» Fantasy » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗

Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [kiss me liar novel english .TXT] 📗». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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/> To the Grand Magus, Sabrina's pure laughter was good to hear. It meant her cousin was slowly gaining self-confidence. That alone was a big step.
Once they saw the Shady Kingdom Castle gates, they shifted back into their mortal forms. They found Queen Jezebel and Princess Tempest sword fighting, a Siamese Companion referee watching on the sidelines.
Grand Magus took Sabrina aside and hid them both from view. They waited until the referee called out of bounds on the Queen before bringing herself and Sabrina out into the open.
"Bravo Princess!" Grand Magus clapped, nodding to them both. "My Queen."
"Aye Mother. That was a very stunning practice." Sabrina hugged Tempest. "To you as well, my daughter. I am very proud of you."
Tempest blushed. "Thank you, Sabrina."
Sabrina winked at her, smiling. "Anytime, darling Princess."
"She learns quickly, Sabrina." Jezebel replied, smiling. "Just like somebody else I know."
Sabrina reddened and Grand Magus caught it.
Let's get this over with, cousin. She sent to Grand Magus, nudging her.
Grand Magus cleared her throat. She pulled the Crystal out of her pocket.
Jezebel gasped and Tempest stared at it in awe.
"Queen Mother," Tempest and Sabrina's voices echoed, only the Princess ended with, "What's that? It is pretty."
Without taking her eyes off the Crystal, Queen Jezebel barked. "To your quarters, Tempest. Now."
"GO!" The Queen yelled. "Reiko, take her."
Tempest looked to Sabrina, who met her eyes and bowed.
Once the Princess was gone, Jezebel looked at them, frowning. "Why have you brought this back to me? Now, of all times?"
"My apologies, my Queen, but what's going on now?" Grand Magus asked, curious.
"Nothing." Jezebel huffed. "Forget I said it. Focus on what you came for. The Crystal?"
"The Crystal. Right." Grand Magus said. She looked to Sabrina. "Your turn."
Sabrina nodded. "Damian opened a portal to the Abyss over the River of Regret." She started. "I saw its return in my vision and searched for the one person I knew who could help me. The Grand Magus."
Jezebel looked to the Grand Magus. "How did you get it in the Outer Realm?"
Grand Magus shrugged. "It was all too easy and suspicious to me. Shenara just gave it to me. No fight, no fuss. Nothing."
"That is suspicious." Queen Jezebel eyed her daughter. "Why do I have the feeling you had something to do with this?"
Sabrina held her hands up. "It is okay, Queen Mother." She said. "I tricked Shenara into giving it to her with no trouble or fighting."
"How?" Jezebel's voice softly demanded.
Sabrina looked to her feet. "I used Dark Magic, and told her of her parentage. I threatened to tell the entire Realm if she did not give it to us."
"Did it control you, or you of it?" Jezebel asked.
Sabrina took a breath and stood at attention. "I have full control over both Ancient Mystic and Dark Magics."
Jezebel nodded. "Very good, daughter." She turned her attention to the Grand Magus, who was also still standing at attention. "Now that you had it, what did you do with it?"
"I took it with me to my Realm." Grand Magus told her. "I've been researching its powers since."
The Queen's mouth thinned. "What have you learned in your studies?"
"For one, it's a valuable part of the Dream Realm's Sphere. Two, it seeks to destroy where there is love, and last, its magic is ancient and powerful." Grand Magus explained. "I found I had the ability to astral project. I went in that form to visit Young Guardian, then the Bennington's."
"Red Shawl Starchaser." Jezebel whispered. Her mouth stayed thin. "I suppose you want me to grant you more time with it in order to research and practice its Ancient powers?"
"If you would, please." Grand Magus wasn't heard.
"Or find out what the Ancient pictographs mean, and place new protective spells to keep it safe in All the Realms of All the Worlds?"
Grand Magus nodded.
"What makes you think it does not have any on it now?" Jezebel asked.
"I know it doesn't, Queen Jezebel." Grand Magus grinned. "I carry it from Realm to Realm with me. I'm learning its powers and secrets. I'm also keeping it away from my Earthbound family, so nobody gets hurt."
Jezebel shook her head. "You still do not know what you are messing with." She sighed. "That Crystal, if put with the Dominionite Crystal segments and the Elemental Jewels in O'Dell's Castle, form the Dream Realm’s Sphere. Together, only us Originators could contain the Ancient powers within."
Grand Magus stared at the Crystal, grinning. "Ancient powers, huh?" She grasped it from the air before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.
Mother and daughter stared at the spot, then each other.
"Why would you give her that kind of information, Mother?" Sabrina asked. "You know how she is with magic!"
Jezebel kept her grin. "Keep an eye on her, daughter. Make sure she does not delve too deep into its dark secrets."
Sabrina nodded. "Aye, Queen Mother." She turned to leave, but was stopped.
She turned to her mother's smile, and waited.
"Welcome home, sweetheart."
Sabrina grinned and her face reddened. "Thank you, Mother."


