» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

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be broken and re-forged again. Why would being a newly-Bound Couple do that to them?”
“And yourself, don’t forget.” Dracora supplied. “It is in their blood now. The very Dweller-kin bindings of love and magic.”
Young Guardian was confused. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Dracora walked to her and told her. “Do you remember what you told me about your Blood-Pact to the twins? And how it made you feel different?”
Young Guardian nodded.
“Well, they felt the same way. Something was different in their bloodstreams.” Dracora supplied. “That was the Ancient Mystic Magic they got from you. Now, Airmed has done something else to his bloodstream. The very current is changing in him, as it is in her, at last.”
“I still don’t know what you mean, Countess.” Airmed spoke up, followed by the Unicorn. “What current is changing in us?”
“Can I answer her, Dracora?” Young Guardian asked.
“By all means, should you know the answer, tell her.” Dracora smiled.
“Your blood is changing you, Airmed.” Young Guardian supplied. “Changing who you are, who you were, and who you will be. Your powers are changing, you are changing, and it’s all because of your blood. You call yourself a Watcher-kin Sun-Dancer. Well, you’re right. You are. And Unicorn, I’ll add you in this because it’s the same for you as well. You were Blood-Pacted with Amethyst and me. Both you twins felt my powers in your blood.”
“As you see, Younglings, it all boils down to blood.” Dracora supplied.
Young Guardian could see her smile at the words, and she smiled in return. Thank you for that, Shylee. I needed it.
Dracora nodded. Anytime, Blood-sister Ariana. Anytime.
“So what do we do now?” Amethyst had to ask.
Dracora beckoned them to join her. “Now, we perform the kin-Clan Bonding Ceremony for our newly-Bound couple.”


The Fire-Starter and Amethyst’s Earthy Protector Scott Archer was lost in the Dream Realm, searching for Amethyst. He knew she was somewhere; he just had to look. He checked the Feline Village but Page-Prince Tiger White-Snow shook his head and told him he hadn’t seen her.
“What about Young Guardian?” Scott asked. “Doesn’t she make her rounds here? Or the Unicorn and Airmed? Isn’t the Unicorn a good friend of your father’s?”
“I am sorry, Fire-Starter, but no.” Tiger supplied. “I have not seen them, nor have I seen anyone but my troop for the past week. Why not check the Canine Valley? Young Guardian usually stops there on her rounds, to see what Lady-Aunt Katherine is up to.”
Scott nodded and disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.
On his end, Tiger White-Snow began to worry for his Elder Crusader friends. He coughed, shaking his head. “Darn Fire-Starter.” He whispered, turning and going back to his duties for his father, Sire Tobias.

Once Scott reappeared, it was in front of a group of Young Companions in practice gear. Not knowing what to say, he cleared his throat and nervously waved. He heard a chuckle from behind him and turned to see none other than the Sire of the Canine Valley himself, Wolfton Stargazer.
“Fire-Starter!” Wolf laughed. “What brings you here?”
Red Wolf and Celine were with him, hand in hand. That surprised Scott, but he kept his silence. Not far behind them was the Fire-demon lover of Sabrina’s, Cyrix. Cyrix just smiled at the sight of Scott.
“Have you seen Young Guardian, Amethyst, Airmed and the Unicorn?” Scott asked. “They’re not in our Realm, and I’m worried for Amethyst.”
The Stargazers shook their heads.
“Sorry, Fire-Starter.” Celine said, and then looked to Red Wolf, whose usually serious face smiled. “Red? What do you know?”
Red Wolf squeezed her hand. “Go to the Dragon Nations, Fire-Starter. You will find them there.”
“Do you know where it is?” Cyrix asked him.
“Aye, I do, but I believe it best for me to stay here with the Companions.” Red Wolf supplied, then in a teasing voice, asked. “You know, do you not?”
Cyrix laughed. “Aye, that I do.” He supplied. “Come with me, Fire-Starter. I will show you to the Dragon Nations.”
On that, they both disappeared.
“How would you know about the Dragon Nations, Red Wolf Moondancer?” Celine asked, crossing her arms. “And how would he?”
Red Wolf teased Celine’s nose. “Newly-bound Couples always seek the Countess.” He explained. “And did you not notice what Cyrix is? He is a Dragon, and originally from there.”
Wolf just shook his head at them both. “I swear; if you two were any more syrupy, it would be sickening.”
“Silence you.” Red Wolf looked up with a laugh. He nodded to the troop that was practicing nearby. “We have work to do.”
Wolf sighed. “Aye that we do.”

