish to know, Adarramena, my original intention was merely to Feed.” Dracora announced with a frown. “I Hungered during the Mortallan War, and since your Duo-Sita was the only one available at the time, I took advantage and Fed.”
The Grand Magus stared in shock, frightened, yet confused by the name Dracora had used. “That means; you’re not only Draconian but Dweller-kin.”
“Where do you think the Dwellers came from, child?” Dracora asked. “They are my Draconian people, only Earthbound.”
Grand Magus’ gaze was distant. Dracora tried to read what was on the girl’s mind, but her head only ached.
“What is on your mind, Adarramena?” Dracora asked softly.
There was that name again, Grand Magus thought. “My sister. Whatever you did, it changed her.” Grand Magus responded softly. “It made her more powerful during the War of the Realms.” She finally looked up at the Countess with a look of longing in her eyes. “Can you do that to me, too?”
Dracora’s hard exterior softened. She stepped down from her Throne to meet the woman’s eyes. She saw the same thing in the Grand Magus that she saw in Young Guardian years ago. This woman was the twin sister to the Dragon Nations’ lost Empress. The main question was apparent. Was she ready to know who she really was?
“Child, I cannot be the one to Bond you to me.” Dracora said softly. “I see in your eyes and heart who would best suit you. You have already met the Watcher-kin Firestorm and his mate Emerald. Seek them and you will find what you are searching for.”
“No need to search for us,” A female voice came from behind them.
Both looked up to see the very Watcher-kin and Jewel Elder-kin they were talking about.
It was Emerald who spoke. Once she had their attention, she quickly placed a fist to her heart and nodded in respect before continuing. “My Countess, we are already here.”
Dracora smiled. “There.” She said to Grand Magus. “Do you remember Emerald?”
Grand Magus nodded absently. “Hello.”
As Emerald and Firestorm walked up to them, Dracora sent them the mental message. What a coincidence? What brings you here?
We will explain later. Emerald nodded with a grin. There are more important matters to tend to, aye?
Dracora nodded. “I have duties of my own I must return to.” She supplied. “I trust she will be in good hands?”
“Aye, Countess.” Firestorm said quietly, which was unlike him. “Come with us, Grand Magus.”
“Will it hurt?” Grand Magus asked Firestorm as Emerald wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“We will not harm you, if it is your will to be Turned.”
“She will not be turned, Firestorm.” Emerald chided her mate. “Not without Lord Guardian’s permission.”
“Just Blood-bound then?” Firestorm pressed.
Emerald nodded, turning back to the Grand Magus. “May we call you by your Pagan name?”
“’Adarra’? Sure.” Grand Magus supplied, her attention now directed to the
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