» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

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and his three brothers were forced from the ranks of the Djinn High Councils because Orthos was a selfish evil entity.”
Now Young Guardian’s eyes widened. “You don’t mean?”
Dracora nodded. “Oh, but I do.” She said. “Now do you see why you both are involved? Balor is seeking retribution for you killing the Stalker Leader, and he will do anything in his power as a Stalker-Draconian to get it. Even if it means destroying himself in the process.”
“He probably will do that in the long run.” Young Guardian said.
“I do not understand, Countess.” Cyrix spoke up. “How is he a Stalker and a Dragon Clan Guardian?”
“Once he was cast out of the Clan, he met up with many Stalkers that gave him sanctuary.” Dracora supplied. “He exchanged blood with each of them, making himself a Stalker as well.”
Young Guardian nodded. “Has he been his true-form since then?”
“That I could not tell you.” Dracora said.
“So he believes himself pure Stalker then?” Cyrix asked.
Dracora nodded. “That he does.”
“Than if he was cast out by the Clan, and has not returned to true-form since, he would most likely not even know who or what he was originally.” Cyrix said with a low growl. “That knowledge equates to danger.” He bowed to her. “We must let those in our Realms know, Countess. If you are done with us?”
Dracora nodded again. “I am. Spread the word, you two. Be on the alert for Balor and his Stalker troops. Do not think they will give up without a fight.”
“I have no intention of thinking that, Shylee.” Young Guardian supplied. “For now, we’ll take our leave. Cyrix?”
“Right, Young Guardian.”
“Visit soon, both of you.” Countess remarked. “And often.”
Young Guardian and Cyrix nodded. “Will do, Countess.”