Cyrix led Scott through the Realm-gate to the Dragon Nations.
“So, how do you know of this place, Cyrix?” Scott asked, suspicious.
“Easy.” Cyrix shrugged. “I am not what I say I am.”
“To you, I am a lower-level Fire-demon, correct?” Cyrix asked him as they walked.
“Well, yeah.” Scott supplied. “What? You’re not?”
Cyrix shook his head. “I am, in fact, a dragon.”
“You look human to me.”
Cyrix laughed. “It is merely to fool. It is a long story.”
“Well, we do have a long walk ahead of us, don’t we?” Scott asked, then smiled. “Or can you sprout wings and fly?”
“Hmm, good idea.” Cyrix announced, stopping in his tracks. “Stand back. It has been a long time since I was in my own true-form.”
Scott obeyed.
Cyrix only hoped he remembered how to shift, for it had been generations since he knew how or even what his true dragon-form was. He just knew how to use the Dragon Magic to fool the Master’s son, the Merchant, who had been leading the Warrior Army against the so-called “evil” Ancient Mystics. Before he met up with Lady Katherine, Cyrix was a young dragonlet who had seen his Clan killed before his eyes, barely getting away with his life and a long scratch on his side. Knowing he had to have his revenge on whoever killed his Clan when the Dominion Barrier was erected, Cyrix used some powerful Dragon Magic to shift to demon form. Since then, his attentions were solely on having his revenge against the Master. He hadn’t planned on falling in love with the Master’s daughter Sabrina along the way.
Cyrix closed his red eyes and took a deep breath, preparing himself for the change. He began to feel the change rising within his body. Ancient, creaking movements as the mighty wings start now, to unfurl. He remembered bits and pieces of his dragon days, and loved the feeling of being so ancient and alive! To see him, Cyrix was a large red dragon with dark pearl eyes that glowed. He extended wings that hadn’t been used for years.
Scott gasped, impressed.
Cyrix raised his scaly neck and blew fire out of his nose, laughing a hearty dragon-sounding laugh. He lowered his neck and told him. “Grab hold, Fire-Starter. Wrap your arms and legs around my neck and hold on tight! To the Countess Dracora’s Castle!”
Scott climbed onto Cyrix’s long muscled neck and settled himself onto his massive shoulder blades. Cyrix took flight with a jerk that made Scott’s grip tighten, as if holding on for dear life.
“You know, Fire-Starter,” Cyrix began. “I have taken a shine to you.”
“Huh?” Scott supplied, stupefied by the statement. “What do you mean?”
“Your ability is what allowed you to stay in the Dream Realm without your young friends.” Cyrix said. “You are called the Fire-Starter in this Realm. Do you have a name in yours?”
“Scott Archer.”
Cyrix laughed. “Archer, is it? Are you any good at archery?”
“I would like to think so, yes.” Scott announced. “I won many competitions and can shoot at any target. I even used my Dream Realm bow in the recent war.”
“Have you used your power with your bow yet?”
Scott shook his head. “Not yet. How would I do it?”
Cyrix laughed again. “I can teach you, Fire-Archer.”
The new name sent a shock through Scott’s system.
“I like that.” He grinned. “Yeah, I’ll be the Fire-Archer. Not only is it a part of my name, it’s my favorite hobby, and my power!”
“You will learn, Young One.” Cyrix laughed, and so did the Fire-Archer. “I will definitely teach you!”
Scott was excited and whooped. “Thank you, Cyrix!”
“You are welcome, Fire-Archer.” Cyrix breathed fire in the air, showing off.


Back with the Countess, hidden in the Chambers of Monarch's Glen Castle, hands were clasped, raised to the ceiling and eyes were closed. The Unicorn, Airmed, Amethyst, Young Guardian and Dracora chanted, raising a different kind of power either Earthbound had ever experienced before. They stood around the bonfire, chanting.
“We raise our hands, our hearts, our voices, to call upon the Ancients.” Dracora started. “Bring us the Guides on our paths and bless this newly-bound Dweller-kin couple with love, magic and life eternal. Dweller-kin Ancients, hear us.”
“Ancient Mystic Ancients, hear us.” Young Guardian supplied after her.
“Lords and Ladies of the Witches, hear us.” Amethyst continued.
“Bless our binding with love.” Airmed said.
“Bless our binding with magic.” The Unicorn replied.
“Bless their binding with life eternal.” Dracora finished. “The Ancient Dweller-kin Watcher called Shylee Stargazer asks of you.”
“The Earthbound Ancient Mystic Young Guardian called Ariana Moon asks of you.” Young Guardian announced.
“The Earthbound Ancient Mystic called Amethyst Schmidt asks of you.” Amethyst supplied.
“The Earthbound Ancient Mystic Unicorn called Aaron Schmidt asks of you.” The Unicorn said.
“The Dweller Watcher-kin Sun-Dancer called Sierra Airmed Starchaser Gregory asks of you.” Airmed supplied. “Bring us the knowledge, the magic, the strength and the courage to live as a newly-Bound Dweller-kin couple.”
“So mote it be!” The rest echoed after her.
“Bring us hope and love, from the Havens above.” the Unicorn said.
“So mote it be!” They echoed.
“Bring this couple what they need on their path.” Young Guardian said.
“So mote it be!” The rest chorused.
The group lowered their clasped hands.
“We thank you for your Guidance and Blessings.” Dracora announced. “We send you home with peace and love.”
“So mote it be!” The entire group cried, letting go of each other’s hands and opening their eyes.
There was a lone echo of wonder from behind them.
“So mote it be.” It was Scott, with Cyrix beside him in his demon form.
Dracora smiled. “Pleasure to see you again, Dragonlet.”
“And you as well, Countess.” Cyrix bowed. “The pleasure is mine, Lady Countess.”
“Oh, stop.” Dracora laughed. “It is good you stopped by. We were just finishing the Bonding Ceremony.” She saw a stunned silent Scott Archer beside him and acknowledged him. “You must be Amethyst’s Earthly Protector.”
Scott nodded. “That I am, Countess.” He said, bowing his head in respect. “My name is Scott Archer,” he looked to Cyrix,
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