» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

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Red Wolf supplied sadly. “She would not survive it.”
Katherine and Wolf gasped.
“I cannot see her hurt in any way.” Red Wolf continued. “Nor can I stand to watch her die without following in her tread.”
“Red, I –” Wolf whispered. “I am sorry. I did not know.” He was speechless. “She would die if you Bonded her to you now?”
“Aye.” Red Wolf supplied.
“The bond between you is there, but not in Dweller terms, right?” Katherine had to ask. Amazed, Red Wolf nodded. “I can sense it.” She turned back to Wolf. “Make up with him, husband. We have work to do, and you both have to talk to her about this. She was made his Page, so they will be spending a lot of time together. And your new Pages need to know their duties, so Red will tell them what needs to be done.”
They heard a cough from across the room. “If I may be so bold, Lady Katherine?” It was Cyrix. Celine was with him, in battle fatigues.
As soon as Celine saw Red Wolf, she gasped and hesitated, unsure of what to do.
Katherine saw this and asked. “Well? Are we finished here?”
Wolf nodded. Red Wolf smiled, nodding.
Katherine looked back at her daughter and smiled. “Go ahead, Celine.”
Celine’s eyes widened. She ran to hug Red Wolf.
“Do you not see the love they have for each other, Sire?” Katherine asked with a smile.
Cyrix grinned as well, enjoying the scene.
“Oh, I believe I do now.” Wolf grinned at Red Wolf, outstretching his hand.
When the couple parted, Red Wolf met it.
“From now on, you are my Heart-Brother.” Wolf announced. “As you should have been from the start.”
Katherine took the chance to hug her husband and kiss his snout. “Oh, Wolf!”
Red Wolf, Celine and Cyrix laughed.
“Now, Katherine, not in front of them...” Wolf teased, back to his old self around Red Wolf for the first time since the War ended. He winked at his new Heart-Brother. “You will embarrass me.”
“Precisely.” Katherine touched his nose with a claw. “Now go teach your new Pages what to do, you three.” They left the Chambers. She noticed Cyrix still standing there. “Cyrix? What is it? What is wrong?”
Cyrix dared to come closer. “Seeing them together just now got me thinking, Lady Katherine.”
“Come now, call me Katherine.” She waved at him with a smile. “We have known each other since the Wars for Power. When not acting our titles, I insist you call me Katherine, or Kat.”
“That is what I wanted to talk to you about, Katherine.” Cyrix supplied. “Are we alone? Any listeners?”
“You remembered that about me, have you?” Katherine grinned. She realized he wasn’t smiling back and closed her eyes. He was serious. After a moment, she reopened them.
“Well?” Cyrix asked. She shook her head and he went on. “Good. I have been thinking a lot since I got my freedom from the Master.”
She gestured for him to sit. He did, and continued.
“Do you remember back before the Wars started?” Cyrix asked her. “Before the Master killed Lord Guardian? Before the Young Companions were taken from their homes to be Warriors for the Merchant’s army?”
“Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?”
“I am getting to it, Kat.” Cyrix smiled. “Do you remember a young dragonlet looking for revenge against the Master?”
“Now that I think about it, yes.” Katherine said, puzzled. “I remember meeting him in the Perilous Forest. A young dragonlet barely old enough to fly. He said the Master killed his family when the barrier between the Dominion and the Province was erected. The power from it just destroyed them, but he got away with nary a scar.” She thought for a moment, and felt her chest, losing herself in a trance. “The only scar I saw, and somehow healed, was on his side. It was a gash made from destructive magic.”
She looked at him. “I led him to the site where Damian was assembling his small army of drones. I told him –.”
“‘There is the son of the beast who killed your family. Swear your revenge upon him, for you would only meet the same fate in the Master’s hands.’” Cyrix spoke up softly.
Katherine realized who Cyrix was now. Not just another of Damian’s Warriors, but a Draconian that had never been fooled by her cousin’s minions. “You were that dragonlet, were you not?”
“I was named Kra’tath, of the Fire Dragon Clan of Guardians.” Cyrix supplied with a grin. “I just blocked myself from the Merchant’s spells using my Dragon Magic. He never knew the difference.”
“Did you ever have your revenge?” Katherine asked him softly.
He nodded. “When Young Guardian destroyed the Master, I was released from it. The payment had been made and my life could go on.” He supplied. “Though, I do admit I always had a mind of my own. I used my energies to aid the Merchant and the Warrior Army, acting like a good little Dominionite until I knew more about the Master.”
“Yet you followed him to the Unknown.”
Cyrix shook his head. “Nay, I followed the woman I fell in love with.”
Katherine grinned. “Sabrina.” She said. “What about your revenge?”
“I stayed a silent Dominionite, only pretending to fail when the Merchant would threaten me. Since I was a Draconian and not a Dominionite at all, he had no power over me.” Cyrix supplied. “I ever followed Sabrina, watching out for her. She made D’Kora her slave while I was her bodyguard and favorite spy. Once the Crusades came and went, she forgot about me, but never did I once forget about her.”
He looked to his lap and fiddled with a ring that was on a string around his neck.
“Cyrix, tell me.” Katherine said softly, placing a hand on his leg. She could sense nothing from him using Empathy, but she could tell something else was on his mind.
“Have you forgiven her for what she has done to you in your youth?” Cyrix looked up and asked. “I believe, in order to forgive herself, she must be forgiven by others. Especially you, Katherine. You are the only family she has left.”
“Her mother is in the Grey Area with Lord Max and their daughter Tempest.” Katherine told him. “But aye, I understand what you are saying.”
“Than you know what to do?” Cyrix added. Katherine nodded. “Go talk to her, Kat. She worries you do not care about her because of the kit-pups. She claims neither of you need her around, except to teach her the good Ancient Mystic Magic. Please, Kat, ease her mind so I can have the loving, caring woman I fell in love with.”
Katherine smiled. “You have strange taste in women, Cyrix.” She remarked. “I have already spoken to her, when she first came here. She is still confused in her feelings about herself. I will leave up to you what to do about your relationship. May I express my opinion in the matter?”
“Certainly, Lady.”
“You make a lovely couple.” Katherine kissed his cheek. “Once she gets over this pet she’s in, you will compliment each other nicely. Welcome to the family, Cyrix.”
Cyrix stood up, bowed, and left.