Story #4:
Balor the Stalker-Draconian

On their journey back through the Gates to the Dream Realm, Cyrix noticed how pale Young Guardian really looked.
“Are you feeling okay, Young Guardian?”
She looked at him, and he could sense something different about her. He could feel the very presence of the Countess, but it was an old sense to it. Like the Countess’s very blood ran through her veins and she didn’t realize it.
“I will be, Cyrix.” Young Guardian announced, nodding. “Once this whole War thing is over.”
“The War of the Realms is already over, is it not?”
“Officially, yes, but I believe it has only begun.” Young Guardian turned from his eyes and took out her Dragon Dagger, playing with the stone in it.
“A dagger of the Dragon Nations, I take it?” Cyrix asked.
Young Guardian smiled. “Yeah. Shylee gave it to me a long time ago.” She supplied, and traced her finger down the short blade. “She used it to bind us together in blood.” She shook her head, putting it back in its sheath. “She used the Dweller equivalent of the Ancient Mystic’s Forgetfulness Spell on me. Only it was a coercion thing.”
“The Dwellers are renowned for their powers of coercion.” Cyrix grinned, and she smiled back.
“I’ve noticed.”
“Are you sure you are okay, Young Guardian?” Cyrix looked closer at her. “You look pale.”
“I already said I would be.” She snapped.
The red glow in her eyes was unmistakable. The red glow of the Dweller-kin blood-lust, only weakened. Cyrix blamed the Countess and her Binding the two of them together.
“I was only showing concern for you, my Young Guardian.” Cyrix marched on.
She ignored him, following in his strides.
He could still sense something wrong with her, but he didn’t want to disrespect her. She was his Young Guardian, a Dream Realm Crusader and Lord Guardian’s successor. He couldn’t just speak his mind around her. What if she reacted the same as the Merchant or the Master?
His thoughts were broken when he smelled something on the winds. He stopped in his tracks, covering Young Guardian with an arm as he prepared to defend her.
“Cyrix, what?”
“Stalker.” Cyrix told her simply. “Only, a dragon as well.”
“Do you think it could be Balor?”
Cyrix turned to her eyes. “It very well could be.”
Young Guardian nodded and stepped beside him. “Did you want to tell him we know he’s here, or should I?”
Cyrix could see the hate in her eyes. “By all means, you outrank me, Young Guardian. Be my guest.”
Young Guardian stepped in front of him and fell into a fighting stance, powerful short-sword at the ready position. “Come out whoever you are, Stalker! The Young Guardian demands it!”
Out of the shadows of mist walked a man with hollow blank eyes, decaying fangs, stringy black hair held in a horse’s tail and a look on his face that made most shiver to glance at.
Young Guardian posed, ready for action.
“You are the infamous Young Guardian?” The Stalker laughed, showing receding gums and a blood-red throat. He sauntered closer to them. “Indeed, only a young Ancient Mystic child.”
Cyrix wasn’t stupid. He stood his guard as well, in his own stance, just waiting for the Stalker to attack, or try to attack. He wasn’t about to let him hurt or even touch Young Guardian while he was around.
The Stalker saw him move. “I remember you, Dominionite.” He remarked with a sneer. “One of Orthos’ cronies, going by the name of Cyrix?”
Cyrix used his magic to conjure a longbow in his hands. “What of it, Stalker?” He growled. “Who are you?”
The Stalker placed a hand to his chest and bowed his head, saying. “I am Balor, protégé to the great Stalker leader Crucis.”
“I destroyed Crucis in the War, did you know that?” Young Guardian growled.
Balor nodded, smiling a vicious smile. His eyes turned darker than they already were.
“You think you’re scary?” Young Guardian laughed wickedly. “I assure you. You are nothing I can’t handle.”
The only movements either Young Guardian or Cyrix saw from Balor was the raised arms before he made his split-second attack.
Laughing, Young Guardian just stepped out of the way, just as fast. She pretended to yawn. She chuckled to herself, shaking her head. “Come on, Balor, you can do better than that!”
Cyrix’s eyes widened. What the hell was that? Did she just use stealth? One of the trademark moves of a Dweller-kin? He wondered to himself.
The movements and motions of both Young Guardian and Balor went so fast, Cyrix couldn’t catch up. Nor could he get a good look at Balor in order to freeze him. All Cyrix could do was stand there with his longbow at the ready. He really wanted to do something while they were fighting in lightning speed, but he couldn’t get a word or movement in edgewise.
Whatever is going on with her, I hope she can handle him alone. May the Countess’s blood help her with this Stalker-Dragon.
Young Guardian’s scream brought him out of his thought-trance. Cyrix raced to her side, where Balor was Feeding on her. It only took a second for the Stalker to back off.
“What the?” Balor was shocked and confused, wiping his mouth and staring at the blood on his sleeve. “How? Impossible! You’re Ancient Mystic!”
Cyrix held the longbow to Balor’s chest, red eyes glowing with the Dragon Magic. “Either you leave us now or I destroy you where you stand, Stalker.”
Balor backed off, still stunned by what he supposedly saw or tasted in her blood. As quickly as he’d come, Balor was gone, and Cyrix went to Young Guardian.
She was holding an open wound on her chest closed with a thick piece of cloth, and she was weeping. “Why couldn’t I destroy him?” The question was a whispered sob. “How could I have opened myself up like that?”
“It was not your fault. He is a lost soul, even in the Dweller-kin Clans.” Cyrix knelt down to her, placing a hand on hers to stop the bleeding. “Do you trust me?”
She looked up, battered and bruised, clothes covered in blood and tears in her eyes. After looking in his eyes, which he made sure to she saw trust in, she nodded.
“Remove your hand.” He instructed. She did so. “Now relax and let me heal you.”
With a sigh, she nodded. “Yes, Cyrix.”
He placed his free hand on the first one and closed his eyes. He chanted in an Ancient Tongue still foreign even to his lips, making it glow.
To Young Guardian, who just stared while he worked, the spot he was healing was warm and didn’t hurt anymore. She looked up at him and met his eyes when they opened.
Cyrix winked, making her smile.
He helped her to stand, but found it wasn’t an easy feat with the many bruises peppering her legs and upper arms. She winced.
“That’s it.” Cyrix supplied, stepping back. “You can barely stand, so I will have to help you.”
Young Guardian was confused, holding her bruised right arm as she stared at him. “Cyrix?”
Cyrix closed his eyes and concentrated on the Dragon Magic again. This time, to change back to his original dragon form. Young Guardian was amazed, stepping to him and placing a hand on one of his massive wings.
“I ask this again, Young Guardian.” Cyrix growled. “Do you trust me?”
Young Guardian felt the scales on one of his wings and felt the magic in them. “Yes, Cyrix. I trust you.”
Cyrix nodded. “Climb on my back, then. I will take you anywhere you wish.”
Once she climbed aboard, he had to ask. “You have not rested since the War, have you?”
She didn’t answer. He could feel her slump into a pocket of flesh and bone between his shoulder blades.
Weakened from the many scratches and the bite made by Balor, she could only moan softly. “Take me to Stargazer Castle.”
“As you wish, Young Guardian.” He announced, taking flight.
When they arrived, he touched ground in front of the Castle itself. Lady Katherine Hawk-Stargazer herself screamed when she saw them. That scream brought her Canine beau Sire Wolf, his knight Sir Red Wolf and Page Ronan BrownPatches to their sides.
Wolf and Red Wolf helped Young Guardian off of Cyrix’s back. Ronan stood silent, unsure of what to make of the scene.
“Page, go for the Protector.” Katherine commanded, taking charge.
“Aye, Lady Katherine.” Ronan saluted, leaving them.
As soon as he was gone, Katherine asked. “What happened to her?”
Cyrix changed back to his fire-demon form and explained to the three of them what happened while the group went inside. Red Wolf and Wolf set her bruised form on a blanket of pillows. Katherine sat beside her.
“Heal her, Katherine.” Cyrix said softly.
Katherine nodded, preparing her Healing Magic to use on Young Guardian.
Though weak, Young Guardian saw Red Wolf standing aside with Wolf. “You’re not going to like me, Sire, but I need your knight and his Page to head to my Realm and warn Ramon of Balor.”
“Why? Is this particular Stalker a threat?” Wolf asked.
“It would seem when
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