Grand Magus was in front of Lord Guardian's Castle in moments. With a grin of her own, she made it to the Hall where the Elemental Jewels were kept under strong and ancient spells.
The first thing she did was look to her staff, and the crystal ball that was atop it. After getting rid of the ball, she reached her hand out and used telekinesis to raise the bubble of glass that protected the Elemental Jewels. Knowing she could, she helped herself to them. She reached for the physical gems themselves.
The emerald green jewel, which stood for the Unicorn Magic and the power of the Earth, glowed bright as it met her hand.
"What's so good about the Unicorn Magic, anyway?" She mumbled to herself. "All it does is get you in trouble." Placing it at the head of her staff, she said. "Oh well, next victim."
Next, she retrieved the blue sapphire jewel, power of water and Mermagic. Third, polar opposite to the sapphire was a yellow topaz, which had the power over air and Gargoyle Magic. The three jewels now hovered over her staff.
The two that were missing were the violet amethyst jewel, which had the power over spirit and Companion Magic and her favorite, the red ruby. The Ruby had the power over fire, was polar twin to the emerald and wild with Dragon Magic.
She held the Ruby in her hands and thought. Could this be why I'm so much darker with my Magic than Ariana? Is it because we're polar opposites? Is that also why I was so eager to be Firestorm's blood-Bound Sister? For the rush of power I felt when he did the Bonding?
She shrugged her shoulders, placing the Ruby with the other three atop her staff.
In her Grand Magus robes and carrying her staff, she set out for the other Evil-type crystal to bring the Dream Realm's Sphere together at last.
Satisfied with her finds, she went to the Underground Caves to a secret place she knew the Dominionite Crystal segments would be.
Years ago, the Dominionite Crystal, in its five segments and used by Sabrina, was the power and almost destruction of the Crusader team and their Companion friends. Now, however, the Grand Magus needed it to do what Jezebel said it would. She wanted it to complete the Dream Realm Sphere, using it to pay back every sacrifice Young Guardian has made over the years. By wielding the Sphere's awesome powers, it was her way of saying she wanted out of her shadow of being the Young Guardian's twin sister. She always wanted her own identity, and now, with the Sphere, she could do it.
Just as she topped the fifth and final segment of the Dominionite Crystal in her hand, she heard a voice behind her.
"What are you planning, cousin?" It was Damian and he was smiling.
Grand Magus turned after placing all but one piece of the Sphere atop her Staff in her Crystal Ball's place. "A business that is none of yours."
"Cute," Damian chuckled. "Now tell me the truth. You love the tempting pull of the Dark Magic's power." He shrugged. "Almost as much as you love that pathetic mate of yours, Shadow."
"Save the guilt game for someone who cares." Grand Magus barked, conjuring a fireball in her palm. "Unless you like your soul barbecued, I suggest you leave."
Damian could only laugh. "This is rich, Aluna. You taunting me?" He danced around her. "Classic!"
When she got the shot, she stretched out her arm, throwing him an invisible punch that forced him back-first into the nearest tree. Using the other hand, she played with the fireball. "How soon we forget?" She started, aiming for the spot over his head, a warning shot. "No one calls me Aluna, you got that?" Energy coursed through her body and the outstretched hand, squeezing his neck from afar.
"Choking me is not going to solve anything." Damian replied hoarsely.
"True, but it makes me feel better." Grand Magus crooked her head and fired the fireball shot.
One sweep of her hand and the hold on his neck is released.
Damian smiled.
"What are you smiling about?" Grand Magus smirked.
"The rush of Dark Magic." Damian said. "Do you not love it? Feel it coursing through your very skin down to your soul?" He took a deep breath and let it out. "Ah, the thrilling pulse of the darkest of Dark Magic." He whispered in her ear. "Does it not feel great? So free and satisfying, is it not? Did you know?"
"Yes, Damian, I knew. I knew the Dark Magic was amplified by the Dominionite Crystal segments." Grand Magus crossed her arms. "Learned that a long time ago, thanks to you."
"Ever known the full feeling of using Dark Magic, Grand Magus?"
"Yes, and I don't care to 'learn' anymore from you, cousin." Grand Magus supplied. She conjured another fireball. "I suggest you leave, before I toast you."
Damian stepped back and raised his hands in surrender. "Fine, but I leave you with a warning. Be careful with your darkest thoughts and feelings around that Crystal."
With that, he was gone.
"Oh, I'll be careful, cousin." Grand Magus sneered under her breath. She knocked her staff on the floor before disappearing to one of the many Realms in All the Worlds in a thick cloud of indigo smoke.
Though she felt the rush, she didn't see her eyes turning deep, dark red.

Story: #3:
An Ancient's Spell

Derrick Reading, known in the Realm of Dreams as the Protector and Young Guardian's consort, was peeved. Not at his love, but her twin and his best friend the Grand Magus.
There had been plenty of times she'd disappeared from their patrols and he'd had to go at them alone. In both Realms, she acted strange and quiet, locking herself up in her study with that stupid Crystal.
That's not what angered him the most. What had was he'd been working in overdrive since Ariana went into a healing spell. Between being a detective on the Ray County Police force, a father of four, stepfather of one and Protector-husband to a beautiful perfect woman, he was running ragged.
Even the horse beneath him sighed.
"What bothers you, Protector?" The Companion stallion Sunlord, nicknamed Sunny, asked.
They were on the familiar trails, alone again. Grand Magus had been gone for a while, leaving the Protector and Sunlord to fight demons and Dominionites, children's fears and nightmares.
The Protector sighed.
"Are you okay, M'Lord Protector?" The Stallion asked, worried.
He held the reins that had no bit. Companion horses were
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