Dweller-kin Bonding

Young Guardian led a confused and angry Amethyst thru the Dragon Nations' grounds to the Castle ahead.
Once the guard there saw the determined look in her eyes, he bowed his head and knelt.
“Where is Shylee?” Young Guardian demanded.
The Guard only answered in her mind. She is tutoring a newly-Bonded couple, Young Guardian.
“Would it happen to be the Unicorn and his mate Airmed Starchaser?”
The Guard nodded.
“Show me.”
The Guard rose and gestured for them to follow.
I remember you from the recent War of the Realms, Young Guardian. He supplied in his mind to her. As soon as I saw the Dragon Dagger in your belt, I knew you were my blood-sister as well.
What is your name, then, for you to call me blood-sister? Young Guardian asked back in her mind as they followed him.
His mind-voice had a playful lilt to it, and a warm smile. I am Kunzite, Youngest Jewel Elder-kin Dweller. Shylee is also my Blood-sister, thanks to her blood-brother Shem. Since you are blood-bound to her, you are my blood-sister as well.
Do you know why she would keep the Dweller secret hidden in my mind with a spell?
You were still young in your own Ancient Mystic Magic when you first met her, helping her with Lord King Yorn. You could not have understood, or even handled such knowledge.
“You don’t know how right you are, blood-brother.” She sighed aloud.
“Ariana, what is going on?” Amethyst decided to take the chance to speak up. “Where is he taking us?”
“To Dracora.” Young Guardian supplied.
“Than who is Shylee?”
“Same Dweller.” She supplied. “Shylee Starchaser is her Earthbound name.”
Amethyst shook her head. “You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, Young Guardian.”
“In time, as it comes back to me, I will.” Young Guardian answered.
Kunzite continued to lead them to the underground chambers of the castle before leaving them at the base of a stairwell. Amethyst grabbed a candle from the wall and saw what was in front of them.
A dead end.
“Uh, Ariana?” Amethyst supplied, confused.
She watched in silence as Young Guardian grabbed her dragonhead-hilted dagger and traced a doorway on the stone wall. The outline glowed, and Amethyst was amazed. Before she could comment on it, she saw Young Guardian smile.
“It’s all coming back to me.” Young Guardian said with a grin, admiring her Gateway Spell when she stepped back.
Amethyst could only stare in wonder and confusion.
Young Guardian placed her hand to the glowing outline of the ‘door’ so her hand glowed as well. The door inched itself open with a weary stone-on-sand sound. Once it was open enough for them to creep through, they did.
Young Guardian saw Countess at an indoor bonfire ahead of her. Where the smoke was going, only Dracora knew. The Countess Dracora was hand-in-hand with the very two people she and Amethyst had come searching for.
Dracora looked up. “Young Guardian, do join us.”
She nodded, saying. “Countess, this is Amethyst, the Unicorn’s twin sister. She and her Earthly Protector have been worried about them.”
Dracora unclasped her hands from Airmed and the Unicorn’s.
“That is quite understandable.” Dracora went on. “For now, do you wish to join in on their Ceremony?”
“He is my brother.” Amethyst supplied softly.
“Not you Amethyst Theresa.” Dracora supplied, nodding to her. “I meant Young Guardian. Though, since you are his sister, I would welcome you to our circle. Be prepared for any Magic along your twin-bond and the blood-pact.”
Young Guardian fingered the onyx stones on her Dragon Dagger, frowning. “I have reason to believe those bonds will
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